
An offering to the flag  

TN: the title refers to a practice in ancient Chinese culture, whenever an army is going out on a decisive battle, the commander would bring out a "sacrifice" (usually an important person from the opposing force that they took prisoner during a previous battle) and execute them in front of his army, thus "offering" that person to the flag of their army to boost the morale of troops. 


In the void.


The black dragon slowly transformed and turned back into Gu Qing Shan.


"I've not been able to contact you the entire time, so I have no idea how you currently are----- where are you right now?" Gu Qing Shan asked.


The scale gently shivered, but didn't give a reply.


Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and lightly tapped the scale instead.


The scale suddenly came apart and manifested into a vision.


Huang Quan.


It was the world of Huang Quan.