
Daichi The Explorer

It'll be about 2 months before he begins his training, as he set World Tread to speed he went for a walk around the village, "ara Daichi I heard it's your birthday, you're growing so quick. I remember when you were just in your diapers you used to gargle.." an awkward smile crept onto Daichis face as he listened to his neighbour continue her one sided conversation. She was Orio Uzumaki one of the people that helped his parents out whenever they needed help raising him, she was a woman who looked to be in her 60's but she's probably closer to 80, she had a tendency to get carried away when conversing with others.

"Ooh when you grow older I can't wait to see you together with my granddaughter.." she was about to carry on fantasising until he had to interfere "Auntie! Thank you for the birthday wishes, I have to go and meet some of my friends bye!" as quickly as he could he ran down the street leaving dust clouds in his wake.

Finally getting a good distance away he calmed down "that was close, I got to watch out for her, if not I'd be there for hours on end". Orio's granddaughter was one of the few children he interacted with on a more regular basis, Akame Uzumaki a bit shorter than him with straight red hair that falls just below her shoulders with the standard Uzumaki features she reminded him of a younger Mito Uzumaki. She was shy around him at first but as he got to know her better, he discovered she had a fire deep within her that came out at the least expected times.

Kiba Uzumaki was her twin brother, he had the standard Uzumaki features with short spiky hair, he was as headstrong as he was stubborn. These traits at first amused Daichi but as time went on found he liked the little guy, they were some of the few children around his age that he interacted with and could call friends, Daichi was seen as more of a big brother among his circle as he was more mature than the rest, they gravitated around him whenever he was close by.

While Daichi was running away, from time to time he'd feel an energy within himself react causing something within him to change. Thinking back at what the Shinigami said, he guessed it was his Yang Chakra at work, as he hasn't unlocked his chakra his yin and yang energies haven't mixed yet.

Walking around the city he couldn't help but appreciate the architecture, it was similar to the heian period with wood structures, a row of columns on the front. Usually, the wood was painted red, and the roofs were covered with black tiles and had raised ends, they were bigger compared to the modern day houses he'd seen in his past life. The roads wide enough to allow 2 carts to progress unobstructed, while pedestrians commuted on the side. It is a beautiful city that showed the prosperity of the Uzumaki clan.

While he continued walking he finally found a good clearing that was not too secluded, sparse trees here and there allowing him to weave in and out while testing his speed.

"Okay let's start with a warmup then probably run around as much as I can, also I need to start practicing my fighting style" while at the army he learned a few mixed martial arts, military personnel learn a combination of techniques including Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Krav Maga.

He went through the warmup routine for about 10 minutes, after that he started a jog around the clearing, it was roughly 300m. He wanted to focus on how the improvements occurred went for a 15 minute jog.

With every 100 he felt the reaction of his yang energy flow through his muscles, seemingly contracting and relaxing leaving a faint itching feeling, it felt similar to his strength settings however as the feeling was faint he could only notice because he was concentrating on the changes happening.

As he carried on his training the first 10 minutes his jogging speed resembled the pace of a 5 year olds sprint, after 20 minutes he was as fast as a 12 year old sprinting, at the an hours mark he was at the pace of an an 16 year old civilian running. This rate of improvement had him stupefied, he started laughing maniacally, luckily there were hardly anyone around if not the sight of a 5 year old laughing like a madman while running would be worrying. He picked up the pace of his exercise to see how far he could go.

He managed to keep up with his training for a an extra hour which shocked him, most children his age wouldn't last half an hour with the exercise he was doing, it seemed like the strength setting has an offshoot effect on his stamina.

Towards the end of his exercise he was extremely exhausted "I have to be extremely careful with how much I exercise, I can only improve if I have enough chakra to support the increase stats, it's quite easy for me to suffer from yang exhaustion if that's possible"

In the early evening there was an extremely weird sight for those present, a 5 year old was dragging himself down the street leaning heavily on a rod while whispers of 'being op' and 'extremely broken' could be heard following chuckling noises coming from said child.