Detective Kin Ja was in shock.
"Jin Ha, Jin Ha!!!!" He screamed crying, some of the police men were quite surprised at his expressions, they couldn't quite fathom why.
Who would have thought they were very close. But in reality they weren't so close at least to Jin Ha, he saw him as a pain in the ass, but they had worked together for a long time, unknowing to Jin Ha, he was the only friend the weirdo had. He enjoyed frustrating him so much, he took solace in seeing him shout at him.
He looked at his face and broke into tears, his body was already stiff, with coagulated blood which formed a line from his lip down to his chin, he looked at him he couldn't touch him, so as not to contaminate evidence.
"Detective please move aside, let's be professional" Kin Ja raised his head to the unfortunate police man who had made the mistake to talk to him
"Professional???" he quickly scanned his batch and looked thoroughly at him.
"Are you supposed to be here huh???!!!"