
A paradise

[3rd Person POV] [Xavier's school] [Kitty's room] [Morning]

Kitty was sitting on her bed with Goldy. Well, the retriever was lying on the bed, chewing on a toy bone.

She heard about the arguments Aron and Jean had with the Professor and the fact that they decided to go their way, so she wanted to contact Aron to find out what was happening. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything because she didn't have any way to contact him or Jean. And she was angry because they just decided to go without even telling her anything.

"He should have at least said something to me. How could he leave like that?" She thought, annoyed as she petted the dog that Aron bought a few days ago. "Don't you think that those two were too mean? They left without telling me anything."

She continued to stroke the puppy's fur, trying to calm herself down.

"And Mystique also came back, saying Magneto is going after Rogue. I don't even know what's going on anymore. No one tells me anything," She sighed and lay on her back. She was so frustrated by the recent turn of events.

[Wooff! Wooofff!] Goldy barked, wanting her attention.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not ignoring you, boy," Kitty chuckled as she petted the dog. "You're a good boy, aren't you? Yes, you are."

As she continued petting the puppy, she thought, 'I hope nothing bad will happen to Aron and Jean.' She noticed that the dog jumped down the bed and wagged his tail with two more barks.

"What? You wanna go out for a walk?" Kitty asked as she sat up.

"Woof!" Goldy answered in his own way.

"Okay, let's go out," Kitty stood up and put on her sneakers before picking up the leash. The dog was wagging his tail happily as she put it on his neck. "Come on, boy."

They left the room and walked through the corridors. As soon as they reached the entrance hall, however, they bumped into Psylocke and Jubilee.

"Oh, hey, Kitty. Are you taking out the new dog for a walk?" Jubilee asked.

"Yeah. This little guy wants to stretch his legs," Kitty answered with a smile.

"Well, we were going to the market, so wanna tag along?" Jubilee said with her usual smile.

Kitty glanced at the excited retriever, then back at Jubilee and Psylocke. "Sure, why not? Goldy could use the company. Let me grab my wallet."

Psylocke raised an eyebrow. "No need. It's just a quick trip. Besides, you're with us." She smirked. "We've got you covered."

Kitty smiled and nodded. "Alright then, let's go."

The trio stepped outside, the retriever tugging at his leash in excitement. Today was a little cold and the ground was still wet from the last night's rain. They walked down the path leading to the gates of Xavier's School, chatting about recent events.

Jubilee, always bubbly, gestured animatedly as she spoke. "Can you believe Scott's reaction when Logan just walked in with that—?"

Before she could finish, a swirling, blue portal appeared in front of them. The group froze. Goldy barked and wagged his tail, clearly unbothered by the sudden anomaly. He looked excited.

"What the hell?" Psylocke muttered, instinctively reaching for her psychic blade.

The portal grew larger, its energy crackling like lightning. Before any of them could react, the pull became irresistible. The trio and the dog were yanked through the portal, their surroundings dissolving into a bright blur.

[The New Island Base]

Kitty, Jubilee, and Psylocke landed on their feet. Goldy landed gracefully, shaking his fur like nothing had happened.

Kitty looked around in awe. Towering trees surrounded a big mansion. And the entire place was surrounded by huge walls and turrets. "What is this place?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jubilee pointed toward the open gate. "Uh… guys?"

Outside was the sea and beach. The water was crystal clear, the waves shimmering in the sunlight. A gentle breeze ruffled the palm trees growing at the edge of the beach.

"I don't know, but it looks awesome!" Jubilee exclaimed, running forward.

"Hey, wait!" Psylocke called out to her.

"Come on, you guys! Let's check this place out!" Jubilee yelled.

Goldy barked happily and ran after her, his leash dragging behind him. Kitty and Psylocke exchanged glances before running after them.

Soon enough, all four of them were standing at the edge of the beach. Goldy was sniffing the ground curiously. He was wagging his tail as he picked up Aron's scent.

Jubilee grinned widely. "This place is so cool! Who do you think brought us here?"

"That would be me," Aron teleported before them with Jean, Wanda, and Pietro by his side. "Sorry about the confusion, I had to make sure you aren't being followed."

"Aron?!" Kitty exclaimed in surprise. She ran to hug him without thinking.

Aron chuckled, hugging her back. "Hey there, Kitty."

Kitty pulled away and punched his chest, "How could you just leave without a word?" She hit his chest a few times again, her eyes teary.

"Ouch! That hurts, you know," Aron said with a fake pout.

"It better hurt! You had no right to just leave like that!" Kitty huffed, wiping away her tears.

Aron smiled gently and ruffled her hair. "Sorry about that. Things got a bit heated and I..." He glanced at Jean. "We had to make a choice."

[Woof! Woof!] Goldy barked excitedly, running towards Aron. He jumped up, putting his front paws on Aron's legs.

Aron chuckled, petting the dog. "Hey, boy. So, you're here too, eh?"

"Woof!" Goldy barked, wagging his tail.

Kitty watched the interaction between the two and chuckled, "He missed you. We all did, you know."

Aron glanced at her, "It's barely been two days and you are already missing me and getting all teary... Well, did you miss me that much? Or maybe... you are just jealous because Jean was with me and you weren't?"

"Hey! You have no right to say such things! I'm not like that!" Kitty fumed, stomping her feet.

He laughed, "I was just kidding. Come here," He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

"Stop teasing me," Kitty pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Alright, alright. No more teasing," Aron chuckled as he glanced at the rest of the group.

They went to the mansion and Jean explained everything that had happened till now. About how the Professor tried to erase her memories and created fake ones to control her and lied to her all this time. Then, Aron explained about Trask and the Sentinel threat that he destroyed before the Professor confronted him, and starting there, they had an argument. In short, he told them everything.

"He did what?" Psylocke stood up from the chair she was sitting on.

"Yeah. Thanks to him Jean's real self almost got destroyed. In a year or two, her second personality would have completely taken over," Aron explained.

"That guy..." She muttered angrily, clenching her fists.

"But... He... Why?" Jubilee felt lost and angry at the same time. The image of the kind Professor in her mind was slowly breaking down. He was always there for everyone and he even helped so many mutants, yet she never knew about the dark side of him. 'Maybe I never tried to look the other way.' She thought sadly. 'I only seen and believed what I wanted... Or, he wanted. But to erase Jean's memories and replace them with another... How could he be so cruel?'

Jean could tell what Jubilee was thinking. "It's okay. None of us knew."

"We're sorry about that, Jean," Psylocke said, feeling sorry for Jean. She looked at Aron, "And thank you for saving Jean and everyone. If what you said is true, then Trask would have killed every mutant on Earth with his sentinels."

Aron shook his head, "It was nothing, really. I just did the right thing."

"Still... I don't get it. Why didn't he do anything even after knowing about Trask?" Jubilee asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

Jean sighed, "There were government officials involved, so I guess, that's why he joined hands with SHIELD. That way, Trask would have had a difficult time completing his Sentinel Project, and then through long legal processing, that Project could have been halted."

"Or, they would have completed the Project and slave the mutants just like those bastards from Genosha. Knowing the Professor's pacifist nature, I believe the latter scenario would have happened." Aron shrugged.

"And we would have ended up as slaves?" Jubilee asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I guess," Aron answered.

"What? No way..." Jubilee fell on her back, lying on the couch. "That's..."

Kitty was stunned to silence by what she heard.

"That's messed up," Psylocke said, clenching her fists. "If not for you, Trask's plan would have succeeded, and the mutants would have been hunted down or enslaved."

There was a minute of silence...

"What's the plan now?" Psylocke asked Aron.

"With Magneto out of the picture..."

"Wait! What?" Psylocke, Kitty, and Jubilee said at the same time.

"Yeah, he planned to use Rogue's power to turn everyone into mutants, killing her in the process. He even tried to use Wanda and Pietro to create chaos in the city to keep everyone busy while he put his plan into motion. But he paid his price. Ain't no one gonna hurt my friends and family, never again," Aron said as his eyes flashed dangerously.

They glanced at Wanda and Pietro in surprise.

"He raised us as his own kids. Hell, Pietro didn't even know that he wasn't our father. And imagine, using us as his pawns, then sacrificing us just to achieve his dream..." Wanda muttered, clenching her fists.

"Sigh!" Jubilee shook her head. "What the hell is wrong with everyone? First, it's the Professor and now it's Magneto too... How can they do such things?"

"People are like that. They believe that their cause is just and that they are doing the right thing. But in reality, they are just using others and sacrificing them to achieve their goals. Nothing more, nothing less," Jean explained.

"What's next?" Psylocke asked again.

"I'm planning on taking over Genosha and freeing the mutants there. Then, I will create a country only for mutants, a place where we won't have to hide or feel unsafe. A place where we can be ourselves without having to look over our shoulders. A paradise, only for us. And I want to know... Will you help me?" Aron asked, glancing at the rest.

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[15 advance chapters] [No double billing] 


I might take a 2 day break

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