
Worlds Unbound: A Gamer’s Quest

The power of the Gamer System was something I had only ever dreamed about. Now, it's a reality that's brought me into the very Universes I've longed to explore all my life. The question is, how far can I climb? And just now many lives will it take for me to experience them all?

Daoist57YPnD · Komik
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29 Chs

Chapter 2

Nothing crazy, but a good 5'8" seeing as the body looked to be around 15-16 and will likely keep growing. It's not as tall as I used to be (which was an annoying 6'0" at that age, 6'6" by the time I was 20) but it'll definitely make me one of the tallest for my age group. The musculature on the body sadly couldn't be changed, but that's not the worst. With all of the fighting and training I'll need to do; I should be ripped fairly quickly.

I almost giggled at the penis size changer. Adding a few inches to the groin, it was now a solid 8-inches. Some people might have gone for the 'Bitch-Breaker', but those people don't know that larger sizes are nowhere near as fun as it seems.

Try having sex with a short girl and you can't even pop the head in. Kills the mood very fast.

The Universe I'm about to enter may be ecchi, but even that has to have some limits. And I'm not about to take the chance and risk destroying a girl, just because I wanted a third leg. Harem protagonists might never get laid, but I sure as shit will.

Worst comes to worst, I figure out some sex magic and change its size.

[Gamer's body created.]

[Please choose a name…]

Name? Aw, shit. I'm terrible at names. And this takes place in Japan, right? What the hell is a Japanese name I can use that I even remember?

Madara? Fuck no. Too much respect for that badass to sully his name. Ichigo? No thanks, I'm not going be called a strawberry because people think they're funny. And highschoolers always think they're the funniest.

Wait…I just finished playing that samurai game a week or so before I died. What was the name of that character I loved playing as? Something Sakai, I think. That's a Japanese name, right? I'm sure it is.

Now for the first name…maybe something with an S?

…fuck, I've got nothing. "Help?"

Optional Names starting with 'S':

Shigeru (Luxuriant)

Shun (Speed)

Sora (Sky)

Saburō (Third Son)

I don't even know if I can pronounce any of these correctly, besides Sora…

Gamer has selected:

Sora Sakai

[Gamer must now choose the Time Period.]

Looks like I'm going to have to get used to being called Sora…that's definitely going to be weird. I was very much a white American in my previous life, and being called a Japanese name is quite the culture shift.

Now let's see where I can get dropped into…

Time Periods:

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Well that's not very helpful.

I'll just play it safe on this, and go with Season 1. I'm not jumping into the middle of a war between God-like beings at Level 1. Because I just know that with my luck, it'll make me as weak as possible.

At least it'll give the Gamer System something to laugh at as I get curb-stomped by an enemy several times stronger.

Gamer has selected:

Season 1

Hopefully it places me somewhere before the main plot starts. I'm going to need all the extra time I can get to level up before things kick off. At least the first parts of the story aren't too crazy, the only real worry will be avoiding getting forced into a Peerage before I have time to figure everything out.

[Please review final choices…]


Yep, looks good to me. And I really don't want to go back and redo all of this, the character creation was fun, but I'm pretty sure I've been here for over two hours now. Again, there's no time limit or anything being counted, but I'm starting to get a little bored.

[Review Complete!]

[Entering Universe: Highschool DxD…]

Here we go…

- Unknown Location -

I don't know why, but I expected something other than waking up in bed…maybe too much time play Skyrim. Ooooh, I can't wait to unlock Skyrim. I had way too much fun shouting enemies off cliffs and watching their bodies ragdoll while I tried to romance Aela and Serana. To be fair though, is there every really such a thing as too much fun when it comes to video games?


Groaning, I roll out of bed and look around at the new place I'm in. It seems I was put in a massive bedroom; with a regular sized comfy bed that barely fit my new body size, a large window looking out into backyard, and three doorways.

Walking over to the window, I see nothing but bamboo trees rising up and surrounding the outer walls that wrapped around the house.

So, I'm not in the city…damn. Now I'll have to walk who knows how long just to get food. The view itself is stunning at least.

Looking down at the backyard of the property, there's a small, beautiful garden with a small stream of water running through it. There's even a wooden bridge that lets you cross over the stream, with dozens of small plants and flowers all around adding a nice touch of color.

Having gotten my fill of the outside, I turn away from the window and try one of the doors.

Inside is a large Japanese style bathroom, with a large enough shower to fit multiple people in it. There's something about Japanese bathrooms that I always liked better than the American style, though the larger size was definitely an improvement. If I'm going for a harem, then I'll definitely be wanting to try out shower sex.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I shouldn't be surprised that I look exactly like the character I created, but I am. It's jarring going from looking a certain way your whole life, to looking like somebody else entirely.





"If you wish to access more chapters in advance... It's available on my Patreon with a 20-chapter lead over WebNovel."
