
Wrathful Multiverse

Atom Walker was ROBBED by an entity that doesn't know the meaning of encryption and thinks no player is smart enough to look at his system. This isn't your average player and Atom has no idea about the plot of any franchise. He has no respect for MCs and will happily experiment on them and steal their girls. The ROB doesn't suspect that he's unleashed a real monster onto the multiverse.

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4 Chs


The fire of passion she remembered from her relations with Atom was absent from Tsukune. After catching him behind a dumpster sucking Saizo off, she was done. The Ogre seemed to get more and more prideful with each passing day and she was sick of it and sick of this world. Memories of a better timeline didn't change this one.


She had given it a month before making her decision. Kurumu was changing to become a lover Tsukune would like, and Mizori continued to look on. Yukari, the poor child, was working on a potion to change their gender or practically stable on another set.


Moka had decided to confront Yukari about it.


She closed the door to Yukari's dorm. Bubbling sounds from a boiling cauldron filled the air, along with an oppressive heat. The remains of some exotic ingredients covered the counters as Yukari worked over a massive cauldron, stirring and slowly adding ingredients.


"This has gone on long enough," Moka said.


"I'm almost done. Just give me a few more days to concentrate the potion and we'll have enough for everyone. Then Tsukune will love us."


Moka heard the desperation but hardened her heart. Something had to be done. She had to make it clear the Tsukune in this world wasn't a lifeline.


"He isn't the Tsukune we remember," Moka said.


"That's why I'm making the potion," Yukari said.


"No, you are making this potion because you don't want to be rejected and lose all your friends. Changing yourself for him isn't worth it. He isn't our Tsukune. When was the last time he searched you out to talk or just sit together." Moka asked.


Yukari stopped stirring and went silent for a minute. "I looked for Ruby and there is a monstrous sunflower that has taken over her home. Humans are feeding it monsters they find living amongst them. We need Tsukune to tell them we aren't bad, or there will be a war." Yukari stepped down from the cauldron. "We can only get his help if he loves us," Yukari said.


Moka leaned in and kissed Yukari, their soft lips pressed against each other before Moka met the girl's small tongue with her own. When she pulled away, Yukari was blushing and breathless. "No matter what we do, this isn't our Tsukune, and he isn't reliable. Memories don't make the man. I think we would have been happier with Atom." Moka said.


"He's human. What's stopping him from coming back and getting revenge or sending the humans after us? Yukari asked.


"Me, I have my full power as a shinso, and Atom can't hope to match me." Moka met Yukari's large brown eyes. This Tsukune isn't the one who saved you."


"I don't want to change myself. All I ever wanted was you." Yukari said.


They kissed again as Yukari cut the heat to the potion. Yukari grasped Moka's breasts, and after experiencing her first time and living through the memories of the other timeline, she let it happen. While they didn't go beyond kissing and groping, Moka felt closer to the girl.


"If you want to be safe, we should find Atom," Moka said.


"I have one of his teeth. We could use it for a tracking spell." Yukari said.


Moka nodded and spread her wings. Even if she couldn't defeat Alucard with her current power, there was little in the human world that could threaten her. Yoki eating sunflowers or not they would be safe.



The monster blood flowed thanks to some anti-terrorist groups tracking down monsters and giving them to my Sun Stalker. Maybe Golden Yandere would have been a better name I was sort of horrible at naming things. That being said, I managed to rise through stages at a rapid pace.


Thanks to some files the monsters hadn't managed to delete in time, I was on my way to a particular mansion in a nice little Porsche Carrera GT. 2004 was during the school year, so there wasn't much traffic on the road at 10 in the morning. The mansion we were driving to had over 20 acres of land sectioned off behind a barrier and should have been unassailable. Ruby looked nervous as we approached a tan-skinned blonde girl with a rosary earring.


She gently took off the earrings while Ruby applied the brakes. I flicked my finger, and numerous stones sailed in her direction, but all missed, and the girl practically appeared in front of me, aiming a kick to splatter my skull. I gripped the air and moved it fast enough to cause a cushion of air to appear, lifting her foot over my head.


"Stop the car," I ordered, and Ruby hit the brakes as we hit a turn with a cliff face to our right and a drop-off to our left. There wasn't a care in sight, only hot pavement and one very sad-looking dark-skinned vampire blonde wearing a wedding dress with a tiara on her head.


My PK took the tiara off her head and into my hands as Ruby turned the wheel, as the tires shrieked. "This beast is too fast for its own good." Ruby gazed at the vampire. "I could still fly us out of here."


"And abandon the car. Do you know how much I paid for it?" I asked.


"Nothing you mind tricked a Nintendo executive into giving it to you," Ruby said.


"I like the color," I said before dodging a razor-sharp slash from Kahlua and kicking the back of her knee. Rocks shot in our direction and aimed at her chest. She dodged to the side, and I turned the angle enough to clip her as she came around for another blow. "How did fairy tale figure out it was me behind the Gold Yandere that propositioned your father?"


"Not the first time I was sent to kill someone who sent a bimbo daddy's way." Kahlua said nonplussed.


I waved my hands in front of me in denial. "What? I was joking. I raided a fairy tale base." I said.


"I'm probably here because you joked about it. Mother tolerates a lot, but jokes about her marriage are taboo."


I dodged another series of blows as the girl attacked in a frenzy while tears fell down her cheeks.


"It's a shame you're good-looking for a human. If you might have been a good friend." My body moved faster to match her speed using telekinesis. While she was one hell of a fighter, I already found a hole in her defenses. When I probed it with a feint and closed a trap, a rock hit the side of her leg and knocked her off balance before I launched a knee into her gut. Her transformed bat blades slammed into my barrier and failed to pierce it. "You are tougher than you look. Kahlua said.


"I'm going to fuck your virgin pussy in the middle of the road while my witch watches on jealously."


Kahlua froze, stunned with wide eyes. "Did I say that out loud?"


She devoted her full strength and yelled, unleashing her Yoki. My barrier didn't waver.


"Our intelligence claimed your barrier couldn't withstand one of Moka's kicks," Kahlua said.


"That was weeks ago." I raised a golden sunflower seed to my lips and consumed it.


Luminaria High Evolutionary (4) lvl12 


While I wasn't getting any blood fruit from my Sun Stalker plants, they could concentrate solar power in their seeds, and consuming them gave me skill experience. Leveling that skill boosted all my psychic powers. Blows that would have shattered my barrier hardly made it flinch. Given enough time, even Alucard would lose to my power.


Of course, there were still limits. Yoki dissolved psychic bonds like snow over an open flame. It's why I couldn't read or influence the minds of monsters. Dark beings were completely immune to all my mental attacks, whether it was PK or telepathy.


Dust from the road rose up and obscured Kahlua's vision. She moved as if it hadn't affected her, only for her feet to hit a newly made divot in the road. I moved in and kicked her off her feet. Grabbing her leg, I smashed her hard back down on the pavement.


She twisted to deliver a kick to the side of my head, and I shocked her. Kahlua's leg turned into a mass of wing blades as she fought through the pain, and I increased the voltage. Her bladed wings crashed into my barrier and broke, cracking and spilling her blood only for me to drain it.


Sky Fiend Apotheosis (3) lvl10 



I stood over her as dust and gravel covered her white dress, and her leg transformed back to normal. She shot up, and I punched her down. Waves of bladed bat wings cracked against my barrier and failed to find purchase.


Every move of hers created shock waves, and after images, I had to disperse with PK. Only my telekinetic sense of the area around me allowed me to keep up with the fight.


The strength of my PK weave had grown to the point even her Yoki wasn't enough to shatter it. Among the purple of psychic energy was the glow of stars canceling out the darkness.


How long before my psychic might even match Alucard? I pulled a handkerchief from my inventory and handed it to her.


"Why don't you clean yourself up? You lost, so you aren't an assassin anymore." I said.


"That's not how this works. My mother ordered me to kill you. Either you kill me, or eventually I'll kill you." Kahlua said.


"Nah, I think I'm going to go give your mother a piece of my mind and probably cuckold your father," I said.


Kahlua opened her mouth and closed it. "What are you talking about?"


"You know how you tried to assassinate me and lost handily," I said.


She narrowed her eyes but nodded her head. "Well I'm nearly at the point where there isn't any stopping me. All I need is the blood of a few more monsters or another S class, and I will reach a new level of power. Once that happens, it will be even easier to collect everything I need to beat Alucard. Stopping me became impossible after we fought." I said.


"Listen, I mean this in the nicest way possible. I don't think you're sane." Kahlua said.


She lunged, and I punched her down with all the PK my body could handle.


"You really are a sweetie. Alright, tell you what. I need to cultivate and solidify my entry into the next rank. Why don't we go to a hotel and rent a room? Ruby and you can get to know each other. We can take showers and have ourselves a little orgy." I said.


I reached under her long white dress and ran my finger down her panty-clad slit. She shivered and blushed cutely as I stared into her red eyes. For a random encounter, Kahlua was the most adorable dark-skinned blonde. She and her mother might be the gems of Rosario. I lifted her chin and kissed her.


Kahlua's eyes widened as our lips met, and hers were soft. The woman's eyes closed slowly as I reached out and took her hand into mine. She tasted like cherry lip gloss and pushed her body against me with the strength to shatter concrete.


"My mother will punish me if she finds out."


I kissed her again.


"My bloodline is supposed to be pure. The Shuzen line would be disgraced if I have children with a human."


I kissed her again.


"Only the strong can marry into the Shuzen family," Kahlua said.


I kissed her again.


"I've always wanted to disobey mother. Can we also stop and get a milkshake? Mother never lets me have them. She says they'll make me fat, and Shuzen's always keep a trim figure."


"I think that can be arranged," I said.


The stolen Porshe pulled into a love hotel, and I paid in cash as Ruby and Kahlua drank their milkshakes. We were up, and both of them were naked before, just before I managed to get the door shut. Kahlua was a tan-skinned woman of beauty with the smallest tuft of hair above her quim.


Ruby blushed while looking between us. It was obvious she wasn't used to these kind of situations.


"How did you become so powerful?" Kahlua asked.


She was really such a dangerous little thing. They both were with Ruby's transformation magic and Kahlua's natural transformation. At the cusp of rank 2, I struggled to keep the chi in my Dantina from fully solidifying and creating a pillar. That would expand my attributes over the 50 limit for mental and physical. Without my skills, I would be no match for either Ruby or Kahlua, and that was exciting. The danger of fucking two beautiful and powerful monsters who could kill me at any moment was exciting.


Really, the most dangerous thing about them was how much they grew on me after sex. Kahlua was about to earn quite a bit of influence from Ruby and me.


"I'm am that I am." I grabbed some lube and sprayed it over my cock.