

Lee Yun Joo’s life starts to go awry when she's exposed to life's hardships when her father suddenly fell ill. She is the eldest in the family so she has to take the responsibility. She has to work for the very first time with zero experience. Her friends close relative help her by giving her a job in the company. As she thought the job somehow reduced her headache she saw something, someone she thought she has long forgotten. Someone hidden in the bitter - sweet part of her memory. Someone who for the first time gave her butterflies like no one ever could have. Someone she wanted to have so bad for the first time. Kim Seong Ho turned out to be the eldest son of the company's CEO she's working for. Her friend definitely knew it. Kim Seong Ho immediately recognizes her. He has changed a lot since she has last seen him, rejected him , ignored him. Kim Seong Ho knows his heart still beats for her and he knows it's the same with yun joo . He makes attempts to win her but her situation stops her and she abruptly made a boyfriend for him to know she is already happy with someone else. Soon after they started to drift apart. But deep down they both know they want each other. What they don't know is the destiny is already written and reunification and separation is already decided. How will their story unfold ? Will they be able to unite after all odds or something else is written for them?  

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Familiar Stranger

Early in the morning for my sister is too early. I slept just two and a half hours ago and it is already six in the morning. I was wondering if I should just quit and marry a rich man, but then rich men would want beauty with brains which I unfortunately lack. Just kidding. I would rather die from working then being in a loveless marriage like my parents. It`s been six months since my dear father has been bedridden, second year of my college and one first day of my new job. Things started to go awry when my father had his first stroke. We were at my grandma`s place. He was lying near the bathroom floor for more than five hours. I don't know what would've happened if the neighbors haven't checked up on him. I was happy until when I heard the news of him getting brain hemorrhage. We were never rich but after him getting bedridden all the responsibilities fell upon my mother, then me. Till the time we were at our aunt's place, my aunt kept reminding us she was the one who is feeding us. After my college exams we decided to move to Sinchon as I was admitted in X University for studying medicine. The rent here is high but there is nothing we can do. Thanks to my best friend Ae ri I've gotten a part time job as a waitress in The Paradise, one of the best hotel in Korea. They have many enterprises in this country and the biggest is in Seoul. Last year they decided to go international and it was a huge success. Of course Ae ri is rich so she had helped me in many ways and this time again thanks to her I'm able to work. 

As I was thinking all this I hear a loud voice near my ear drum "WAKE THE HELL UP UNNI!" Not again this bitch. My little sister thinks she has the upper hand now that mother has given her the responsibility to wake me up. I was only thinking about how I`m going to spend my day when I feel water splashed on my face. COLD WATER IN FUCKING WINTER. 'LEE BORA! Just you wait you bit-' I was about to grab her hair when mother came in my room and gave me a good scolding on how I should be active like my sister. Yes I'm the most lazy person of my house and yes I`m interested in nothing. Sounds crazy right? Well now that I`m out of my bed I should better get ready for work. I took a quick shower and borrowed a suit from my mother's closet. I don't have any. I was all ready to go when a message popped on my lock screen. It was Ae ri. I've saved her name as My dear. Same as she saved mine. 

All the best for your first day of work. Don't forget to tell me all about it later. Waiting for exciting news. 

 What is she even excited about? I replied with an 'ok' and proceeded to finish my breakfast. Me, Bora, Jae won and Iseul (my younger brothers) headed out together. Bora and Jae won are in high school while Iseul is in fourth grade. We took bus and here I am to report for work. Today, to get familiar they called me in the morning. I had a hard time getting leave from university as I've just started the semester. The bus dropped me off on the bus stop. Two minutes later I am in front of one of the biggest hotel. I took a deep breath, another deep breath, another but I don't seem to calm myself down. "Take this chocolate bar." I heard a familiar voice. It was Ae ri. How can I forget her father is the third brother of the owner of this hotel? " My darling…" I hugged her tightly. " Lol I knew this would happen. That's why I have to come here myself, after all how can I leave you alone on this special day?" She said releasing herself from me. She doesn't really like people touching her but she doesn't mind me. Ae ri has helped me in many ways. Ways before my father was ill. Yet she's here. Again. Helping me. " Okay I'm ready to conquer the world after eating the chocolates you gave me." I said and we parted ways there. She had to go to her set. She's aspiring to become an actress solely based on her talent and not her connections. Many few people know about her being a chaebol. 

At the reception, I saw a beautiful lady with a smiling face. I greeted her and told my name. "You're early." She said while smiling at me. I also smiled and nodded as a yes. One of the male employee was assigned to show me around the Hotel. It does live up to its name Paradise. The theme was snowy white as for winter. I can sense the traditional and western mix in the interior and I'm surprised how beautifully they have decorated the place. It feels like I'm walking on diamond rather than tiles. The railings of stairs are covered beautifully with snow looking clothes and they are not slippery at all. I heard the theme was the idea of the new CEO. The eldest son of the Chairman Kim. Although he was assigned this position a year ago he had a huge hand in the international success. Rumors say he's still in his early twenties but due to his father's health worsening he took over the company earlier. 

The male employee told me I was allowed everywhere except for the 18th floor as the CEO's office is there and he doesn't like people he don't know around him. I nodded. Well who cares as long as I'm getting my pay. They told me not to work today and just to observe as my working day starts from tomorrow. Well I guess its because I'm CEO's cousin's friend and she directly appointed me everyone has been smiling at me since then. Well she wanted to give me a desk job but I don't wanted to look like a fool sitting and doing nothing ( the way she described desk job ) so I rather suggested a waitress job would be better. Ae ri was so against it but in the end she agreed. 

I was standing on the rooftop. I had to lean a bit on the railing to see the view as my height is really short. I was standing there and enjoying small cars and people moving. The cold breeze was hitting on my face directly making me feel instantly refresh. I was enjoying the weather when I suddenly felt something soft near my legs. I flinched and took a step back. The soft thing was a beautiful white cat. Precisely, familiar cat. It had a belt around its neck and it read Snow. No way! It can be a coincidence. Yes many white cats are named as snow. I lifted the cat up and it acted as if I'm the owner. I was about to search for its owner when I heard a familiar voice behind me "Long time no see."