
Siege of Mogilev 3

It's been days since they were able to push through Mogilev defense. The communist defenses are tough ones to crack.

From the skies, you could see a BF 109 strifing down towards a house, and he dropped the payload as the bomb touched the ground and there was a delay in the bomb, as the explosion occurred in 4 seconds.

The Panzer 4 H variants were pushing through the Urban city, but at the same time they were being ambushed by the resistance.

Some of the vehicles were halted as one of their engines was caught in the fire due to the molotov being thrown at the engine at the back.

This forces the crew to bail out, but they are met by a rain of bullets in the Russian resistance in the City.

But a group of Nazi soldiers were equipped by FMW 35, to clean up the house by setting them ablaze, they taught the soldiers that the Russian soldiers are like bugs, that are infested and needs to be burn through the ground and escape through their home and to them they lay an ambush on the other side, and fired at the Russian soldiers that are running away from the houses.

The Sturmpionier were very effective at cleaning the houses of the Mogilev.

On the other side, you could see William, Karin and Ursula station at the building.

Karin was the MG1 while Ursula is the MG2, as Karin manages the main armament, while Ursula is in charge of the bullets of the MG1, as Karin is using the Mg42.

William on the other hand is the second in command, and currently providing suppression fire towards any incoming communist in their road.

Anna is currently on the other side of the house, along with Ingrid, Peter and Manfred.

Then suddenly a rumbling noise could be heard, as the rubbles are shaking by the sheer movement of the tracks moving in the rough road due to it being targeted by bombs.

"Woah, it might be an enemy Panzer." Karin remarks.

"I'll check it out, you two watch out for any enemies, don't hesitate to pull the trigger." William ordered the two of them, which they nodded.

William goes out of the house to check the rumbling noises, they don't know if it could be an ally or not for the moment.

William was lurking around the alley, and he was laying low and he could see some dead communist in the ground. He aims his Kar98k at the dead soldiers just in case they are still alive.

He kept getting closer, until he peered around the alley, where he saw a T-34-76. He quickly goes back and runs towards their position to warm them.

William quickly returned towards his position.

"Karin, Ursula, we need to move for the time being. It's a Panzer, a T-34-76. We might need to switch locations now." William decided to switch into a safer location, as fighting a T-34-76 is just a death wish without any support or even any Anti-Tank pieces.

"Ja!" Karin and Ursula answered, as they received the command.

William then goes towards another window, where he begins to raise above his arm and waving at Anna and the others, he then makes a gesture that an incoming Panzer is towards them, and they are not friendly.

Anna on the other side, quickly nodded at his warning. "Everyone, let's bail out of our position at the moment."

Everyone just nodded at their Gruppenführer.

The platoon was able to meet each other safely, as they weren't discovered by the Russian forces that were coming towards them.

Anna is currently planning a new position, but at the same time, in the air. You could see the Yak 9, and the BF 109 are competing in the air on who would have the air dominance, but in the current event. The Nazi are currently dominating the skies, as they were able to shoot down 2 planes before they lost 1.

"We need to fall back, but where should we go?" She muttered, as Anna is trying to find the best place to switch positions. Anna pulled out the map of Mogilev, and she began to mark their positions along with the enforced houses.

"Hmm, what about the Panzer Division?" Peter asks.

"The 8th Panzer Division is currently doing a pincer maneuver, as we wouldn't be able to call some panzers inside the city for the time being." Anna answered.

"What about the others?" Ingrid asks, as she doesn't know much about the name and etc of the platoon, company and etc for the main armies.

"The Artillery regime is out in the back, they are currently being forbidden to fire inside the city for the time being, the Luftwaffe are busy intercepting those communist planes."

"Wait, I know how we can take out that Panzer." Karin has an idea, then Anna looks at William.

"There's only a single T-34, and it's currently an arm crew I don't know. Probably Russians." William gave his report about the Advancing T-34.

"Then let's hear out your plan, Karin."

"Alright, we could use the abandoned weapons of the Russian that we found inside the house, It was a large rifle with a huge cartridge, it probably might not work on the front." Karin suggested.

"That can work." William might have an idea on what kind of gun it is.

"Do you know what kind of weapon that is?" Anna asks.

"It might be a guess, but if I'm not mistaken by their description. That gun would mostly be an Anti-Tank rifle, if it is. We can shoot the tracks of the T-34, and immobilize it from advancing and retreating, we could send up two forces on both sides, we could also use some molotovs and throw it at the engine deck of the T-34, if it doesn't work we can only hope our stielhandgranate is enough to take it out if all of our plan didn't work."

"Where would you position the Anti-Tank rifle if that is what you mean?" Anna is curious about his plan.

"Karin, are you willing to man the anti-Tank rifle?" William asks the first and foremost question, is Karin willingly enough to handle the anti-Tank rifle, as they might get targeted first.

"I'll do it! You can count on me!" Karin smiled, but behind those smiles were a saddened and frightened expression. Her heart is beating fast, but suddenly Ursula taps her on her shoulders.

"I'll accompany her." Ursula added.

"Alright, let's follow through William's plan, Manfred takes Ingrid and Peter with you, William you're with me."

"Ja!" Everyone shouted, as Karin and Ursula went to find the Anti-Tank Rifle.

While Manfred and the others went ahead inside the building to lay out an ambush against a T-34-76.

"Don't be reckless again." William said.

"I know, but don't lecture me for now and focus on our task, Vice-Squad Leader." Anna smirks.

"Ja! Gruppenführer."

On the other hand, the T-34-76 is slowly approaching the main road, as the platoon of Anna had laid their ambush.

Karin on the other hand.

"I can do this…" she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and she exhaled and looked upon the abandoned weapons by the Russians, and she saw the Anti-Tank rifle.