
X-Monky Apocalipsis X-Primate

WPC #302 (20) X-Monky Apocalips X-Primate, is a fusion of two stories, we will go from a released pandemic environment (Covid 19) to an apocalyptic moment with Monkeypox, an emerging zoonotic infection, which when it spreads to humans makes them zombies with different lethality sequela for the variants: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron. Reference Novels: - Prays X-Human: https://www.webnovel.com/book/prays-x-human_19156423206617005 - DarkMan: https://www.webnovel.com/book/darkman_19459519205380705 - BitLove: https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105 Follow: GO HOME (WPC#304) https://www.webnovel.com/book/go-home-at-pace-turtle_23822104806738905 I hope you enjoy this second part of both stories... Thanks for Sharing, Voting and Reviews and Comments of Chapters and Paragraphs. And if you like the characters and their characterized stories, there are a series of illustrations of all the novels on the Instagram account: @genxprays. Discord: #9340 Fanpage: facebook.com/genxprays WhatsApp Business: +51 933 123 278 Patreon / PayPal: genxconectados

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16 Chs

Chap6. The Merchant X-Traddad

What humanity consumes the most in the mind of a farmer from the mountains: it is the precious potato. What a merchant on the coast sells the most is: it is the precious potato. Which required the XH-Prays. To be fed from now on: it is the precious potato. He met him, on the way to the faith of overcoming the disease of the world. It was one of those nights of supernatural contact. She saw him peer into the Prays altar, which he improvised, in a temporary room that resembled a village market stall. It was a more natural vision than the previous ones and what the Creator showed him; it would be a mission to gain the ability to benefit from the gift through the desire to help others. Inside, a voice whispered: Bierny. Go to him. look for him; he has sure answers! Together with Bierny, who acted as Sheep Shepherd and as men at the same time. Beside Bierny, he saw a tough guy, but weakened from thinking about the uncertain present. -I heard him say: The hours of the day were no longer enough to complete the payments; and it had to facilitate more business opportunities. -The informal premises and the new warehouse to be rented must provide an economic solution to this prolonged post-pandemic crisis - Merchant X-Traddad said himself. Suddenly the XH-Prays. She watched him walk to the sink and curl up and disappear. In another context, Bierny who had been practicing; other of his gifts, he met the character of the vision Merchant X-Traddad. He had asked for help with a political appointment for the elections in October 2022. The request was limited to a few months and the work should be for the next five years onwards – Bierny stressed, to consolidate with a strong handshake the agreement. The missionary political strategy arose instantly and was written on tablets as the principle dictates. It was called: Free Peru. –Mentioned Bierny to Trader X-Traddad. How the political reason of the party? –Asked Trader X-Traddad. Indeed: But: What if you don't know who you are? Bierny asserted: How can you know the need of an entire province? To this end, each letter of this strategy has an objective if you can understand it, all the people who join along the way can understand it. – Bierny finished clarifying. Thank you! This comforts me a lot. Please come with me to party meetings. Trader X-Traddad begged. No problem, but without any commitment to others. My evangelizing mission is with you and the mission with your political project. -Bierny confirmed: The fasts and vigils, which I am considering on the agenda for your desire, need focus, prioritize resources and measure each step; For what is most significant, it advances and will give us victory in the end. The XH-Prays Warrior; he had heard of the evolutionary legend Prays, whose leader was Bierny transmigrated from an evolved Prays. He generated a world movement to help humans get out of the pandemic problem and it was achieved; thanks to multiple factors. And for the union of the kingdoms. We saw this plant-human-animal novelty, in the BitLove novel version. I should meet him for the next quarter. –The XH-Prays Warrior said to himself. So far in plant-to-human migration; but I don't know how to do it for human-animal. Having one or two gifts may be the signs to look for this generational improvement. If Bierny, as a guide of our generations, has achieved it, he will know how to instill and lead me to this purpose. The challenge of adapting to the environment outside the water already began, by consuming the coca leaves, and the gift of supernatural vision came, which allowed me to open a Prays portal. multiverses. Being in one, two and even three different universes. Makes the task easier to do. Exit the Bay of Paracas towards Nazca, transmigrated into human. Tell yourself is the impulse for all entrepreneurship. -The Warrior XH-Prays spoke, loudly.

To listen to oneself and feel the strength provided by having a connection with the Spirit of the Creator, which gave a certain authority over created things. High above, a star began to vary its brilliance in a high, low light… as if announcing a starting point, then it moved slowly towards the destination indicated in the vision. It was the providential way that the Creator used to direct his creatures; to whom he grants gifts for a mission of safeguarding his creation, the earth and its inhabitants; be these plants, animals or humans. It seemed a state of emotions towards Bethlehem. A shooting star that ran to the rhythm of XH-Prays life. Then –Said: Bierny-: To Merchant X-Traddad. Who appointed you to be Regidor? It was an X-T Driver. –Answered Merchant X-Traddad. He is the one who has experience driving a trimotor, one of those three-wheeled mobiles that simulate a car; they are low cost but strong in marginal urban areas. –Merchant X-Traddad clarified. You know that a province is made up of several districts –Dio Bierny, the unusual premise with certain objectives, which should become tasks of political convergence. I don't understand, the X-TDriver is well known in urban passenger transport networks. From the entire urban area and adjoining towns. –Tried, Trader X-Traddad. Have a way out of your little understanding of the scope of being geo-socially broad and not limited to a single place of origin; rather, it had to contextualize other realities and make them converge for the purposes they had set out to achieve. In four to five years –Bierny projected-: You would have to complete the task, whether this is a negative or positive situation, the election. The fasts will give an answer of the validity of your designation. This party has a foundation that is not very pleasant in the minds of the population. With this mixture of businessmen, educators... and hundreds of demagogues on duty; even so, the past cannot be hidden as with a finger; the sun of the facts burns even the consciences. How much do you know about the truth? –Focused Bierny, a very productive conversation, it was important that the aforementioned Merchant X-Traddad, understand the need to have gifts of wisdom or revelation about future things and more the gift of discernment of spirits about the traps than the political store puts, arranges and presents right and left. And the truth came out. Few months later. None of all those designated a priori, ended up being selected for the electoral contest. Deception after disappointment. Spending over disgust. What difference does it make? It's time to continue with the strategy! Bierny suggested: By having new contacts, you have better prospects. Let's consult the Creator. We have been on this bustle for ten months now and there is still a long way to go. The excuse arrived. Merchant X-Traddad's wife suddenly weakened to the point that a doctor diagnosed her with intrauterine cancer, those pesky ovarian cysts. Say no more or give room to the enemy. You have to silence those contrary voices that tarnish your achievements. Raising his voice with a lot of character, Bierny continued with the harangue. Let's recap: You've made it out of being unproductive. You have managed to get new clients. You have achieved the rent you wanted. You have achieved new and better financing. They used to steal your sacks of potatoes, your mobility was impaired, you got sick more than once. That same day they moved to the home of Trader X-Traddad. The mention to go was ten months ago, the political aid proposal was four months ago, two months ago it came to the door of the house. Bierny recalled. Now a man –said Merchant X-Traddad. 

Wouldn't you want that reality for your life and for yours? Or if? Bierny asked once more. What's up man! –Said, Merchant X-Traddad. God save us from such a fate. The wait was like descending to the height of purgatory and hell itself. But the X-TDriver came to collect and after strong presentations we entered. She still wasn't there. When a man is dishonest with himself, he allows a certain freedom among his own, things that loosen a bit of authority and the man must beg for caresses, respect and drive away visitors by himself. Who knows if angels of the Creator visit you today? Bierny began with a song in cumbia rhythm, something to break the ice of that home, and give time to the spiritual survey that allows creating an environment for the presence of the Creator in his omnipotence and Omnipresence. Was necessary. For the gift of healing to be present and free from this dire state. The Creator rebukes every word contrary to your one life: abundant, fruitful and victorious over creation and over everything you undertake, alone, with your family and for your community. Then we treat the book of prophecy, and mention eternal truths with authority. Bierny said: Seeing that the wife did not show up at the meeting, which was the reason for the meeting. Bierny, at the end of the dissertation and believing that he had sown faith, and willingness to serve and seeing credulous looks full of hope. I pray and ask, time to pray with a devotional and inspiring entrance song to worship the supernatural presence of the Creator. Thus it began with the notes of: From the deep to you I cry, a psalm of spiritual level one hundred and thirty. Necessary power was opportune in these matters to cry out for health. And as soon as the first stanza of the new song sounded. Trader X-Traddad's baby. Which supposedly the wife is putting to sleep. Who still does not speak, much less walk, since he is among his first years of life. God an answer to the call and attracted attention in a heartbeat of his mother and there were the two most loved beings in the universe. The wife for Trader X-Traddad. She is like the satellite Moon of her projects and her children are like stars that light up her days in power to achieve the impossible. And God performed the miracle with a phrase given at the precise time of believing to live a grateful eternity: -Your body is the temple of the Spirit of the Creator, -said Bierny, to the wife of Merchant X-Traddad. I understand –Said the wife of Merchant X-Traddad-: With a sublime respect and reverence for spiritual things. Can't afford to be touched! By other hands, other than your husband the Trader X-Traddad. He proclaimed, Bierny: "Not much less to be opened that body by any instrument." So be it! All those present said in unison. The supernatural happened. And the joy of the miracle continues to work for months. Praised be the divine Creator and his Messengers and Disciples; who serve, love and bless your presence.