
Chap5. The Path of the Social Tithe.

Every year, they are seen returning on the day of family horror, to the same place… many of which have already drastically changed, although there are places that could never change, what they did to them. The voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground! It is the divine echo, which pronounces itself in each memory. In a never ending! You can reassemble or build a tower, fix a bridge, a mine, a road... but never an extinguished life. The Peruvian settler is a skillful huaquero, and he likes to negotiate his history with the highest bidder. They are like archaeologists of their own communities. Allow present yet fleeting wealth. You see the Retaflor girl before, continuing to clean the blood on the memorable stones, in certain years she chose to join them as if she wanted to join the body in a single thing. A body after a severe explosion is not a puzzle that a sane being would like to put together and if they went in a group, the confusion is more than painful. Fed up, united the few that were left, they achieved it, or rather the reason is different today: they changed weapons for political discourse and fire demagogic bullets, and democracy dies and the people are saved from their daily routine, and the day without goals to shout, without works to inaugurate, the promises, bonuses and equitable sharing with those who won the electoral contest. Now I understand why I did not manage to be a state teacher, why is that title given another use? Without social professional character; and with a renegade intellectual profile the world did not change; and as always those who lost were the family members who were left alive, those who died no longer count; nor in lucid memory. In the multiverse of the monkeys, in the universe of the howler monkeys, something had to change their millennial routine. Those who fled to the mountains did not carry books in their hands, nor seeds in their backpacks… they carried blood on their hands, signs of mass hysteria, and the most perfidious horror. And the confrontation ensued. As in an epic battle for the independence of a nation. The howling of the monkeys opened the "social" deafness to these hordes of human evil. The bloody event was inevitable. There was only one step and the animal sense of both groups made them ideal for slaughter. Pass or die being captured, booked, persecuted, publicized... singled out. The worst won, due to their preparation for wars without quarter, without country, without flag... despite the victory: their heroes did not immolate themselves, on the contrary, the victors bowed their heads before the Dantesque scene of animal holocaust; silently they moved on. Until they found other people; whose psychedelic minds due to the injected chemistry and the greenness of their profits made them prosperous, fearsome and much more bloodthirsty than the previous ones, they exchanged indescribable gestures of their deeds, then there was a new reason to live the same hell or purgatory of their troubles, guilt and what other vile penalties. The hardship that a jungle dweller had to live doubled and created new challenges. The vilest, in the long run, was to smear new bricks with white gold and build a castle. Divide et vinces, divide ut imperes, divide ut regnes. Divide and rule or divide to rule. It was the slogan of the new criminal compound. Every time the left scatters; comes back with greater force and sweeps.

Teaching is synonymous with decency in the mind of the exiled faite. -Bierny outlined a thought, every time he transmigrated to an XPrays-: It is unfair that crime in Peru is directed from prisons, having crabs and ministers so inefficient that they could direct it by themselves. You can learn so much and practice better. Have bigger challenges and achieve everything up to a presidential quota. You cannot understand being anti-imperialist without understanding what it means to be an emperor. The time, that Bierny transmigrated. To conquer a girl, he understood that politics requires another face. Since then he plays at being bipolar before his girlfriend and tripolar before society. This thought, within a whole package of "common idealism", was the one that, being intercepted by an S-Monky, achieved the conspiratorial maritime feat that finished twice with the enemies of the kingdom of the monkeys. So, to be able to make bricks on the banks of a river or lake, it is better to use white gold, very subtle –Warrior XH-Prays, who had finished biting the last coca leaf, gestured; he had then proposed never to do it again-: Thus, anyone can even build a castle. -And the marijuana laughter invaded him-. Well, he didn't realize that other people joined him in the Bay of Paracas. Tourists! Who prefer to try the product in their areas of origin, with all comfort and free will. TurtleRain! TurtleRain! He began to scream in a delirium shared by those who listened to him at XH-Prays, transmigrated into an athletic beach tourist. Eat Go! Eat Go! Suddenly, the sky in front of the foot of a rocky area lit up and a fluorescent light came out among the mosses, algae and rocks. The XH-Prays. He sensed what, what he had seen was something familiar, something like burning algae. It was a supernatural vision. Suddenly he began to run towards the apparition and prostrated on his knees, he began to cry like a child and to ask for forgiveness, he longed to see his people and cried without understanding with a disconsolation typical of the most critical brokenness... the other people disappeared into the shadows of their own views. This trance lasted first and second waking hours. Until everything was sublimely peaceful, it was like being in a paradise of joy, in colors of loving everything. Before the clear eyes of the XH-Prays: a portal opened. And he saw the group of survivors and managed to connect with their minds and communicate the state of things. No one in the other dimension could doubt what they mutually experienced. And they talked for hours until the third watch. In a dawn of hope, full of promises and goals made. If not because the blow and drizzle produced by a rough wave, wakes him from the ecstasy of the vision. I would have stayed there for days. The XH-Prays, had managed to consecrate himself and ingratiate himself with the most precious Gift of his Creator. Finally there was a spark of darkness: and a gloomy voice told him: "you will die to the south". While grotesque-looking winged beings agglutinated and tried to attack him, stabbing him with their spears and shooting fire arrows and all kinds of arts at him. For providential luck, from the lips of the XH-Prays, incoherent phrases came out in his mind, but if interpreted with the heart in words in the Aramaic language, other words in Hebrews and few in Greek. All together they seemed like a lawsuit of interdicts. The XH-Prays spoke the Divine language and this row told him that I pronounced the revealed name of the Creator for that time of his life: Shaddai. The almighty is with me. It sounded like a song of triumph, of courage, of strength. And all grotesque apparition, in a beam of light disappeared. Flooding the place of a smell, nauseating, fetid and infernal. For this type of enemy, human strategies are useless, much less animal ones. You have to enter its same dimension. 

That of the Gift of Discernment of Spirits. Only then would it be possible to defeat them. And warrior for his salvation and fought for his life; he also fought for his friends; for all mankind. And again a beam of glorious light. And the supernatural vision returned and he was able to see how to defeat them and he got involved in a fight at times even, unequal and dimensionally powerful. And he beat them. And when the XH-Prays wanted to move forward, his legs buckled and he fainted. It was not one of those for bad, but rather the opposite. A pause was required in everything achieved and to recharge spiritual energies? Many days the XH-Prays continued to practice the gift, and communicating and helping everyone, he could even heal his friends from a distance just by connecting with them. Did that already represent the existence of two or more gifts? The question is, are more coca leaves required? Without an activating element, will the gift remain? Nope! In the case of XH-Prays. For he in his innocence alone accessed the spiritual presence of the Creator. For the Creator gives strength to those who have none. So how do the bad guys do it? What spiritual deity do they invoke, attract and use for their evil purposes? It would only be enough to see them in their own habitat, live with them. Like Solomon did. Who had 700 queens and 300 concubines, but being confusingly old, his women took him to their idols and made him lose contact with his Creator, but if he connected with the other divinities. Should we refer to biblical facts, to explain, the Apocalypse of a humanity without God or with God? Ha! –Said the S-Monk. That he remembered what had happened by the spiritual presence in his being. I engineered that political contradiction so Solomon could influence, subdue, and delimit his friends and enemies. A mixture of earthly, animal and diabolical wisdom. Before whose brilliance of sin he ended up being consumed by being old until he died with a bad testimony. Nope! –An S-Monky shouted exasperatedly-: How was it possible to do that! How can I achieve that power… Can't we have the same Gift as that scrawny XH-Prays. The enemy has memory, eyes and knows. -And it goes like a howling monkey looking for someone to devour! -Don't make fun of me, poor me. Today I would like to be initiated as a disciple of the Maras -said the S-Monky-: to be able to prevail against all our enemies. Yes! May the force be with you with all your wickedness! Enough! Everything in due time –Protested the S-Monk-: We already have a growth plan, but it is not to fight against those that are already annihilated and neither is it to fight for one. That is nobody. Regroup! And to lead the search for the XH-Prays Warrior. I want him captured alive and we'll grind the information out of his gift. -You have to set up a simulated Prays base, better -Adduced, an X-Vulture leader; that he had voluntarily joined with the howler monkeys, he and his entire tribe fed on the carrion that was left behind in each attack and obviously, he wanted a new feast. -Let's open, the Prays base, with a new screen that traps humans –Influenced the X-Bruitre. What do you suggest? Talk now! We hear you! They all asked attentively. I propose we open a Pentecostal Synagogue. -Said, the X-Bruitre. -I'll play Judas, said an S-Monky. And I was a Monk… and they all laughed sarcastically as if they had a bad agreement.