
wrong free writing

When a group of friends

CloverXIIV · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

World end

" Beings of planet Eawrth " a rodotic voice anonuced from the speaker of the car , a young boy girl sat on the back chair waiting for her parents to return " This is a message of salvation, a message of hope for your planet and everything in it, " Her mum came running from the side and picked her out of the chair

" Lilly we have to go " she grabbed the girl and carried her in to an amoured vehicle but the broadcast went on on every monitor in the city the tall buildings all had the same message on them, a blank screen but a rodotic voice spoke ,most people never took as much of concern, they thought it could hackers or something and blocked out the fact of an apocalise

" We have tried to talk to your leaders to change their ways but " the voice laughed and an image of a mutant beast appeared on the screen, " they were sturbron and even took the leverage to capture our kind and test on them " the screens blacked out but it kept streaming " but we never came to fight, we came to save and we shall save so please accept our dear gift " A circular black hole appeared on the screen and in the sky, they looked like clouds but pitch dark,

" We are not muderers but sometimes to save more, you have to loose some, " those were it's last words and a sense of panic covered people's faces, they were looking at some kind of black hole,

This cloud be the end of man kind, were the black holes going to swallow the planet, release beasts to destroy the planet or worse everyone was shaken but the amoured car moved swiftly though the road, knowing the danger, these parents had to protect their child at all costs they knew what was going to happen and also knew a way to protect their child

The black holes remained in the sky for a while then the strangest thing fell from them, not monsters or fire but lit white spores, the aliens where going to take over this world with spores, people were dumbfound, what was going on, some expressed concern and hide in the safety of their houses but that couple still moved at a high speed into construction site far from the city and grabbed the baby girl and run to a flying mechanism and fell on their knees

" please Nova spare the child " they begged


the ground started to move and the situation worsened the flying mechanism closed and took of leaving the couple helpless

" And in one day the world changed the sky changed, the ground changed and human kind was pushed to extinction, If it wasn't for the invention of the Esss we all would not be standing here to day " a woman finished the story for the black holes the story was told down to her from her parents who had it from their parents and the circle goes back three hundred years

The spores mutanted everything they touched and if you get attacked by the beasts and injured you too turn to one of them, Cities fell under the rath of the beasts untill, only a few people survived and genetically modified them selves to be able to fight the beasts, providing them with different abilities

Now they are surviving they barely survive in the world, they had never seen the outsiders who turned the world into the way it was, they all loved in fear behind walls to keep back half of the beasts but time and time again they have to fight the beasts and many lives are lost and today a couple spent there night in the stars before their graduation tomorrow

They were only fifteen to sixteen but in this world the earlier you a trained and ready to fight against beasts the better, as they watched telling stories of that were told to them by their parents they saw a shooting

" wow guy that's the biggest shooting stars check it " Hugn pointed in the direction but when Khen's shape sight landed on it his face turned cold

" That is no star " his eyes scanned the object even closer and his look turned even colder, When the beasts attacked they destroyed pretty much anything that flys but when Khen looked at the object it was man made, no alien made

" That, that , iiis a Nova ship " he said and all his expression were became stunned, Nova ships have not been seen for three hundred years,

" Khen are you sure " Shen the youngest and only girl asked

" Yeah, " he answered eyes on the ship

" Then we have to tell general " the all watched as it disappeared into the ground