
World Tree: My Creation Game

Zhou Heng, a young man fresh out of university, stumbled upon a mysterious seed in his rented apartment. Fate intervened when an accident caused his blood to awaken Nina, the spirit of the World Tree trapped within the seed. Seeking refuge from the clutches of an unnamed demonic god, they forged a mysterious contract and ventured to the Dimensional Graveyard. In this enigmatic place, Zhou Heng aided Nina in planting her true form, thus embarking on a journey filled with adventure and growth together.

wu2024 · Fantasi
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46 Chs

Players Strike Back (Below)

At this point, the players had already arrived outside the tribe and begun their attack on the Fishman Tribe.

However, the number of fish in the Fishman Tribe was not comparable to that of the previous temporary base; this tribe could be considered a tribe of tens of thousands of fish.

Coupled with their familiarity with the terrain, they continuously repelled the attacking players.

Suddenly, a shaman from the Fishman Tribe appeared behind the battlefield. He picked up a totem pole and began casting spells on the fish people.

The shaman began to dance in a wild and evil manner.

Finally, he placed the totem pole on the ground, and a red glow immediately emanated from it.

The fish people who were hit by the red glow became invigorated, not only brave in battle but also stronger.

At this moment, one of the players took out a low-level magic scroll, a reward item from one of his missions.

It turned out that the spell recorded on this magic scroll was the primary detection technique.

It could reveal the data of monsters.

He immediately used this magic scroll on the Fishman Shaman.

Suddenly, the data of the Fishman Shaman appeared.

[Fishman Shaman - Hululu]

[Race: Fishman]

[Level: 26 (Bronze 6 Star)]

[Class: Shaman]

[Skill: Totem Mastery: Can use four different totem spells, ??? (Unknown skill, players please purchase a higher-level magic scroll)]


[Strength: 18]

[Constitution: 23]

[Agility: 19]

[Spirit: 29]

[Equipment: Small Totem Pole, Fishman Necklace]

After seeing the data, he quickly sent it to the other players.

Looking at it, the other players realized that this was the main boss!

They became even more excited, shouting that the boss was theirs, but they couldn't even break through the fish people's defense line.

Even more surprisingly, after the fish people repelled the players' attack, the shaman cast another totem spell.

The totem glowed green, and the wounds of the injured fish people began to heal slowly.

The players were dumbfounded.

They had finally managed to weaken the fish people, but there was a healer behind them buffing them.

It was too unfair.

However, Shaman Hululu left after healing the fish people's injuries, as if these spells were a great burden to him. After all, there was a difference between casting spells on one fish and a group of fish.

At this point, half of the players had already died, and many were respawning at the resurrection point, on their way to this sea area.

But it was too time-consuming, as the journey was quite long.

Fortunately, Zhou Heng had anticipated this.

Behind the players, several of them were following the game's instructions to build a temporary resurrection pool.

One player was praying over the half-finished resurrection pool.

"Oh, great goddess of the World Tree, Nina Yggdrasil, I offer myself as your follower..."

With the recitation of the final prayer, a mysterious connection was finally established between the temporary resurrection pool and the goddess of the World Tree, Nina Yggdrasil.

Clear water bubbled up from the resurrection pool, but it remained within the pool, not mixing with the seawater outside like oil and water.

Soon, the slain players emerged from the pool, rejoining the battle.

This added a boost of morale to the players' camp.

After all, they could be considered to have unlimited respawns.

As a result, the players intensified their attacks.

On the fish people's side, Shaman Hululu trudged heavily and struggled towards the direction of the altar, having exhausted most of his magic power from the previous spells. Now he had no choice but to pray to the gods.

He prayed for the gods to grant him greater power to kill these players.

Shaman Hululu finally reached the altar, where the remaining fish people guards saw his condition and quickly came to his aid.

Meanwhile, the altar was already filled with bound players.

There was also a fishman named Gugu who had been sentenced for the crime of treason against the fish people.

Shaman Hululu was helped onto the altar and signaled to the surrounding fish people that the sacrificial ritual could begin.

The fish people captured a large marine creature and began to bleed it.

As soon as its throat was slit, blood flowed out, but unlike usual, it did not splatter everywhere on the altar.

Instead, as if by magic, the blood from the wound formed a stream and was continuously absorbed by the totem pole erected in the center of the altar.

As the blood was drained, the soul of the marine creature seemed to be sucked in as well, leaving only its bones.

Like a appetizer, the totem gradually awoke, emitting a blinding red glow.

Knowing that the next stage was about to begin, Shaman Hululu instructed the fish people to kill the players on the altar.

Immediately, green blood flowed out, which was quickly absorbed by the totem pole.

However, the totem pole seemed strange after absorbing the green blood.

Despite continuously absorbing the blood, the red glow of the totem pole did not change at all.

It was as if it was not sucking blood but drinking water.

The totem pole, as if provoked, began to spit out green blood.

At the same time, Shaman Hululu, who was mentally connected to the totem pole, also vomited blood. He did not understand why the totem pole was not absorbing the blood.

However, he knew that if he could not appease the totem pole in time, it would be even more dangerous.

Realizing that the players were useless, Shaman Hululu turned his attention to the fish people guards beside him.

He did not want to do it, knowing that the fish people guarding the altar were the elites of the tribe.

But he had no choice.

He picked up his small totem pole, and with a red glow, he controlled all the surrounding fish people.

One by one, they turned their blades on themselves, and blood flowed freely.

Finally satisfied with the normal blood, the totem pole calmed down.

At this moment, one of the guards regained consciousness.

Seeing the grisly sight of his comrades, he could not help but flee from the altar in fear.

Watching the escaping fish person guard, Shaman Hululu's fish eyes flashed with blood.

He leaped down, grabbed the fishman, and brought him back onto the altar. With both hands, he tore him in half.

Shaman Hululu threw the remains onto the altar, where they immediately turned to bones.

Finally, when only two fish people remained alive, the totem pole seemed to have its fill and emitted a dazzling red glow.

Then, as if rewarding him, the totem pole imparted a surge of furious power to the shaman.

The Fishman Shaman immediately regained his peak strength, and his physical body was greatly enhanced as well. His skin seemed to burst under the intense power, revealing the blood-red muscles underneath.

The Fishman Shaman's height also increased rapidly until he reached five meters tall.

Now, the shaman resembled a giant made of blood.

He easily lifted the totem pole from the altar and headed towards the battlefield outside.

This time, he had sacrificed greatly to obtain this power.

He was determined to shatter those strange creatures to pieces.

The only two remaining fish people guards on the altar did not dare to stay any longer. They preferred to die in battle rather than remain in this cursed place.

Only a few faint breaths remained on the altar.