
Wrath of Artaxia: Road of the Divine

The Abyss, where everything that is lost eventually ends up. With a price, power, knowledge, items, anything you desired could be traded with the abyss. The Great enemy of the world who was to powerful to be killed and was subsequently sealed by both Heaven and Hell. And with the goal of sacrificing the world for the power of the abyss, the great enemy of the world of Artaxia held the crown and led the Abyssal troops to attack the world, for reasons only known to the enemy. "You know what Abyssal Lord?" A man in dark blazing attire wielding a sword in hand prepared their blade against the hordes of the Abyss controlled by the enemy charging at the beautiful world behind him. "We can't allow this" Followed up by a woman with bright and wavy clothes that flowed behind her while holding a long spear with both hands. "So Abyssal Lord!" Awakening their Heavenly and Hellish forms of greater strength, their voices turning into something more ethereal. The Man and Woman held their weapons at the surging tide of all consuming black and white, Magical Swords and Spears appearing behind their backs as other shadowy figures ran from within the distance. "Face the Wrath Of Artaxia! And Let us Journey! Onto the the Road of the Divine!"

TreeBriarWood · Fantasi
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23 Chs

The school of Amandus (2)

The School of Amandus

Founded by it's great founder, the infinite circle mage Exor Amandus, most known for his abilities to summon several magic spells regardless of mental burden.

His highest record was summoning up to a thousand complicated magic spells that had the ability to blow up entire buildings by themselves.

And the School of Amandus, established by the Infinite Circle Mage alongside his comrades.

Relied both on the prestige of being an academy of being created by the Infinite Circle Mage and the Legacy of the Infinite Circle Mages theorems that led to who he was today.

It didn't take long for the academy to become the best in the southern continent, the only academies being on par with it being the ones in the other three cardinal directions and a few others.

And just like the other academies, that although had been established much later than the other five academies.

It quickly became renowned for having a legacy that was hard to master but allowed for several renowned talents to be birthed from the academy.

The connections that the Infinite Circle Mage had at the time supported him in making the Academy.

Several Renowned figures such as the Pioneer of Transportation, Great Engineer Rex and the Sword Saint, Tornado Blade, Gunther being a few to name.

And with such an impressive resume, the School of Amandus, which was already impressive enough for being founded by the Infinite Circle Mage.

Attracted talents from all over the world to it's doors.

Of course to be qualified to even teach these gathered talents that were inevitably attracted to the prospect of the best school in the south.

The school had to attract people who were both famous and renowned while also being incredibly strong in their own rights.

To give proper lessons to the students that would grow to reach their heights or just below it.

Thus making a situation that more talents were drawn to the renowned teachers and more teaches being needed.

This blew incredibly out of proportions as this cycle continued to grow larger and larger.

Until it reached the heights that it currently was today.

However just as workers expect pay from doing their work, the teachers did as well.

And thus came the problem of wages.

But they couldn't pay the teachers wages with just the money received from the academy's tuitions as that was a one time thing that happened every year start.

Which was why several large organizations that wanted a hand in the new talents that would bound in the academy gave their investments to help the academy.

And just like how the academy needed the money to pay the wages, the organizations wanted the outputted talents the School made.

Thus another virtuous cycle of give and take was established.

It was this cycle that the new faith that had sprung up from out of nowhere a few years after the end of the fifth great war.

So this school semester.

One that shouldn't have been any different from any other school year now had an unprecedented factor to it.

The Five Churches of the New Faith.

The Church of the New Moon.

A religion that believed in a permanent crescent moon instead of the full moon of the Lunar Faith.


The Church of the New Blood

A religion that accepted all types of beings despite outwards condemning them of accepting the other races.


The Church of Continuity

Believing in constant change that never stops moving.


The Church of Purification

Worships the Blue star that was not the sun above their heads.


And Finally.

The Church that was the undisputed head of the new faith

The Church of the Abyss.

A religion that believes in the pursuit of knowledge.


Thus, with the intervention of the New Faith that 'sponsored' several talents from renowned families.

Some properly some through not so proper means.

It was a guarantee to many that this year and the ones following it would be...

Interesting to say the least.

Which even with the unknown factors of the Heavenly faction of Lyxia and the Hellish faction of Pandora.

The school year would be guaranteed to be a strange one.

As the carriages of both the Kingdom of Morgast and Stratus who were both 'convinced' to send their youngest over to the school under a compromise.

Flew through the air.

One being dragged by flying fish another by flaming spiders..

They slowly descended to the dedicated sky port that was created for cases like the ones that was currently happening.

The Carriages circled through the skies as they joined the various other carriages that were descending to the ground.

Attracting attention from the other carriage drivers for the unique beasts that the carriages were using to drive their carriages.

Cloud Salmon and Lava Striders were rare creatures after all.

Eyeing the carriages with both fear about what organizations could capture and tame such rare beasts, to awe for the organization that could capture and tame such beasts.

A rather strange contradiction, but one that happened everywhere in not so daily life.

Passing over the gates and landing at the agreed upon Sky Port which continued to funnel in and out people from all sorts of backgrounds.

The noble class who could afford the cheap Giant Eagles being the majority.

The carriages of the Morgast kingdom and the Stratus Kingdom both touched down at the same time.

The Wheels of Floating Oak, a material known for it's lightness that carried small boulders into the air, running across the runway.

Opening the carriage doors for their respective masters and royal heirs, the Maid/ Guards of the Royal Prince/ Princess came out of the carriage first.

Before giving a hand in their descent.

The Prince of Morgast in his short but breezy attire and the Princess of Stratus in her long sweeping robes accepted the hand without batting an eye.

And finally set foot onto the grounds of the academy.

"So this is the Academy of Amandus" x2

Pausing in surprise at hearing a voice mirror their own words appear at the same time they looked for the source for the words and looked at each other.

This marked the first time the destiny's of the Prince of Hell and the Princess of Heaven now known as royalty of Artaxia were intertwined with each other.

This also was the first time they were meeting each other but it most likely wouldn't be the last time.

Looking at each other the Prince of Morgast looked at the princess of Stratus while being unaware of her background.

But seeing as they had rather high quality cloth as their clothes and the carriage they were riding in was one that was both unfamiliar yet familiar.

Familiar in the way that it spoke volumes about the parties wealth.

Scoria Del Dmantra greeted the other first with a flourish and a bow.

"Greetings from the Prince of Morgast, Scoria Del Dmantra, may I have the honor of knowing the name of the beautiful flower in front of me?"

Chuckling at the greeting, the princess of Stratus curtsied to the Prince of Morgast, the kingdom of Iron and Lava while hiding her surprise.

And gave her greetings in kind.

"Why hello there Prince of Morgast, Dmantra, my name is Ellora Laga Nephele, the Princess of Stratus"

Hearing her words Scoria instantly connected the dots in front of him just like Ellora and realized the identity of the person in front of them.

As royalty of their respective kingdoms, they had to lightly know the names of the royalty of other kingdoms that were of note to their parents.

And that was how they knew each other as the third child of the other kingdom.

But they knew each other by something else that they deemed more important.

The naturally born talent that rivaled the talent of Hell's/ Heaven's Royal Heirs.

Recalling the information of the people in front of them with a flicker of the minds, they ran through what they knew of each other.

That knowledge consisting of both commonly known and some... not some commonly known information.

Scoria - A world defying talent that has the potential to break through to God hood while having an incredibly beneficial physique that aided the body and affinities.

Volcano Spirits Body.

A bodily physique that changed the heart, lungs and blood of the body into ones that were attuned to the elements of Earth, Fire and Iron respectively.

Youngest of the bloodline in the royal kingdom, with an overwhelming affinity to Earth, Fire and Metal attributes.

Ellora - Born with world defying talent that could potentially break through to God hood while having several attributed physiques that didn't clash with the body and affinities.

Ocean Tyrant's Body.

The Physique that caused changes in the Lungs, Heart and Blood thus attuning them to the elements Wind, Lightning and Water respectively.

Youngest of the Stratus Royal bloodline with an incredibly high affinity to Wind, Water and Lightning Attributes.

Any one of these things that these teens of age sixteen that had were things that any other normal person could only dream of.

Immense Mana Potential, triple affinities, high tiered physiques and a background that was incredibly powerful.

These things were attributed to the geniuses of long, long ago that appeared only once every few decades.

But here in a single year.

Two of them appeared.


'So with this knowledge that she/ he has a powerful physique' The two stared at each other with obvious interest.

'The job to erase the Abyss's influence on Artaxia will be much easier if I had them on my side'

While having rather familiar thoughts, Scoria Del Dmantra took the lead and bowed to the Princess.

"So you are the rumored princess of the North I take it? Nephele was it? I hope we can get along and work together in the future"

Chuckling the girl of age sixteen waved her hand at him "I agree, you may call me Ellora if you want, I hope you live up to the expectations Prince of the Kingdom of Lava"

"If we are on a first name basis already than you can call me Scoria dear princess"

Chuckling at each other, they hid their intent behind barbed words as they spoke to each other.

The Pride of a genius wasn't one that they had for show.

"Should we be straight with each other?" 

"How so?"

Ellora confused Scoria with her straightforwardness before accepting it without problem and looked at her with slight curiosity.

"Should we have a bet?"

"What type of bet?"

"The type where we bet who gets first place in the examinations"

Grinning at those words Scoria put his hand out causing Ellora to take the hand quickly and shake it up and down.

"I assume that we are betting on ourselves getting first place than?"

"Of course"

"Heh, than I assume that the results of the bet have the other admitting that they are weaker than the other and we are underneath them than?"

"That is a given"

"Bet accepted"

With a wide manic grin on his face that matched the manic smirk on Ellora's they finalized the bet with a shake of the hands.

Before turning around and walking into the designated area where the examinations were about to be held.

A rivalry that had the possibility of affecting the entire academy slowly blossoming.

