
Wukong, it's decided to be you!

【Please draw the carbon cycle of the 'Sengu Giant' during photosynthesis】 【The division speed of a certain 'Zoophyte' individual is in the geometric sequence {a}, with a1=3 and a5=24. Find the general formula for its division.】 【The main chemical component of the 'Coral Dragon Lizard' scales is ____, soaking it in concentrated hydrochloric acid will produce a precipitate of ____】 Looking at the increasingly absurd questions in the tutoring book, Chen Xuan couldn't help but close it, seeing the words written on the cover: "I am just a series of traces left by others, leading you to the peak of Spirit Binder; I am just a series of earnest reminders, reminding you of every detail of getting along with the Spirits." ——《Five Years of Mock Tests, Three Years of College Entrance Examination (Spirit Manipulation Arts Edition)》

Fei · Eastern
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686 Chs

Chapter 17: The White Magpie


After finishing his daily training and leaving the hall, Chen Xuan, as promised, bought a portion of ice cream for Stone Monkey.


Stone Monkey, who couldn't wait and took a giant bite of the ice cream, suddenly stiffened like he had been electrically shocked from head to toe.

(ŎдŎ;) Master, eating this makes my monkey brain buzz...

"You don't have to eat so much in one bite; just lick it slowly."

Chen Xuan laughed.

Upon hearing this, Stone Monkey skeptically stuck out his little tongue, like lighting a firecracker, barely touched it, and then quickly withdrew it.

But this time, his eyes lit up:

(o°ω°o) This banana is so weird, cold and icy, melting as soon as it's in my mouth, so delicious...

"This is not a banana, it's just banana-flavored ice cream."

Chen Xuan explained, "Be careful when you eat, don't drip on my head."

(•ω•`.) Master, if I win a fight next time, can you buy me ice cream again?

"What does buying ice cream have to do with fighting? As long as I have money in my pocket, and you want to eat it, I'll buy it for you, as long as you don't get diarrhea."

∑(´△`) Eh?! Is there such a good thing?

"Isn't this how it should be? I'm your master, not a slave owner."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but smile.

Stone Monkey nodded thoughtfully, quietly licking his ice cream for a while before scratching his head, feeling as if something was wrong:

(゜-゜)If we can have ice cream without fighting, why do we have to fight people?

Chen Xuan was taken aback and replied after thinking for a while: "That's a good question. It might be hard to understand just by talking. Let me take you to a place."

So, he changed his route home and headed to a nearby square.

In the evening square, 'White Spirit Magpies' were perched everywhere, leisurely pecking at the food thrown on the ground by passers-by.

[White Spirit Magpie, Elemental Demon Spirit, Race Rating 1 Star]

[Graceful shadow and sweet chirping, elegant slim in snow-white attire. Good at mimicking and speaking human words, loves to bully and has a fierce personality. Habitually forming gangs and when disaster comes, they scatter.]

Chen Xuan bought a small bag of rice from a vendor in the square and threw a handful on the ground.

"Gugu gugu~"

Several sharp-eyed White Spirit Magpies immediately waddled over with their plump bodies, rushing to peck at the food.

Chen Xuan pointed at a few White Spirit Magpies that were pushed to the edge and said, "You see, these thin White Spirit Magpies can't squeeze past the fat ones, what do you think they can eat?"

(。•ˇ‸ˇ•。) They can eat losses

"Yeah, same goes for this, if many 'Stone Monkeys' want to eat ice cream, but there is not enough ice cream for each monkey, how do you think it should be divided?"

(`・ω・´) One bite per monkey?

"When you were at the monkey mountain, have you ever seen such an even distribution?"

Chen Xuan asked in return.

Stone Monkey thought about it and couldn't help but scratch his head awkwardly.

Because some bad monkeys, when not full, would directly snatch the food...

"So, it's not that we want to fight, but others are not willing to share an equal portion with you."

"If your power is not strong enough, not only will you not get your fair share of ice cream, you may not even get a tiny bit of crumbs."

"I'm telling you this not to encourage you to snatch others' things, but not to let your fair share be taken away. Understand?"

After listening to Chen Xuan's explanation, Stone Monkey, who seemed to understand but not really, patted his chest and vowed:

(。・`ω´・) Don't worry, Master, I'm the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Wukong, very strong in fights, and we will surely eat and drink well in the future!

"You're a teachable child."

Chen Xuan was satisfied and threw out the remaining grains. He picked up the Stone Monkey and prepared to head home.


However, accompanied by a scream, Chen Xuan's calf immediately felt pain.

Upon lowering his head, he found out that he had accidentally stepped on the tail feathers of a White Ling Magpie, which fiercely pecked him, making a hole in his pant leg.

Looking at the fallen feathers on the ground and the angry eyes of the White Ling Magpie,

It seemed that this matter wouldn't end without an explanation.


Without waiting for Chen Xuan to react, the Stone Monkey jumped to the ground and delivered a big swing punch to the White Ling Magpie.

After knocking down the magpie with a punch, the Stone Monkey turned around and gave Chen Xuan a thumbs up, baring its tiny sharp teeth and boasting:

(≖ᴗ≖)✧ Master, I am truly reliable in times of need!


However, Chen Xuan swallowed nervously, seeing numerous White Ling Magpies taking flight behind the Stone Monkey.

Without thinking too much, he swiftly grabbed the Stone Monkey's neck and protected it in his arms, curling up on the ground with one hand covering his head.


The next moment, the flapping sounds of wings were endless...

"Meteor, go help!"

As Chen Xuan was being surrounded and attacked by many White Ling Magpies, he heard a faint shout mixed with the crowd's screams of surprise.


The next second, Chen Xuan felt a gust of strong wind, making his hair fly wildly.

The frightened White Ling Magpies, no longer concerned about vengeance, hurriedly fled in all directions.

Feeling the White Ling Magpies leaving, Chen Xuan carefully raised his head and saw a young man bending over, extending a gentle hand and asking:

"Are you alright?"

"It's fine, just got pecked a few times."

Chen Xuan grabbed the man's hand and stood up with his help.

After standing up, he saw a Spirit next to the young man.

It was also a Stone Monkey, wearing an exquisite jade pendant, standing as tall as a man's shoulder, in stark contrast to Wukong, who was only slightly taller than his knee.

Moreover, at this moment, there was a fan-like giant rock attached to the Stone Monkey's fist.

Obviously, the young man had also used "Rock Fist" earlier, but he had developed a more ingenious way to use it, allowing him to change its shape.

"Buy some iodine on the way home and wipe it to disinfect it."

The young man kindly reminded him, "Be careful when feeding White Ling Magpies in the future. Despite their beautiful appearance, they are very narrow-minded. It's not uncommon for them to attack if you accidentally make them angry."

"Alright, thank you, I'm really sorry for the trouble."

Chen Xuan sincerely bowed in gratitude.

"You're welcome, it's just a small gesture."

The young man nodded slightly, then turned his head and gestured to the Stone Monkey next to him, "Let's go, Meteor."

Hearing this, the Stone Monkey respectfully waved at Chen Xuan and Wukong, then followed his Spirit Binder with graceful strides.

Moreover, the way it walked seemed to be in a constant state of vigilance, clearly well-trained.

"That's what a real Spirit Binder and Spirit should be like..."

Watching their retreating figures, Chen Xuan couldn't help but mutter before turning his attention back and holding Wukong's hand, "Let's go, it's time to go home."

Wukong, who was also watching the departing figures, pouted but didn't reply.

It seemed to be shocked and was silent on the way back, not as lively as usual...