
Writing for the Actor

A writer and professor, an actor, a musician and more, come together by fate or business and get tangled in a web of weird coincidences and unexpected friendships. Will the secret be out? Will the songs be able to save a broken heart? Nobody but the professor can decide. This is a queer-friendly story. No toxicity will be tolerated.

KimHanith · LGBT+
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Tales of an unnamed writer who rose to unprecedented success have always been there. In the older days it was easy to be anonymous, to write and publish under pen names and be unknown, to slander people, society and institutions; to instigate drama, reveal secrets or just spread a rather funny rumour, everything was possible while being safe behind the walls of some country house.

In this era of social media, nothing is hidden, you post a picture and you are always there, some or the other way, the clouds are hacked, you are never safe, you are always out, till of course, you are some tech expert hell-bent on anonymity.

Even when I am out and about on my social media pages or as most around me call SNS, I am always aware that my good CEO is somewhere trying to keep my identity a well kept and expensive secret. Expensive because my anonymity is the selling point "a writer who is famous but not even the interviewers have met him".

The thing is, I escaped my family, I got a scholarship, studied and became a lecturer and secretly a writer. Why and how I escaped? That is for later. Right now I am on my way to meet the Chief Editor of the company I am signed to. He messaged me out of the blue and called me over, it must be something serious because I am leaving my K-drama's new episode in the middle for him.

As I walk into the building I feel nothing, that is strange, normally I feel disgusted at the blatant display of stupidity but today the face of these celebrities make me feel nothing, I am too interested in knowing what will happen in the upcoming episodes of Hospital Playlist 2 so I float around emotionless, in my own world and reach the Chief Editor's office. His name is Sam, just that, Sam, the Chief Editor of H&K Ent., always found in or near his office on the sixth floor, with chocolates and manuscripts on his desk, and his phone in his hand. He's a normal person, nothing is special about him except the fact that he was the only winner of one of the most prestigious literature related fellowships who also won the title of the most handsome man in his country. Sam, dear old Sam, "Who are you saying all of this to!?" "Nobody, you tell, how's the job and everything, or why was I called with such urgency".

There it is, he's closing his laptop, so something really is wrong. "The Ito-s have found out about your trilogy. Well basically, they got the scrapped off manuscript for the second book and they have sent a legal notice to our company." "Ok, I knew keeping everything was not a good idea, but, firstly, who the fuck leaked it? And then how do they even know that it is me? How do they know about the company and shit?" "Apparently one of our employees who was in the editing department got hold of it through the archives, we keep checking it for leaks and all, it was broken and taken away. The employee took it to sell it as an unreleased book by you and get hold of some good cash as he was in serious debt. Things went on and he was not able to sell it as there was no proof of it being written by you. He got caught by the loan sharks and they got hold of your book, then from them, it went to Ito-s as you know they are renowned collectors of such stuff to use it for their studio made writers. But, as they read it, they found the names and occurrences all too similar and that all lead to other stuff and their search ended here."

"You know, you are too calm for such an explosive moment Sam, all of this does make sense but like, what the fuck is this? A drama? Are there cameras here? This is too much to be real." "These companies, as you know them, work in many ways, and I mean underground too, you and I are sitting here in my office but somewhere one of the celebrities of the company is making their move and causing all the award shows to be biased, some of our very own employees are dealing with the same thing but only to help the company, by any means, and get the media and the public to be always on our side, we recently started supporting a major politician too, you should keep up with everything. So, in midst of all of that, this is a minor issue, that is why I am calm, our lawyers have already started their work on this, I could have kept you in dark, but you are a close friend, my ever so lazy writer." He said it all while coming towards the couch on which I am sitting. "I hope it gets solved without my involvement, and don't start with the company shit with me again, you know I hate that I signed with y'all." "But we made you rich! And famous." Here they are, the infamous dimples. "Now, be a good boy and let's go have some noodles, there is a new restaurant, it is owned by one of my school friends and I promised to bring a cutie." "You do know that I hate you right? And that you are going to drop me off at my house as I can't be using Subway after I eat."