
Chapter 5

Gregg sat helplessly as his next patient wasn't responding to questions which was making things difficult for him.

"How long do you intend to waste my time? Gregg asked, feeling the urge to snap at the unbothered patient but he couldn't because he isn't just a patient but also his best friend. He decided to keep tolerating him rather than chasing him away because it has been a long time since he has agreed to pay him a visit as a patient.

" Do you want to chase me out?Do you know how much work I left behind to come here and you want me to go away?

Jeremy asked as he sensed his friend was growing impatient with him.

"I'm not chasing you away, I can't even do so if I want to.". Gregg replied while rolling his eyes.

After a little while longer, he finally talked.

" I just want to know what to do to keep her out of my thoughts, I can't seem to focus fully on anything since the second time we met."

"There is nothing special about her but I just can't keep my mind off her and I don't know why. I need to know how to keep this woman I barely know out of my thoughts or I might not be able to control myself anymore" He poured out his worries to his best friend and only confidant.

"When was the first time you saw her?" Gregg asked as he switched to his professional tone.

That is one of the reasons he is one of the best physiologists in the country, he can relate to people irrespective of the age or personal relation between them.

"When was the second time?".

" I had a business meeting with her a couple of days ago" Jeremy replied as he was starting to regret opening up to his friend.

Their talk continued into early afternoon as Gregg was trying his best to provide a solution to his friend but who had once switched off on him, he sat down staring out the window without replying to questions again.

"When was the last time you spoke to Rose?". Gregg suddenly snapped Jeremy out of his thoughts, but he turned to him with the sinister look Gregg has not seen in a while.

"She called me last night, she is returning to the country but I don't know when". Gregg continued as he watched his friend's sinister glare turn cloudy as he got lost in his thoughts again.

"I spoke to her a few months ago" Jeremy surprisingly answered the question before getting up abruptly and leaving.


Diane woke up feeling numb and tired, the refreshed feeling that comes with a good night sleep was absent. She had kept tossing all night and couldn't sleep, a single look in the mirror confirmed her worries.

She looks ten times her real age because of the bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep.

A quick shower returns most of her senses because she needs to use them today or she would lay in bed all day pondering over spilled tea.

Her apartment was a hideous mess as things were left in all directions. She had bought her basic personal hygiene items considering that her things are still at Michael's place and she has no intention of retrieving them any time soon.

Deciding to skip breakfast, she hurried out of the apartment in faded jeans and a large T-shirt with no makeup on.

She drove for more than an hour before arriving at a bungalow home owned by her parents but is now solely her mom's since her dad passed away.

Rosalind was cleaning the sink after preparing breakfast, she was about to eat but decided to clean some of the mess she made while cooking. The sound of the door bell made her stop what she was doing.

"I'm not expecting anyone today".she thought before going to check who was there.

She gasps loudly as she opens the door for her only child.

They hugged tightly for a long time and they both didn't want to let go.

Feeling fresh tears starting to cloud her already puffy eyes Diane let's go of her mother.

" I've missed you so much" she said softly as she stood under the longing eyes of her mother. It's been ages since they last saw each other, she had been so busy to come home to her.

"I have missed you too sweetheart", come inside" she said closing the door.

"I know you have been busy at work and I'm happy things are going well for you but" she paused mid sentence while she stared at her daughter.

Who rarely shows her emotions and would only smile lightly no matter how you tease her, but here she is Eyes red like a fiery pit, nose and cheeks as red as a tomato. Her hair is also an adorable mess.

"You look like a Christmas decoration with that red face of yours" She commented and Diane chuckled slightly like she always does and then burst out loudly before choking on her tears.

Rosalind hugged and rocked her emotional daughter as her heart got heavy, it would take a lot to get her child to this stage.

"I broke up with Michael" She said in a clear voice after crying her eyes out. She needed it.

Her mother gave her a look to continue, she wasn't surprised but she wasn't expecting it to be this emotional draining on her daughter.

"He cheated, and I ended it"

"I have also stopped working with him, and I have moved out of the house we shared." She continued.

Her mother listened as she lost all interest in the food she cooked not long ago, she has suddenly forgotten her hunger for it.

The mother and daughter duo were oblivious of time while they spent the day in the best ways the both would for a long time.

After their talk Diane felt a lot better, not because she now has a solution to her problems but because she has poured all her pain out to the person she trusted the most in the whole world.

"Don't forget that whatever you decide to do I will always be by your side". She hugged her for the last time as she entered her car.

" I love you Mom."

"I love you too sweetheart."

She swiveled out of the driveway feeling charged. She had gotten what she wanted, it's time for a pay back.

She smirks at her reflection in the mirror, she looks like the opposite of her usual self but fixing that won't be hard anyways.