
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

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200 Chs

Rock Club~

It was already the 7th of September on a Wednesday, which meant Kazutora's birthday was around the corner. I was already planning to bake a cake with my own two hands. Yes, who wouldn't feel loved by being given a handmade cake? I was already planning what kind of flavors I wanted to implement. However once Senju came to me during lunch we started to try to figure out how we could put use to this school's music practice room.

"There isn't any band per se in this school, all we have is kids practicing things like piano, violin, and stuff, but things like drums, bass, and guitars seemed to be unused for the most part," Senju mentioned as I nodded along, neither of us joined a club, so maybe we would get permission if we established one of our own.

"How about we create a club, just the two of us, and then give our friends this school's uniforms so they can sneak inside whenever?" I could purchase three additional sets, which probably would come out cheaper than hiring out a whole practice room.

"Sounds good, let's do that." This sounded like a sound plan, we just needed to find a teacher that would oversee our club, my best bet was to go to Mr. Nomura, my homeroom and math teacher.

"You two want to make another music club, but rock orientated?" He asked as we both nodded.

"So like a band... just the two of you?" We decided to not reveal that we planned to drag other girls into it, that came from other schools.

"You two seem quite enthusiastic about it, but to create a new club one needs at least one more person. But considering one of the top students is applying that never joined a club before, the director may change his mind...." He seemed deep in thought.

"How about this girls, I will see what I can do, in the meanwhile, you can try to find another person to join. I'm not sure anyone would want to leave their club, but Kisaki hasn't joined one either." And so he left, to spare me some trouble I just yelled at my class.

"Is anyone interested in joining a music rock club?" Of course, those stuck-up classmates would ignore me, so I strolled to Kisaki, put my hand on his desk, and hovered over him.

"I will not join your silly music rock club, don't even think about asking me." Was his immediate response.

"You don't even need to come, just put your name on the paper,... you won't even do it for me?" He suddenly froze in place, but a few seconds later shook his head. Since this didn't work I had another trap card up my sleeve.

"So you haven't heard..." I asked sounding quite disappointed.

"About what exactly?" I could tell by the second he was becoming more irritated with my

bothering presence.

"I and the girls were planning to create a band and practice in our school, but I guess you don't want to see Hinata play on the keyboard from time to time in this schools practice room, I mean if you were one of the members you could use the clubs' room for studying, but alas we gonna have to find some other establishment in the city to practice music at, such a shame." Of course, as soon he heard Hinata's name being mentioned, and the possibility of seeing her without Takemichi around, he leaped onto the chance.

"Wait!" And gotcha, it was so fun being the one manipulating him into changing his mind, hence I already knew Hinata wouldn't be coming over that often, considering she had her afternoon school to worry about. And unlike the other members she already mastered her instrument, all she needed to do is grasping the song which we still haven't written down.

"I will join." He soon admitted, and I and Senju high-fived as a celebration, yet since she heard the conversation she had some second thoughts about this idea.

"Are you sure this is alright? It sounded like he has a crush on her, but Hina-chan has already a loving boyfriend." I just waved my hand while assuring her everything would be alright.

"He doesn't have the guts to land any moves on her." After all his grand plan was to become an influential delinquent or yakuza? Which meant he only tried to convince her on dating his ass, after he was drowning in power, which I still found ridiculous.

If some dude I knew from elementary school came to hit me with a proposal I would have laughed in his face thinking it was a joke, hell I probably wouldn't remember his name for that matter, was this dude ok?

I turned around, walked over to him once more, and after holding his hand in my palms I stated.

"I will try to go to a temple, so I can pray for your pitiful soul. You lack any common sense. My poor child, you probably lack understanding of any emotional intelligence." Kisaki seemed pissed off once more, as Sanju just stood there cackling at our interaction.

"Sometimes I wonder what happens in that empty head of yours." He dared to utter.

"My head is not empty, instead it's filled with many mischievous schemes to brighten up your sorrowful day." He groaned, slapped my hand away, and went back to studying.

That's when Mr. Nomura came back.

"It seems like you really need to find an additional person to join your case." I just crossed my arms and admitted proudly.

"Already taken care of, Tetta-Kun said he would join because I asked him so nicely." Mr. Nomura just laughed and gave me a thumbs-up.

Once we got the form we filled it out and asked Kisaki to write down his name as one of the club members. Mr.Nomura promised he would fix it as soon as possible.

"If by any chance you used Tachibana's name to trick me, I will get you for it." Was he simping so hard? That's when a quest made its appearance. I was ready for anything, at least that's what I thought. Until I was proven wrong.

'Would you rather ask Tetta Kisaki if he likes punishing bad girls or offer him a ride on your bike?' Excuse me? If the system was a person I wouldn't waste any opportunity to slap the hell out of it.

"Would you like to get a ride on my new bike? Just the two of us in the middle of the night, with a starry sky over our heads? Doesn't that sound romantic Tetta-Kun?" I asked, but he suggested.

"Go do it with your couch guy." I collapsed to the floor.

"No Tetta-Kun! You're the only one for me, don't leave me!" I screamed, causing the other students to look our way.

"Give me a break!" He walked away as Senju couldn't do anything but laugh.

"You two are hilarious together, but why do you keep bothering him so much? Do you like him perhaps?" She asked having this smug expression on her face.

"No, I'm doing the gods' work by distracting him from his evil thoughts." I struck a hero pose.

"Another day of saving the world from the clutches of evil." I dramatized.

Now when school was over unexpectedly I got a call.

"Yes, my Kokonut boy what could you possibly want... hopefully you don't want to borrow my money." I just wanted to sound suspicious of him.

"Who wants your money, I won't be able to enjoy it if Taiju kills me, so please stop him!" I just blinked in confusion.

"Why would he want to kill you? Doesn't he need your brains?" I was so confused by this development.

"He been telling me I'm trying to shoot my shots at his girl, and even if I explained to him in detail why you licked me before and stuff, he grunts something about me having a K in my name, therefore I could be his opponent in the matters in love!" I facepalmed, was he really going for Koko Crunch that couldn't see anything besides money and Inupi's beauty? Like Koko had a type and I wasn't it.

"Put him on the phone," I said as he agreed, and soon I heard.

"Babe, why are you talking with this guy? Should I really be concerned?" The more time I spent with this guy the more I wanted to punch him, wait did it mean I was becoming as violent as him? I suddenly became concerned for myself but had to shake this thought away when a mission came up.

'Would you rather call Taiju Shiba babe back or tell him he should spend less time thinking about guys and more time thinking of you?' This sparked an idea in my mind.

"If you put so much time into thinking about all the guys that could potentially steal me away... it honestly sounds kinda gay." It became quiet on the other side.

"I told you to calm him down, not enrage him further!" I heard Kokonoi scream in distress.

"If you have so much time to waste, you better think of me, rather than the guys around me.. bask in my glory, till you still can! Because your pitiful mortal soul will never get another chance of such divine intervention." I had no clue what type of reaction to expect from him.

"Is all this talk, a hidden request to call you a goodness?" I had no idea how to proceed with this conversation so I changed back to the original topic.

"Anyway, we all know Koko is only interested in money and hot blonde babes with blue eyes, have you seen me having any of those characteristics?" I asked as he dumbfoundedly responded.


"Then you have nothing to worry about from Kokonoi's side, so instead of playing some hunting games, put some effort into trying to learn how to talk with girls." I disconnected the call.

I invited Senju home, and we decided to study but of course, when Keisuke got wind of it, he didn't shy away from inviting Chifuyu.

"Today we established a club in our school," Senju said proudly.

"But if you're in a club you will have less time for me," Chifuyu said saddened.

"Don't worry the practice gonna be only 2 times a week."

"What practice?" Keisuke inquired.

"We're making a band with the other girls," I explained.

"I took the drum position!" Senju told her boyfriend. It was a little bizarre to see them acting as a couple, but they were so cute it just melted my heart. I caught Cupid making his place on Keisuke's lap.

"Michi I heard something ridiculous recently, I overheard Hakkai talking to Mitsuya." Why did I have a feeling this was going in a bad direction?

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"What matters is he claimed you been already on 3 dates with his older brother, is it true?"

"Yea yea."

"So you reject me, but go on a date with some random guy? Not once but three times?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, right weren't you going to go to a fortune teller as a date to make him realize you weren't compatible? What happened?" I just sighed in defeat.

"Wait did she say you were meant for each other?" Senju asked shocked.

"Yea. I wanna cry."

"Don't worry Michi it must have been fake news." Keisuke fell into a trap.

"So you don't think a guy with a K in their name could have a better chance with me? Yes, it must have been a total scam, I should get my money back!" I stood up ready to walk out, to make it seem like I would confront the woman right now.

"No! Wait! On second thought she probably knew what she was doing!" But I wasn't done just yet.

"So you agree I'm compatible with the other guy?" He must have realized I did it on purpose.

"Michi!" I just laughed at his reaction.