
Wukong, it's decided to be you!

【Please draw the carbon cycle of the 'Sengu Giant' during photosynthesis】 【The division speed of a certain 'Zoophyte' individual is in the geometric sequence {a}, with a1=3 and a5=24. Find the general formula for its division.】 【The main chemical component of the 'Coral Dragon Lizard' scales is ____, soaking it in concentrated hydrochloric acid will produce a precipitate of ____】 Looking at the increasingly absurd questions in the tutoring book, Chen Xuan couldn't help but close it, seeing the words written on the cover: "I am just a series of traces left by others, leading you to the peak of Spirit Binder; I am just a series of earnest reminders, reminding you of every detail of getting along with the Spirits." ——《Five Years of Mock Tests, Three Years of College Entrance Examination (Spirit Manipulation Arts Edition)》

Fei · Eastern
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686 Chs

Chapter 9 Dirty Things

The next day, the first day of National Day.

Although it was a holiday, Chen Xuan still had to get up early and take Stone Monkey to class.

It was not a school class, but a Social Etiquette Class that every newly legalized Spirit had to attend.

For young Spirits, the main content of the course was to play with young Spirits of other races.

This could greatly avoid stress reactions when encountering Spirits of different races on the streets later on.

In addition, they had to learn to get along with strangers harmoniously. This period required frequent visits to public places such as shopping malls and subways to get desensitized.

After all, the thriving development of third-party industries such as takeout and express delivery now involves most Spirits, and there was no shortage of contact with strangers.

Of course...

If there was only social etiquette training, it would naturally be impossible for the public to feel at ease in contacting strange Spirits.

So, every year, Spirit Binders had to purchase a "high compensation-rate accident insurance" for their Spirits – the insured you've chosen were complimentary.

"...Classmates, we will stop with the related matters here. Now you can bring your Spirits for free activities. Don't be shy, communicate with each other~"

The attending teacher, a sweet-voiced young lady, said.

However, as a newcomer in teaching, she obviously underestimated the difficulty of such activities.

Because in a short while, an unpleasant situation arose somewhere:

"Ah! My sand-racing mice!"

"You stupid cat! Don't eat dirty things!"


"Calm down Wangcai, it's not an adult yet!"

"It's okay, mine's male too...Hey, hey! Don't bite, or it'll be a eunuch soon!"


"My dear ancestor, don't mess up here!"

"Shut up! Stop eating, it's so embarrassing..."


Compared to the chaos around, Chen Xuan's side was rather good.

At the moment, Stone Monkey was affectionately hugging the neck of a little calf, talking:

(。・`ω´・)Bull Demon King, I don't blame you for not helping me when I caused havoc in the heavenly palace back then. Now that we've reincarnated, let bygones be bygones. I still treat you as my brother. So, could you give me a sip of your milk?

As for the calf with the red scarf around its neck, it looked wronged and helpless:

(˘•ω•˘)First of all, my name is not Bull Demon King, that's feudalism. Secondly, call me Comrade Niu Gengtian. Lastly, who drinks half a bottle in one gulp like you?

'Please don't have them drink milk and worship the seven great saints later...'

Seeing Stone Monkey starting to wave to the nearby 'Cloud Peng Bird' and 'Sword Velvet Lion', Chen Xuan couldn't help but think.

Forget it, the priority now is to think about how to make money...

Chen Xuan put his thoughts back and focused on the phone.

In order to pass the test smoothly after the National Day holiday, the simplest method would be to take advantage of the Gluttonous Stomach and eat a lot.


Resources needed to be bought with money, and he was just short of cash.

Although Bai Chuan helped to prepare some resources, most of it was just for daily consumption. If it's all used to enhance strength, it would quickly be spent.

So, it's better not to use these resources as much as possible in case the cash flow is cut off later and Stone Monkey can't even eat.

Therefore, Chen Xuan could only look for part-time jobs suitable for him.

[A batch of Phantom Demon Spirits have been lost during transportation, urgently recruiting manpower for search and capture. Salary: 1000 yuan/day; Requirements: Have a soldier-level Spirit and at least 2 years of related work experience.]

[Teach Runic Studies to junior high school students in advance. Salary: 300 yuan/hour; Requirements: Local college students who can drop off and pick up the child at school.]

[A tenant of a luxury single apartment needs a long-term purchase of fresh cucumbers, delivered to the door. Salary: 800 yuan/time; Requirements: Strong and physically fit, video interview.]


[Distribute leaflets at department stores. Salary: 30 yuan/hour; requirements: eloquent, good at communication]

"Seems like the only job I can do is handing out flyers..."

Chen Xuan silently mused to himself.

If he worked 8 hours a day handing out flyers during the National Day holiday, which spanned 7 days, he could work for 56 hours and earn 1680 yuan.

If he worked an additional hour each day and collected some mineral water bottles, he could earn almost more than two thousand yuan, which would be enough to buy a 20 cubic centimeter piece of Qinggang jade.

Qinggang jade is a very tough, edible jade stone that is the perfect supplement for Stone Monkeys, greatly benefiting their strength growth.

According to authoritative data, average consumption of 1620 cubic centimeters of Qinggang jade could elevate a Stone Monkey from civilian level to soldier level within just one and a half years.

The market price for such an amount of Qinggang jade is 162,000 yuan.

If a Stone Monkey does not consume Qinggang jade and only eats regular food, it would take three and a half years to advance from civilian level to soldier level, but the cost of food would be only 58,000 yuan.

In other words, one could save two years with a significant investment.

"Money can buy time..."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

He couldn't even come up with the change of two thousand yuan, let alone 162,000 yuan.

Originally, Bai Chuan had given him the ten thousand yuan she had earned working a part-time job during the summer vacation as backup funds.

However, after buying materials for making talismans to elevate his Stone Monkey race's level, he was left with almost nothing.

Although he had thought about making money by utilizing unknown talismans, the actual implementation was difficult.

First of all, it would be suspicious for a high school student with no research background to suddenly release a brand new talisman.

Secondly, the process of getting a new talisman from creation to profit involves numerous, complicated formalities, making it estimated that by the time this year's entrance exams are over, he'd still be undergoing layers of approval.

Finally, even if he wanted to use his current research progress to invest in some Spirit breeding futures in advance, he lacked the startup funds and couldn't use leverage.


At that moment, his phone received a text message:

[Your order will be delivered in one hour, please wait at the delivery address to ensure that it is you who signs for it. Thank you for your cooperation.]

"That's quite fast..."

Chen Xuan was pleasantly surprised.

His order was placed only yesterday evening but had already begun delivery today.

The timing couldn't be better, as he'd be out of the class and heading back home in an hour...


Furong No.8 Middle School, teachers' dormitory.

A 'Carrier Pigeon' wearing a green delivery hat was nervously navigating between buildings.

Every few seconds, it would glance back, feeling as if something was following it.

(˘•◇•˘) Damn, I've encountered something filthy...

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

With its nerves on edge, the Carrier Pigeon roughly pecked at the window.

As soon as the window opened, it hastily tore off the delivery receipt without waiting for the customer to sign and dropped off the parcel, flying away without looking back.

"This service attitude needs improvement..."

Watching the pigeon's retreating figure, as if rushing to reincarnate, Chen Xuan mumbled to himself.

When he opened the parcel and confirmed that the 'Gold Jade Powder,' 'Mirage Scales,' 'Tianyuan Gras,' and other items inside were intact, he prepared to draw a 'Spirit Incubation Talisman' for the Stone Monkey to raise its racial level.

Unexpectedly, a new text message popped up on his phone:

[Dear resident friend, a Phantom Demon Spirit who has escaped from injury has intruded into your community. We are quickly investigating the situation. Please stay at home and do not panic. If you hear an unfamiliar voice talking to you, do not respond. Otherwise, the consequences could be dire. - Furong City Investigation Bureau]

"Uh... Phantom Demon Spirit?"

Chen Xuan stiffened as he looked down at the purple scale he was holding in his hand.

Mirage Scales, derived from the scales of a Mirage Dragon.

Its attraction to Phantom Demon Spirits is like nectar to bees or catnip to cats...