
Wuxia Demon Cult Quest

You heard right, a quest. This is largely inspired by a similar quest by Messy. I am not confident enough to post this on SB, SV, or QQ. Also, this is my first ever try at a quest. So, please bear with me. As many may know I am an writer that regularly puts his works on hold. Really hard to get onto the swing when there exists many Novels, Stories, and Quests to read. Anyway, enough with the talk, Synopsis time. --------- Chun Ma, a name many fear and respect. He is a long known legend. You thought as you start walking into the Demon Order Academy, created by this great man or demon, as a Disciple along with the rest of your more respectable peers....Why are people staring at you?

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Stats And How They Work.

Just like Messy's Quest, there exists stats, unlike Messy's Quest you only have 9 stats.

Strength: Tells you how strong you are. Helps you when you need it for feats of strength.

Speed: Tells you how fast you are. Helps you for feats of Agility. Your reaction time is also based here. Also, helps you in initiative.

Stamina: Tells you how long you can last. Helps you in feats of Endurance.

Martial Arts: Tells you how skilled you are. If there is anyone less skilled than you, you can kick their ass pretty easy.

Intelligence: Tells you how intelligent you are. Helps in feats of Wits.

Qi: Tells you how much you got in the Esoteric tank. This boosts the other physical stats and it makes you do the cooler parts of Superpower martial arts. Like Flame Swords or Stepping on the Wind.

Qi Control: Tells you how well you can allow the energy to flow. This is mostly used for stat requirement items. Like harder to learn martial arts.

Formations: You can do cool stuff with this. Make formations to hide away areas, increase the Qi activity in the area, boost combat prowess, illusions. This tells you how good you are at them.

Medicinal Arts: Tells you how good you are at medicine. Pill making, First Aid, and Poison belongs here.

The Average Jack of All Trade's stats would look something like this.

Strength: 1.0 (Your Strength is comparable to an average person's)

Speed: 1.0(Your Speed is comparable to an average person's)

Stamina: 1.0(Your Stamina is comparable to an average person's)

Martial Arts: 1.0(Your attainments of a regular martial artist)

Intelligence: 1.0(Your Intelligence is average)

Qi: 1.0 (Your Qi is average among martial artists)

Qi Control: 1.0(Your control of it inside you is okay)

Formations:1.0 (You are capable of simple Formations)

Medicinal Arts: 1.0( You can heal or hurt a person just fine)

Talent plays a large role.

The Reality of a regular person would look like this.

Strength: 1.0

Speed: 1.0

Stamina: 1.0

Martial Arts: 0(You have never trained in the arts)

Intelligence: 0.7(What did you guys expect? This is the dynasties era, schooling was for those who could afford it.)

Qi: 0.9 (You didn't train it. But, it exists still. It exists in all things)

Qi Control: 0.6 (You don't know how to move this thing)

Formations:0 (What's that? You wonder.)

Medicinal Arts: 0.7( You learned enough to get by in this world. Sprained ankles, an open wound, a fever. That's all you need.)

You all understand now? Good? Good👏. The next chapter the character you all will be playing as, his Stats, and his traits.