
Wrath of Artaxia: Road of the Divine

The Abyss, where everything that is lost eventually ends up. With a price, power, knowledge, items, anything you desired could be traded with the abyss. The Great enemy of the world who was to powerful to be killed and was subsequently sealed by both Heaven and Hell. And with the goal of sacrificing the world for the power of the abyss, the great enemy of the world of Artaxia held the crown and led the Abyssal troops to attack the world, for reasons only known to the enemy. "You know what Abyssal Lord?" A man in dark blazing attire wielding a sword in hand prepared their blade against the hordes of the Abyss controlled by the enemy charging at the beautiful world behind him. "We can't allow this" Followed up by a woman with bright and wavy clothes that flowed behind her while holding a long spear with both hands. "So Abyssal Lord!" Awakening their Heavenly and Hellish forms of greater strength, their voices turning into something more ethereal. The Man and Woman held their weapons at the surging tide of all consuming black and white, Magical Swords and Spears appearing behind their backs as other shadowy figures ran from within the distance. "Face the Wrath Of Artaxia! And Let us Journey! Onto the the Road of the Divine!"

TreeBriarWood · Fantasi
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23 Chs

The True Legacy of Amandus (2)

It was a creature that should've only belonged to nightmares.

That creature sneaked through the cracks of the wall and appeared before them in it's full form of a half humanoid being covered in smoke.

Floating off the ground with dark mist emanating off of its missing lower body, its upper body was hard to look at.

Several arms twisted around a large beating heart connected by several veins like red strings.

The arms circled around the creature as it slowly floated upwards to the rather tall structure.

Moving it's arm, its heart faced the center of the room as all the fists opened their hands.

And at the crook of the palms there was nothing but eyes, nothing but rows upon rows upon rows of wide eyes.

And all those eyes were all directed at the duo that had been rendered frozen underneath their gaze.

Whether that was by surprise from the one two combo of realizing they were cursed and seeing the cause of it or fear of the unknown being that was unknown even to them.

That would be left unknown.

What was known was that this monster was an enemy, an ugly one at that.

The horrendously disfigured monster snapped its fingers as if to announce its arrival before it was suddenly besieged by four souls.


Somehow making a snapping of fingers sound confused, the four souls suddenly attacked the strange creature.

"Just like that"

"What even is that... thing!?" Ellora had a disgusted look on her face as the strange being moved its arms around to block the attacks.

"That my dear is an Abyssal creature."

Hearing the uncharacteristically serious voice leave the man who left the impression of a laid back man, Ellora turned to look at the Infinite Circle Mage who faced the creature with a serious look on their face.

With a harsh thump of its exposed heart that repelled the four duke souls, the Infinite circle mage made a move.

"Hey, little royals"

All around the abyssal creature, geometric circles lined with several words suddenly appeared out of nowhere and manifested a variety of attacks.








"Do you know why I'm called the Infinite circle mage when I was younger?"

Manifesting several weak spells simultaneously that had little use besides their ability to be easily manifested, Scoria had a confused look on his face.

From what he had seen, the abyssal creature was strong enough to face off against four duke level celestial souls with relative ease, albeit the celestial beings were souls and were handicapped due inability to use the myriad elements.

Their basic strength was high enough to rival most.

And those weak spells would definitely have no effect on the monster that was capable of pushing back four of those beings.

That was until the Infinite circle mage continued to make those small geometric shapes.

 Changing his face from one of confusion to shock and awe, the next words that the man said were almost missed by him.

"That's because I can do things like this!"

[Multiply x10!]

Suddenly, the spells surrounding the monster multiplied in number and release their respective spells.


With a frantic click, the abyssal beast brought its hands up and caused its heart to beat frantically.

Colorful red lasers left the eyes to meet the unleashed spells that were weak but numerous in number.

Not so sadly, the frantic beating heart of the Abyssal beast that resounded throughout the hall suddenly ceased as the dust kicked up by the spells died down.

However, despite the creature that was

"Sorry to cut our meeting short, but I didn't expect the seal to weaken so soon"

"What? What do you mean by seal?"

"It's a seal on the abyssal creatures that the fallen lord ruled over."

Without having the chance to explain anymore, the walls trembled for a moment before stopping.

The wall then suddenly exploded from several points, large gruesome looking creatures with a strange anatomy crawling out of them.

Facing the creatures of a myriad shapes and sizes, the Infinite circle mage showed his prowess.

[Undead Sanctification!]

[Multiply x100!]

[Soul seal release!]

Just like that, a hundred dead souls suddenly rose from the ground before gaining armors and weapons.

Turning to the duo the Infinite Circle Mage spoke.

"Okay, I don't have much time to speak with you so I'll make this quick."

"I'm giving you the full legacy right here and now"

Hearing those words, it was like a bolt to the blue to their minds, and before they could even react to that information the Fragment of Exor Amandus continued.

"Of course, you probably can't receive it directly as you need to be an Archmage to receive it fully, but what little legacy you can unravel will definitely help you."

The Infinite circle mage glanced at the battlefield and watched as the myriad souls belonging to Heaven and Hell wielded special weapons and tore through the flesh of the Abyssal creatures.

"I don't know who or what generation of Heaven and Hell you guys came from, but as a Princess and Prince, you both have the duty of protecting your subjects."

A giant black purplish being covered in a myriad of mouths let out an ear-piercing scream as it grabbed a soul and tried to eat it, even as the soul savagely attacked the hand.

"Take these" Shoving two small pendants into their palms he continued even as the sounds of battle occurred behind him.

"These orbs contain my legacy and are a spatial treasure so take care of them"

Behind him, a rogue attack flew to his head, and without looking he waved his hand and blocked it with a hexagonal shield.

"Now, I would love to speak more and have a chat over some tea but as you can see..."

He gestured to the battle happening behind him.

"This isn't really tea time conditions."

"So without further ado" the man smiled "See you next time."

"Wait-!" Belatedly realizing that they were about to be sent out of the core chambers, Scoria reached out.

Without listening further, the Soul of Exor Amandus snapped his fingers and sent the duo far away from the core chambers.

And as he did so, the smile on his face fell as he turned to the Abyssal creatures that were savagely fighting both themselves and the souls.

Cracking his knuckles, if the prince and princess were still here, they would've been surprised to see that the face of the kind uncle figure suddenly distorted into something unrecognizable.

"You guys couldn't have chosen the worst time to break out of your seal."

He grabbed a long black wand from his bosom with an angry smile and brandished it against the hoards of monsters.

"I finally found someone to talk to over three fucking hundred years."

Swinging the wand he continued.

"So now don't mind me since I'm pissed"

Following the path of the wand, geometric magic shapes formed and unraveled through the air.

Floating behind him like guardian angels, the walls burst apart to reveal a much larger abyssal creature with several eye stalks and an open rib cage revealing a giant beating heart.

[Multiply Limit Off]

"Now then you stupid beasts who act on instinct."

The man slowly rose from the ground, his robes and hair fluttering along the unseen air currents.

"For the umpteenth time, I am the Infinite circle mage"

Right behind him, the magic circles continued to multiply without showing signs of stopping.

Pointing his wand at the hoard of beasts, the souls holding them off as if agreeing ahead of time instantly moved away.

Allowing the abyssal monsters to surge forward like an all devouring black tide.

The Infinite Circle Mage opened his eyes and revealed piercing blue eyes.

"Now die"

On his command, the magic circles instantly exploded and filled the room with light.

