
Winning the bet

They walk toward the poor area, Tiny can see brothel and very cheap inn, filth everywhere and some bum arround.

"You really live here Anko-chan ?" "Yeah it's enough for myself, why ? You don't feel safe here maybe ? Hahaha !"

Anko open the door of her apartment and sit on her armchair "No you can cook ! And give me some beer too !"

Tiny go to the kitchen and after giving the booze he began the improvement of the dango.

He take one hour to experiment his idea, he try to change the quantity, the ingedient, add sugar, try new candy inside... he succed to create three kind of new dango which various color. One red, one green and one purple.

"Hmm it seem delicious but don't be happy too soon ! The body of the most sexiest kunoichi Mitarashi Anko is not so easy to get ahahaha ! Let's eat !"

She look at her food like a beast ready to swoop down on her prey! She began with the green dango wich has a lot more add of green tea inside.

"Hmmm it's good but not the best ! Next !"

She then take the red wich has this one a greater add of red bean and strawberry ! "Hmmm great i like it ! You are really a good cook but it don't beat the one i eat in the dango shop !"

"Try the last my lady ! It's my masterpiece"

Anko then eat the last purple dango and beam in ecstasy, the last was made with a little more sugar and a taste of violet (the flower) which explain the color; she litteraly drool for this one.

"So Anko-chan i think i win our bet no?"

She was melting in happyness in her armchair and nod her head.

"You are a great chief ! But you are a bit young to want my body no ? Pff ..Well a bet is a bet but you have better made your mind to cook dango for me often !" She said with a blush face.

Tiny then approach her and caress her cheek gently. "For tonight i think you need to relax ! I will give you a foot massage." He delicately take her foot against his chest and press his thumb on the arch of the foot five times, then rub the heel and for finish he pinch and pull the toes.

Anko began to feel her mind becoming light and clear, she was in awe in front of this young man, she think "At least he is great in this too, you are a mystery Tiny and i will know you better in the future !"

After this he hears some soft snoring coming beside him, she was asleep. He put the feet delicately on the floor, take a blanket in his space ring a pet it on her, he then kiss her lips softly and left.