
Target: Trask Industries

My next target was the Trask Industries. Since I'm out, I better take care of all the trash at once.

I remember the argument between Fury and Bolivar Trask about dealing with the mutants for good. So, after the mutant showed their power during the attack, I'm pretty sure he got some nice chunks of data. Not to mention my power to bring back the dead to life. So, I'm pretty sure Trask has hastened his Sentinel project and that I can not let it happen. The faster I take care of this, the better it will be for everyone.

I teleported to the company headquarters, landing on top of a nearby building.

The facility was surrounded by tall walls, with armed guards posted at regular intervals and security cameras scanning every inch. Then there were those turrets with laser system. Ah! The mutant detectors... There were detectors and nullifiers around the place. It looked more like a military base than a corporate headquarters. Well, not that it matters since I'm immune to detectors, and if I cover my body with the Phoenix Force, then nullifiers won't work.

I decided to read the guards' minds. Humm... It would seem that the nullifiers only activate after the detectors find a mutant and it consumes massive energy, so keeping those machines active all the time was nearly impossible. Lucky me. I also found out Trask's office's location. With a little concentration, I pinpointed Trask's location.

The man was inside the building, in his office, working on some blueprints. His mind racing with thoughts of his project. I could sense his excitement. He thought he was finally going to make his dreams come true, but sadly, I had to burst his bubble.

I teleported directly behind him and used my telepathy to keep him unaware of my presence. Next was to manipulate his mind and make him give me all the data of his research so far. I put my phone in recording mode and kept it focused on Trask only. I was holding it with telekinesis. Gotta get all the evidence, right?

"Show me what you are working on," I whispered into his ears and he followed without question, like a puppet on a string.

Trask walked toward a large console embedded into the wall of his office. As he tapped a sequence into the keypad, a hidden panel slid open, revealing a holographic display. The screen lit up with schematics, data files, and video feeds.

"This," Trask said in a monotone voice under my telepathic influence, "is the Sentinel prototype."

The hologram shifted to reveal a towering mechanical figure, sleek and intimidating. Its frame was a blend of lightweight alloys and reinforced composites, its limbs ending in advanced weapon systems. Its "head" was equipped with an array of sensors and cameras, designed to identify mutant signatures and adapt to various power sets.

"Current progress?" I asked.

"The first unit is operational but still undergoing field testing," Trask replied. "We've begun integrating data collected from mutant encounters to enhance its adaptability."

The hologram zoomed out, displaying schematics for other iterations. Some were smaller, faster, and equipped for urban environments, while others were colossal, designed for large-scale warfare.

"Interesting," I muttered, though my tone dripped with disdain. "What about your collaborators?"

Trask's fingers moved over the console, pulling up more files. "General Ross is supplying military-grade components and testing grounds. In exchange, he gains access to Sentinel prototypes to aid in his Hulkbuster initiatives. Norman Osborn, however, is more ambitious. Oscorp provides cutting-edge nanotechnology and biogenetic advancements. In return, I fund his research into enhanced variants of the Super Soldier Serum."

The screen displayed detailed documents about Norman's experiments—test subjects, nanite-infused serum variants, and disturbing footage of test subjects undergoing rapid transformations. Trask added, "Osborn's nanites are instrumental in making Sentinels self-repairing and adaptable to mutant abilities. His labs also host a secondary facility for Sentinel development, hidden under Oscorp Tower."

Wow! This guy is a piece of work. I'm pretty sure he also hacked into Shield to gain info on the mutants.

"You must have gathered enough mutant data, right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Yes. SHIELD's mutant registry has proven invaluable," Trask admitted. "Though accessing it required extensive hacking, the information we've gathered allows us to profile and counteract most known mutants. Xavier's school was another target. Their files on mutants, their powers, and their weaknesses are now part of the Sentinel database."

So, the Professor recorded data on his own students. That's really something...

"What are you planning on doing once you complete your goal? Enslave, enslavement? Or straight up kill every single mutant on Earth?" I asked. Although, I know what will happen if the Sentinel program isn't stopped in time.

"I'll eradicate the mutant menace from the world. By any means necessary," Trask replied with a calm expression.

"You know that's equal to genocide, right? Not to mention, they are humans too. How do you justify this? For humanity or just yourself?" I said.

"For humanity's future," he answered coldly. "We can't allow ourselves to be ruled by people with such power. Mutantkind is dangerous. If we don't act now, they will destroy our species and replace us!"

"You think they will take over the world?" I asked.

"Yes. They can control humans, nature, technology, and many more. Now, a new mutant appeared with no records who could even bring back the dead. My first target is Aron, the fake God. I'll extract his power first and use it for humanity's future," he said with determination in his eyes.

Oh, well, that's not going to happen, buddy. I closed the recordings.

"I see. Now, copy everything on a drive and give it to me," I ordered.

Trask turned to a computer console nearby, plugged in a flash drive, and began uploading the files. The transfer only took a few minutes. Once finished, he handed me the drive and stared blankly at the wall, his mind still under my control.

"Now, forward all the data to Shield and Xavier's school," I ordered again, and Trask complied without hesitation. He quickly transferred all the information he had gathered, including blueprints and schematics for the Sentinels. With a few taps on the keyboard, he sent everything directly to both SHIELD and the Professor's office.

"Good, now here's what going to happen. You are having a change of heart. You understand now that the road you took is not the right one. You supported Osborn's project which caused many deaths from the unstable serum and now you are regretting your decision. And you are also regretting your plan to kill all the mutants on the planet and erase them from existence. So, you are going to self-destruct all the facilities you have, delete all the files and records, then you are going to contact the news channel and confess everything. It's very hard on you, right?" I whispered, creating regrets and guilt in his mind.

"Yes. What was I thinking?" Trask muttered as he walked toward his desk. He opened a hidden panel inside the drawers, revealing several switches and buttons. His hand trembled slightly as he flipped each one in sequence, disabling security measures and triggering automatic deletion protocols throughout the facility.

The man sat down in his chair, staring blankly at the wall. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small remote with a single red button.

"I was about to do genocide! What was I thinking!?" Trask exclaimed. "I must tell the world what I did! Oh, god. What was I doing? What was I doing!? Why didn't anyone stop me!? So many deaths... Osborn's experiments... the Serum... oh, god! Why didn't anyone stop me!?"

I smiled as Trask continued to ramble about his sins, slowly coming to terms with his actions. He pressed the button on the remote, activating the lockdown and self-destruct sequence to all the facilities he has all over the world.

"How could I ever live with that? I must tell the world what I did!" Trask muttered. "The whole world must know! The whole world must know! Osborn must be exposed. General Ross wants to kill Hulk..."

He opened his laptop and connected to the guy in Daily Bugle, who covers his company's news. It was a live broadcast.

Trask turned to the camera, staring directly into its lens. He began to speak, his voice shaky and weak.

"My name is Bolivar Trask. I'm the CEO of Trask Industries, and I stand before you today not as a leader or innovator, but as a man who has committed unthinkable crimes against humanity." His voice trembled, and tears welled in his eyes. "I have been driven by fear, hatred, and a misguided belief that my actions would secure humanity's future. Instead, I have sown division, death, and destruction."

Trask inhaled deeply, steadying himself. "For years, I have developed weapons of mass genocide disguised as progress. The Sentinel Program, a project I spearheaded, was created with the sole purpose of eradicating mutants from this world. I convinced myself it was necessary, that mutants posed an existential threat to our species. But in truth, the real threat was my own blindness, my unwillingness to see mutants as what they truly are—people, just like you and me."

The camera panned slightly, capturing Trask's raw emotion as he continued. "Through illegal means, I accessed data from SHIELD and Professor Xavier's school. I partnered with individuals like Norman Osborn, whose experiments with unstable serums cost countless innocent lives. I worked with General Ross, supplying him with technology that turned his vendetta against the Hulk into another weapon of destruction. I justified these actions as necessary, but there is no justification for the suffering I have caused."

He leaned forward, gripping the desk tightly. "I have triggered the destruction of all my Sentinel facilities and erased all research related to this program. But my words alone cannot undo the pain I have inflicted. I urge the world to hold me accountable, to dismantle the systems of fear and oppression I helped create. Mutants are not our enemies; they are our neighbors, our friends, our family. And if we are to survive as a species, we must learn to live together."

Trask paused, his hands trembling. The weight of his confession seemed to crush him, his face a mask of despair. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a small revolver, placing it gently on the surface. The live broadcast continued, capturing every moment.

"My sins cannot be forgiven," Trask said, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I have destroyed lives, fueled hatred, and betrayed the very principles of humanity I claimed to defend. The only way I can truly atone for what I have done is by ensuring no one follows in my footsteps. Let my death be a reminder of the price of fear and prejudice."

He looked directly into the camera, his eyes brimming with tears. "To those I've hurt, to the mutants I've wronged, and to humanity as a whole—I am sorry. Truly, deeply sorry."

Trask picked up the revolver, his movements slow and deliberate. He held it to his temple, his hand shaking as he closed his eyes.

"Let this end with me," he whispered. "No more bloodshed. No more hate."

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the office, cutting off his words. Trask's body slumped forward onto the desk, and the screen went dark as the broadcast abruptly ended.

I stood in the shadows for a moment, observing the lifeless figure. Bolivar Trask, a man consumed by ambition and fear, had paid the ultimate price for his actions.

"One less problem in the world," I muttered, teleporting out of the office.

Next multiple chain explosions rocked the city as Trask facilities began to blow up one by one, leaving nothing behind. I watched the carnage from a distance, satisfied with my work.

I know that Trask's death will cause a bit of chaos, but I'm sure that Fury and Xavier will deal with it. But imprisonment, trials, and all that shit ain't gonna cut this time. I'm gonna kill Norman and Ross next.

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[17 advance chapters] [No double billing] 
