
Written in Fire (The story of two cheetahs

Two young cheetahs are giving a home among lions but soon they will learn to survive in a lions world they need to learn they must write their destiny in not stone but fire

Kaitlyn_Chambers · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter two

"Come on slowpoke" Amber teased running past the other cubs. A large cub pounded after Amber as fast as her paws would carry her.

"No fair" the cub called sprinting closely behind. "You got a head start"

"You're just a sore loser "Amber cheered skidding across the dirt line. Her eye lit up when she saw Tai padding towards them.

"Well what do we have here?" Tai purred dropping the soft clump of grass.

"We're practicing to be hunters" Amber chirped with pride "And I beat everyone" Tai's eyes glowed with pride at her adopted daughter.

"That's wonderful great job" she nuzzled her daughter before turing towards the other cubs you "Well done all did will, I am lucky to have cubs such as you in my pride" she purred with encouragement.

"What's with the grass" Amber bent over and sniffed the grazz that her mom dropped.

"I thought it would make a good bedding for Maze's cubs" She turned to a lioness grooming her cubs "They been sneezing a lot lately"

"I'll take it to her" she picked up clump of grass between her jaws and padded of to the cubs. "Hear Mom said the cubs could use this as bedding" Maze nodded gratefully.

"Amber!" Amber turned to see her brother carrying a small bird. She could feel her mouth start to water at the sight of fresh meat. He waved her over with his paw she quickly scrambled across the clearing to join him.

"Where did you get that?" She asked with round eyes before tearing of a small piece.

"Sky took us to the tall grazz for King training" he paused to take a bite "There flock hiding in the grass and who ever caught on got a piont on the training I spotted that this one had a broken wing and went after it" they both eagerly scarfed down the prey.

"River was sick so we just practiced running" She chirped finishing off the rest of the bird "I came in first everytime I'll probably lead runner" she posted.

"Thats no fair why can't I train as a hunter" he grumbled "I'm faster then anyone eles I beat I could track more down more gazelles the a whole pride of lions"

"Because dear you have to train to become a powerful king" Tai purred walking over to give him a lick on the top of the head.

"But I'm so much smaller" he pouted pawing at the ground.

"But that is your great strength" She gazed deep into his eyes "With you speed and agility No lion could ever lay a paw on you"

"You really think so?" He chirped excitedly puffing out his chest. Tai nodded before give him a quick lick on the head.

"Of course, now come on dears it's getting late" the cubs quick darted towards a small pile gazelle furs. Tai layed next to them gently wrapping her tail around the cubs. "Good night my loves" she purred closing her eye.

"Good night" they replied. Amber nuzzled closer to her brother falling soundly a sleep.