

at the dawn of the 20th century humanity starts detecting that the natural resources of their planet had started depleting,

the smartest among them realized that although their generation wasn't in danger,

if technology continued advancing at it's current pace, humanity didn't have long before the planet fails to sustain them.

at such a time the human race would cease to exist, therefore the scientists started looking for renewable energy sources to reduce humanity's consumption of natural resources.

a researcher discovers an answer to their queries and that was in the form of an alternate dimension that seemed to be made up purely of infinite energy.

if humans can mine that dimension then not only would they have to worry about depleting natural resources, they wouldn't worry about the rising population as well.

with the invention of interdimensional travel humanity would have entered into a new age of technological advancements and their next attention would be directed to traveling the cosmos.

the scientists somehow figured out a way to open a doorway with that dimension however little did they know, they werent accessing the dimension,

they were granting it access to their world, the gate way was opened and suddenly a terrifying wave of pressure and energy washed over the planet.

a new landmass in the shape of a continent the size of a planet appeared outside earth's orbit except it was slightly out of phase with Earth.

this plane was known as the Purgatory Abyssal Plane and it was filled to the brim with abyssal creatures which now moved from that plane and entered earth's environment.

what happened next could only be described as a world wide massacre, the creatures from the other world seemed to be beasts except they had human like intelligence, to make matters worse they also possessed supernatural abilities.

humanity's technology was no use against creatures wielding magical energy.

the North American continent was wiped out in less than 24 hours and it became ground zero for the monsters invasion of the planet.

during the next few days humanity was hunted to near extinction.

After north America, south America was annihilated next, followed by Europe, The Soviet Union, Asia, the Arctic and Antarctica.

however surprisingly he lets developed continent was the only continent that wasn't targeted simply because it posed no threat to the Abyssal creatures.

humanity was facing extinction however as fate would have it, humanity wouldn't be facing extinction alone. this was because humanity had its gods and they returned at that very moment.

the gods fought off the abyssal creatures and they managed to evacuate as many regular humans as possible to the only continent safe for them on the planet.

Africa became the last refuge for humanity on the planet. However the gods couldn't repel the Purgatory abyss plane since it had been connected to the human realm by natural law.

during the past few days the purgatory plane had managed to successfully merge with the human planet making the two become one.

purgatory creatures occupied 85 percent of the world and their assimilation into Earth caused the planet's natural law to change as well.

the living creatures on earth faced a sudden change mutating the previously docile and unintelligent animals into powerful monsters used by the abyss lords to terrorize humanity to the verge of total extinction.

however the law didn't exactly leave humans defenceless, due to the change in the law a few humans had their destiny rewritten and as such recieved the ability to tap into the natural energies of the universe to fuel their bodies and obtain incredible abilities that allowed them to defend themselves.

that in addition to the gods defending them granted humanity a chance to survive, because of it humans secured Africa as their settlement and defended themselves against the abyssal monsters.

from that day humanity's future had a drastic change, with the aid of the gods they changed the direction of their technology and mainly focused on training the gifted individuals to defend themselves and secure their future.

of the six point five billion humans on the planet a the time, one billion was saved and lived in several concentration camps on the African continent,

this was because although the continent was dominated by humans, it didn't mean the entire continent was safe.

Humans discovered that the hard way after they started getting hunted by mutated beasts that were previously Earth's plat and animal population.