
Wrath of Artaxia: Road of the Divine

The Abyss, where everything that is lost eventually ends up. With a price, power, knowledge, items, anything you desired could be traded with the abyss. The Great enemy of the world who was to powerful to be killed and was subsequently sealed by both Heaven and Hell. And with the goal of sacrificing the world for the power of the abyss, the great enemy of the world of Artaxia held the crown and led the Abyssal troops to attack the world, for reasons only known to the enemy. "You know what Abyssal Lord?" A man in dark blazing attire wielding a sword in hand prepared their blade against the hordes of the Abyss controlled by the enemy charging at the beautiful world behind him. "We can't allow this" Followed up by a woman with bright and wavy clothes that flowed behind her while holding a long spear with both hands. "So Abyssal Lord!" Awakening their Heavenly and Hellish forms of greater strength, their voices turning into something more ethereal. The Man and Woman held their weapons at the surging tide of all consuming black and white, Magical Swords and Spears appearing behind their backs as other shadowy figures ran from within the distance. "Face the Wrath Of Artaxia! And Let us Journey! Onto the the Road of the Divine!"

TreeBriarWood · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Entrance Exams (2)

After confirming the will of the students through the test of will that couldn't even be called a test by conventional means.

They made sure that the people who passed the test had strong will.

Which meant that they had a decent resistance to mental attacks and were less likely to be manipulated.

It also meant that they at least had the will to develop themselves instead of lazing around upon gaining access to the great facilities that the Academy boasted about,

The next test was the one that was spoken about by the Headmistress that moved her hands into the air.

After confirming the talents of the people who passed the test of will, Evangelina smiled and spoke after listening to a whisper from Sebastian.

"Now that we have confirmed who have passed and who are failed we are going to move to the next testing place"

Grinning with a smile that was only known to those close to her.

That being metaphorically and literally, Sebastian sighed sadly before looking at the aspirants with pity.

"Take note that this next test alongside this one will decide whether you will be able to get accepted into the academy"

Grinning maliciously as she raised her hand she spoke as if she just remembered "Oh yeah, we're holding the rest of the tests at the same time"

Snapping her fingers, the aspirants barely had any time to register her words before the true meaning rested into their minds.

Panic briefly rose amongst many peoples minds as they realized what it was.

Before the headmistress transporting them all to a pitch black space.

Where the only things that they could see were two things.

Themselves and a screen right in front of them.

Said screen was the one that depicted their talent through the pre set rankings that the entire world agreed upon.

And right in front of a few of them...

[Extreme Potential]


'So this is the rumored spatial shift that the Dimensional Witch uses'

Scoria looked around the black space with interest before shifting his interest to the screen.

Shelving the issue of his headmistress being an incredibly powerful being that dealt with the extremely rare concepts of space for something for future Scoria to deal with.

He looked interestedly at the screen in front of him.

'I remember that this so called engineering has appeared lately and magic screens that were hard to create are now common, is this one of those screens'

Rubbing his chin with interest, his interest was then shifted to the things that the screen displayed and raised an eyebrow at the words.

'How interesting'

With a smile on his face he read his status that had a few things in addition to the mana potential that had been revealed since the young age of ten.


Seeing the surprised faces on the children from her stand the Evangelina chuckled.

Standing around, the headmistress of the academy watched the children's reactions from beyond the windows to the unique sub realities.

Looking through the fragmented windows to the parallel spaces, she enjoyed some of their reactions.

Manipulating the strings of mana again, it went to move the various apparatus that would test their talents at which point a few results were put right into her mind.

Taking in the sudden influx of information, her fingers danced through the air as they manipulated the windows and separated them into an order that only the staff of the academy knew.

Finishing her job in manipulating the windows and sending the children to the sub reality.

It was now the Supervisors of the academy's turn to do their job and supervise the children.

"We understand who is assigned to which area's right?!" A man wearing a hat despite being held inside a black pocket dimension shouted.

"Yes Engineering Head" A Young woman adjusted her glasses as she replied to the man, chuckling as she did so.

"We've done this for a few years now, so we know what we're doing you stick in the mud"

The man rolled his eyes as he waved away the sarcastic remarks of the woman, the others nearby her chuckling at her words.

"Yeah, well this stick in the mud will beat you with a stick if you won't do your job correctly! So shut up and get back to work!"

Barking at his subordinates they went back to their respective stations.

Admiring her staff workers for a moment as they turned to look at the windows to another reality Evangelina disappeared with a whirl of white sparks.

The only signs of her disappearance being the existence of a few dying sparks that soon would disappear.

Ignoring her disappearance as something common even though usage of spatial interference wasn't a common thing at the slightest.

The supervisors looked at the windows to another reality as the Head of Engineering barked out orders.

"Now than people! Jokes aside, Tell me how many do we have!"

Without missing a beat the woman who called the Head a stick in the mud shouted while being followed by others.

"Extreme Potential! Three!"

"Highest Potential! Eleven!

"High Potential! Hundred two!"

"Medium Potential!...






'So I still have a high potential in Aura hm? Good to know'

The screen in front of him was one that spoke volumes of his potential power he could grow to attain in the future.

In their respective fields of course.

[Extreme Mana]

[High Aura]

[Mediocre Spirit]

[Low Essence]

[Affinity: Fire, Earth, Metal]

Smiling as the four familiar words were put in front of his face he looked over them.

Mana was the power of the mind.

Aura the power of the body.

Spirit the power of the soul.

And finally Essence the power of Presence

Looking over the four powers that made up the foundation of the world and was living within every single being in the world.

Besides Essence which was slightly esoteric and Spirit that was much rarer in the fact that it wasn't a common power.

His Mana was akin to the one he had in Pandora, the Aura also staying the same.

However it was strange that his Spirit and Essence was low.

Pondering over it for a moment he nodded.

But than again it wasn't strange that his spirit and essence was low as before they were startling high because of his blood line.

But in the world of Artaxia where to much of a bright soul would attract the eyes of the New faith that were the main enemies of Hell.

And before he could grow powerful enough to ignore the gazes that were directed to his body.

It was best to not attract eyes that could kill him like a knife cutting a flower in it's buds.

"Welcome aspiring Students!"

A booming voice suddenly resounded the unique sub realm, it's origin most likely being a powerful practitioner of the body due to their booming voice.

"This is the test of Combat"

A large cupboard suddenly manifested itself besides Scoria as it landed with a great thud against the ground, it's doors swinging open to reveal a multitude of weapons within.

"Take your weapons, whether that be magical or physical in nature, or none at all"

Shouting with audible sadistic glee in his voice, he continued.

"And prepare to fight the monsters that will come at you"

Suddenly right in front of Scoria, in the expansive white sub reality, pillars of black descended from the ceiling, or what made up the ceiling and hit the ground.

"Don't worry though"

The black pillars dissipated to reveal several monsters that hid within, beasts craving for blood making their presence known.

"The monsters here won't kill you here..."

Looking at the cupboard filled to the brim with weapons that went beyond what the cupboard should've been able to take in.

Scoria quickly picked out a long straight edged, double sided long sword from within the cupboard.

Comfortably holding the simple iron longsword's long handle with both hands, Scoria felt the weight of the metal blade in his hands.

"It'll just hurt like hell though"

Taking those words for the starting signal the wolves that were restrained by some unseen force lunged forwards, Scoria doing the same in his actions.

'I already miss my own weapon' 

Recalling the special weapon that his father had gifted him before his departure and missing the weight 

It unfortunately was taken away before the tests began.

It made some sense though that the specialty weapons were to be taken away otherwise it would be to unfair to the other participants and would cater to much to equipment standards than actual skill.

Thinking about those facts, his eyes were attracted to the wolves as his thoughts wandered from idle ones to ones more accustomed to battle.

Resting the flat side of the blade on his forearm, Scoria held the blade with left hand and charged forwards.

'Volcano Spirit Style, First Form!'

Running his mana through his veins, tangible flames left his mouth as his red eyes seemed to have a flicker of fire burn within the white orbs.

'Volcano Spider!'

Stabbing forwards with his full strength in his left hand, the leaping wolf was eviscerated and impaled itself on the long extending blade.

Using his momentum from the stab to move his right foot forwards, he pulled his left arm back and brought the bloody blade out of the head of the wolf.

Before it could even dissipate into the magic particles it was made from, Scoria moved his legs again before turning around.

Using the momentum from pulling the blade back, he grasped the blade with two hands and used his left foot as an axis and let out a devastating slash that cleaved the wolf in half.

The grey furred wolf didn't even have the time to howl out in pain before being sliced in half.

Doing the same with the other three wolves that leapt through the air, Scoria's final action was spinning around and letting out a devastating thrust into the air.

His mana exploding out the tip of the sword and letting out a torrent of fire.

It was nothing but show however as Scoria just let out the mana as a symbolic gesture, the mana not even having the power that was supposed to accompany it.

It still however was impressive though.

Glancing at the blade that was still holding Scoria grinned as he turned to look at the pillar of black light that gave way to reveal the monsters behind it.

A large boar with strong ivory tusks bristled with unconcealed rage as the beady eyes locked onto the small young man that could be nothing but a quick snack to the brown furred behemoth.

Not that the snack cared as the behemoth's sight suddenly spun.


Letting out a confused noise, the beast disappeared in a flurry of white sparks as Scoria grinned.

'It seems like things will be much easier than I thought to place higher than Ellora'

Looking at his hand that hadn't even begun to tremble with exertion from his daily training.

Scoria looked at the black pillar that descended once again and readied his blade.

'I think first place is a good place to settle at'


Tree that will start showing things properly next chapter.