
Chapter 14

Diane was so happy when she was discharged from the hospital, she really hated staying at the hospital. It is always torture to her.

She knew the doctor wanted to keep her there till the following day but Jeremy told him to let her go home.

"What are the things you need to pick at your place?" Jeremy asked as they pulled out of the hospital.

"Some personal items" Diane wondered why he was suddenly interested in what she needed.

"Personal items, like what?"

Diane groaned as she realized he was not letting the topic go yet.

"Like my skincare products and undies" Diane replied glaring at him for making her say them out loud.

"Oh, okay".

" Why are you suddenly interested in why I need my panties and bra?" The question came as a surprise to Jeremy, he chuckled darkly at her boldness.

"I just want to know, whereas we can buy some if you like".

" No thank you" Diane said through gritted teeth, a little embarrassed.

This man is so unreasonable.