
Worlds of Fantasy

A collection of fantasy stories. But something isn't adding up.

BlankWriter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

The Dark Wizard 11

As the years passed, Mordred began to realize that his life was filled with pain and suffering, and that he was trapped in a never-ending cycle of violence and destruction.

He grew tired of the constant struggle, and he longed for a way out. He began to question the choices he had made, and to wonder if there was a different path he could have taken.

And then, one day, he saw it. A shadowy figure, standing in a space outside of reality, manipulating and controlling his life like a puppet on a string.

Mordred was filled with rage and disbelief. He had been a pawn in someone else's game all along, and he was determined to put an end to it.

But before he could do anything, the figure revealed itself, and with a wave of its hand, it struck Mordred down, ending his life once and for all.

As Mordred lay dying, the figure spoke to him, its voice cold and emotionless. "You have failed, Mordred. Your life, your whole world was a mere experiment, and it has proven to be a failure. I will have to start the project again, from the beginning."

And with those words, Mordred's started to scream in agony as a white void started eating everything around him. Mordred's life ended, his existence nothing more than a mere experiment in the grand scheme of things.