


Xander released a sigh at the new title he received after his interaction with Miu "I swear, this system is doing it on purpose"

[If you get a title, you earned it Boss] Scarlet spoke between giggles

"Yeah yeah" Xander rolled his eyes at his personal assistant

After talking for a while about school life, preferences, clubs hobbies etc. Miu left to check the acrobats club while Xander chose to visit the ID while he waited for her.

Xander was planning to follow her to Ryozanpaku, since he couldn't find it online, or in the Tokyo maps.

Xander can't leave his drawings in the IDs but he can leave them outside, while he was in one. So he left a Ghost to watch the school gate while he 'trained'.

It was an hour later that Miu exited the school building. The Ghost informed Xander and so, while the Ghost followed Miu in the real world, Xander followed from the Zombie ID, because it posed zero threat to him.

That is when something Xander forgot about happened. Three gangsters were surrounding Miu as she shielded an old man. The old man seems to have been pushed to the ground and is struggling to get up.

"The strong does whatever they want, it's the rules of society…" the gangster spoke as he sneered at Miu

Xander tuned him out and thought about what he should do in this case.

Xander exited the ID and turned the corner ahead to come face to face with a big black car parked in the middle of the road, to the side of it were the three gangsters.

"Hey, is this your car?" Xander called to the gangsters

"Huh?" the guy closest to Miu turned to Xander "so what if it is?"

"You can't park here, you're blocking the road" Xander answered, not a single trace of fear, anger or anything but a mild annoyance was present

The gangster trio paused for a moment before the same guy sighed "what is with this day?" he then turned to Xander "go away kid, and I won't tear your arms off and shove it up your ass" the gangster spoke as he took out a long knife

"Are you threatening me?" Xander asked, but his voice was colder than it should be for anyone his age

The thug felt a tinge of nervousness, of fear 'what is going on, I can't be scared of a kid' "so what if I am? This is your fina…"

The thug couldn't continue as his hand was broken and the knife that was in it was lodged in his leg. Xander then looked at the two other thugs "move and you will join him" Xander pointed at the thug on the ground wailing about his hand and leg

Xander then proceeded to flip the thugs' car on its side so that it wasn't blocking the road anymore.

Miu in all this had her eyes wide. The shear speed of Xander's movement is outstanding; add his strength and he's a master class at least. Then she noticed something, his movement is too crude. It's like using a missile like a cannonball, absolutely a waste.

"Are you ok?" Xander asked

Shaking herself from her thoughts Miu asked "would you like to come to my place?"

It took Xander a moment for his brain to reboot as the meaning of her words was interpreted correctly "Sure"


*That weekend*

Xander was standing in front of the gates of the legendary Ryozanpaku. Miu had given him the directions to it, but the map she drew was so bad, Xander still had the ghost follow her to it.

Xander knocked on the door and waited. When nothing happened he pushed the door open and entered the Dojo only to be met with the old man and the master of the Ryozanpaku and Miu's grandfather Hayato Furinji.

"What brings you to our Ryozanpaku young man?" the old man spoke

Xander could feel the Ki just oozing from the man. Anyone not strong enough will feel a pressure and nausea from just being near him.

"My name is Kenichi Shirahama" Xander introduced himself as with a bow "I came here based on Miu's recommendation"

The old man smiled "so you're the man Miu spoke about, come along" he then turned and started walking towards the main building.

Xander followed in silence as the sound of impact and chains reverberated in the air. When they made a turn, Xander saw a Giant of a man wearing gloves and wailing on a punching bag like it killed his mother.

Xander didn't say anything and continued following the old man, who introduced the giant as Apachai Hopachai a Thai man

Xander then passed by a room where he saw a Young woman, she was wearing a really short purple kimono and had a sword strapped to her back. She was in the middle of the room with several blades surrounding her.

In an instant she drew the sword at her back and cut all blades surrounding her with a single fluid motion like they were made of paper.

"What Business do you have with me?" she asked, but Xander didn't reply. He knew she wasn't talking to him

She stabbed her sword into the floor casing a short man in Chinese clothing and hat to jump out "Nothing, just passing by" the man responded

"And what pictures did you take with that camera?" she asked as she held her blade to his neck

The man had visible sweat droplets on his forehead "just the scenery" he spoke as he ran

The young woman threw several shuriken at him which the man caught, he then ran out the door and past Xander.

When Xander looked back at the woman, he saw a shuriken heading towards him. with his skill in [weapon throwing] being at High, Xander easily caught the deadly piece of metal heading for his head.

Xander noticed the woman looking at him with her usual bored expression. He smiled and threw the shuriken back at her, and then walked away as he was sure she caught it.

The old man was smiling as he witnessed the whole thing. Though he said nothing and continued towards the main dojo.

Then it was a karate master, who punched holes into the floor mats then an aikido master who was throwing around statues.

When Xander and the old man finally got to the Main Building, they had seen all the dojo masters already.

"Please have a seat" the old man gestured to Kenichi

Kenichi sat down and soon, the others came as well. The old Man started introducing everyone then.

Dan 100 in karate, Shio Sakaki

The top Mui Tai fighter, Apachai Hopachai

Master in all forms of Kung Fu, Kensei Ma

The Aikido Philosopher, Akisame Koetsuji

Mistress of all weaponry, Kosaka Shigure

And the strongest Superman, Hayato Furenji

"That is all" the Old man concluded the introductions "Miu told us your case is special?"

"Yup" Xander said "I have a really strong body, and perfect control, I just don't want to learn from someone who is weaker than me"

"Ho, would you mind if I check your muscle structure?" asked Akisame

"Go ahead" Xander shrugged and stood up

Akisame came to his side and started pinching his arms and then his stomach, back, waist and so on "this is outstanding, how old are you Kenichi?" he asked


"Unbelievable. If I'm not mistaken, you have the body of a Master, no, a grand master even��� Akisame said, causing everyone to at least widen their eyes

"Are you serious Akisame?" asked Sakaki, when Akisame nodded he turned to Xander "who trained you, kid?"

Xander shook his head "I never trained with anyone, only by myself, I made sure to train strength speed and flexibility, as well as balance and senses" Xander said, trying to cover his gamer body skill for as long as possible "I also trained my Ki to a certain extent"

The masters' eyes bugged out, they landed gold "well, do you want to learn from us?" the old man asked

Xander nodded "you guys seem strong just by your Ki alone, I'm in" he finished with a smile


"Name here, address here…" Kensei was guiding Xander on his signing up form, which was delivered by Miu, who was wearing her tight spandex outfit.

Gotta love it.

"That'll be 2000 yen" Kensei announced after Xander finished signing the contract

Xander looked at him weirdly.

"1000 yen" Kensei tried again



"Wait, wait, stop" Xander stopped Kensei "I am rich, I have a lot of free time, so how about a deal" Xander asked, drawing the attention of everyone in the room

"What kind of deal?" Kensei asked

"I will pay you 100K yen a month, to learn everything" Xander proposed

Everyone's eyes bugged out, that's the entirety of the food expenses of Apachai right there… just Apachai

"And I'll double it if you teach me none martial arts matters" Xander continued

"None martial arts?" Akisame asked

"Like your art" Xander said, surprising the man "I am also an artist, though of a different genre"

A thoughtful look appeared on Akisame's face, then a look of surprise and recognition "you're the man of culture"

Xander instinctively winced. He never imagined it would get as big as it did, or that his name would be attached to it "How did you know?"

"Miu is a fan of yours. We also enjoy reading Naruto" Akisame gestured to the surprised group

"You're Kenichi?" Miu asked as Xander used Kenichi as his pen name

"I thought I told you that the day you got me my book back" Xander smirked teasingly

Miu puffed her cheeks with a slight blush gracing her cheeks "that's not the same and you know it"

Xander laughed as the masters' eyes glinted watching the scene. Oh they are going to have fun… until they felt the surge of the Ki of a certain Legendary Master

Then they thought it was going to be fun indeed.

Sorry for the delay

I went ahead and read the entire manga…

All of the 583 chapter’s available…

I need a life  ̄へ ̄


Silver_Callcreators' thoughts