
Chapter 1;

in a city known as Mabanda, the evening moves on just fine as people gold the city's festival to honor their child prodigy,

this was because at the recent talent testing of the young children, a young girl had awaken a divine class talent which meant that with proper training this child could reach god level in the future.

this was good news for their town as it signified that in the near future they would be having a god living amongst them.

the young girl named Artemis Greene was actually the daughter of the city mayor and as such a big celebration was held for her.

her mother had named her Artemis to honor the huntress goddesses that had saved their town once upon a time.

however that very evening the previously vibrant night sky suddenly turned purple black and the atmosphere turned tense,

the city gate went up in a massive explosion and it was soon followed by a horde of monsters, Now his was meant to be impossible seeing as the city defenses weren't triggered even in the slightest.

a monster horde this big should have been detected a day or two in advance thanks to the technology of the base as well as the city mage but none of those detected this attack before it arrived.

this could mean one of two things, either thr city's defences were sabotaged or the invader was powerful enough to hide from the city's defences.

none of those were good options as they would simply mean that innocent people were about to lose their lives.

at that moment thr warriors in the city jumped into action as an emergency S.O.S was broadcasted to the nearby base cities.

at that moment a hero arose, it was a woman dressed in silver and black.

she had divine markings allover her body and face that glowed in the night. his forehead had a glowing silver crescent that seemed to draw in moonlight empowering her.

this was the representation of a moon deity and the silver appearance signified that this was a follower or more known as a huntress, a huntress imbued with the blessing of Artemis.

behind her neck appeared several symbolic appearances chief of which was a massive silver crescent blade glowing in the moonlight,

she ran directly into a horde of monsters and she started moving while the crescent blade moved as if on it's own will slashing the monsters through.

she looked like a vengeful goddess of war eliminating her targets as if they were fleas, regardless of how big or nasty the monster looked she would slash through it like a hot knife through cheese.

on the surface it looked like she was making great progress but the city was big and she couldn't be everywhere at the same time.

as he strived to save the few people she could the monsters were already ravaging the entire city, she was joined by the city mayor at the beginning however he wasn't a demigod so he didn't actually last long.

the huntress did her best to safeguard the mayor's house as there was one last person inside the house and that was the subject of the city's celebration.

before long the mayor was killed and she was the last warrior in the city, after she had cleared the horde at the mayor's mansion she rushed to meet her daughter.

the huntress was exactly Zoey Greene mother of Artemis Greene also known as the lady of the city. no one knew about her demigod status for she had hidden it well,

there were those that chose to hide their status as powerful warriors in search of a normal life for them and their children should they choose to have any.

normally demigods appeared from reputable families that had started the intermarriage tradition earlier on in time and as of now they were huge families.

innumerable strong warriors and even demigods were approached by these families earlier on in their lives and earned their allegiance with several offers.

even those that bloomed late thought it better to marry in a big family as it held more promise for their own future as well as their families' futures.

Zoey Greene was known as Zoey Ashton before her marriage and nothing was known about her lineage. her husband on the other hand had come from a small time family seeing as he was the first in his family to reach the sorcerer level.

warriors were graded into nine classes namely the novices, quasi mage, 3rd class mage, 2nd class mage, 1st class mage, sorcerer, quasi-demigod, demigod and finally the quasi god.

Zoey on the other hand was already a demigod meaning she was one step away from becoming a quasi god and dominate the limit of humanity.

a quasi god was no diferent from an actual god except they were still mortal and could still be killed with much effort.

however in terms of power, a god appearing on the mortal plane had his abilities limited by the mortal plane making him manifest quasi god levels of power

the only difference was that a god retained their divine abilities and millennia of experience, in addition their energy depletion was much slower compared to a quasi god who could already hold nigh infinite amounts of power, so a god was still more powerful than a quasi god.

classes were separated by the amount of spirit power contained by a mage, ordinary humans could max out at 5 spirit strength,

to become a novice one needed to awaken with spirit strength of atleast 10, it was at this level that one would begin absorbing magic from the environment and forge their body to become strong and durable enough to sustain magical energy.

at 100 one became a quasi mage, it was at this level when one developed an affinity to magical potential as well as discovering the direction their magic would lead them. it was also at this point that magicians developed their elemental affinity that would follow them throughout their lives.

at 1000 a 3rd class mage, this is only achievable once you develop or recieve the blessing of a god. those that didn't recieve it at awakening need to earn the recognition of a god so their magic could undertake a certain path. this recognition descends in the form of a magical circle that holds the magical potential of an individual.

if one recieved the blessing at awakening they recieve the magic circle at awakening and as such start dmgeowing along with it and they find it easier to ascend to 3rd class mages.

any magician below 3rd class mage still practices basic magic in all they do however once one develops the divine blessing they can begin utilizing intermediary level magic.

at 10.000 a magician becomes a 2nd class mage and they begin consolidating their bodies growing stronger physically instead of spiritually. this is necessary as they would need stronger bodies for their future cultivation,

at 100.000 a magician becomes a first class mage, and they would need to strengthen their will power to handle the hurdles that come with the breakthrough to sorcerer rank. many magicians fail to solidify their wills enough to make the breakthrough and as such get stuck at this very level.

from 1.000.000 and above a person enters the higher levels of magic as this is the sorcerer level, from this level onward a magican practices advanced magic and begin finding their own path to perfect their abilities.

at 2 million one becomes a quasi demigod and they continue honing their abilities as well as begin detecting the laws of the world,

at 3 million one becomes a demigod and this is the perfect time to study and master the natural laws, a person needed to fully comprehend the natural laws of they ever hope to reach the limit of humanity.

at 4 million one becomes a quasi god after mastering the laws of nature and start using them, at the same time they begin detecting divine energy as well as forge their own path to divinity.

it was after one has fully comprehended their divine path and understand it fully that they can transcend mortality and ascend to the divine realm.

in order to become a god one needed to exceed five million spirit power as this would make him or her transcend the third dimension also known as the mortal realm and enter the realms of the gods.

that was why the difference between a sorcerer was like the difference between heaven and earth.

similarly for one to enter the sorcerer ranks meant that one had exponential magical talent, the barrier to reach sorcerer rank was similar in hardships like the barrier into quasi god.

this was because sorcerer rank was the foundation to demigod status just like quasi god was the foundation for godhood.

obtaining sorcerer level through hardwork meant that one had the potential to reach the demigod level.

meanwhile reaching quasi god level meant that someone had the potential to reach godhood.