
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


In the vast expanse of time and space, where magic intertwines with technology, a young man named Timothy Trainer finds himself caught in the throes of an extraordinary destiny. With his vibrant orange hair and piercing purple eyes, he possesses an air of curiosity and determination that belies his tender age of eighteen.

As dusk settles over Celestia City, Timothy lies peacefully asleep in his modest bedroom. Unbeknownst to him, dreams are about to unleash a storm within his mind. A tempestuous vision sweeps through the depths of his subconsciousness as fragments from forgotten memories flash before him like shards of shattered glass.

Images flicker rapidly-a bustling city consumed by chaos, towering structures crumbling into ruins, faces contorted with fear. The cataclysmic catastrophe that has brought devastation upon this world is etched deeply into Timothy's psyche.

With beads of perspiration dotting his forehead, Timothy awakens abruptly from this haunting reverie. His heart races as he struggles to separate reality from fiction. Sitting upright on his bed adorned with deep violet sheets, he gazes pensively out the window at the twinkling stars above.

Just outside his room stands Percy Trainer-the genius little sister who shares not only their humble abode but also a profound bond with her brother-an unbreakable connection forged by love and shared experiences. Her striking orange hair cascades down her shoulders while her enigmatic purple eyes shimmer with a mix of concern and affection.

Sensing something amiss in Timothy's troubled sleep-his restless tossing and turning-Percy gently approaches him. She places a tender hand on Timothy's shoulder as she softly calls out to wake him from this unsettling dream. "Timothy," she whispers delicately while lightly shaking him awake until finally he stirs beneath her touch.

Gradually emerging from the clutches of slumber, Timothy blinks drowsily up at his sister. His mind struggles to align the dream's remnants with the reality before him.

"Percy?" he murmurs, his voice laced with a hint of confusion and lingering anxiety.

Concern etches Percy's delicate features as she leans closer, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "You were having another one of those dreams," she says softly, her tone soothing like gentle waves caressing the shore.

Timothy rubs his temples in an attempt to dispel the residual unease that grips his mind. "I... I can't remember it clearly," he admits, frustration seeping into his voice.

Percy offers a comforting smile as she sits beside Timothy on the bed. "It's alright," she reassures him gently. "Dreams are often elusive, slipping through our fingers like whispers carried away by the wind."

The siblings sit in silence for a few moments, lost in their own thoughts until Timothy speaks up again.

"Do you think they mean something? These dreams?" He asks Percy quietly.

Percy considers this question thoughtfully before answering cautiously.

"It's possible." She responds finally after some time passes between them.

"There could be many interpretations behind your visions depending on what you saw specifically."

"And if there is meaning behind these visions we need to determine what that meaning is so we can take appropriate action."

Timothy nods slowly as though taking this information in carefully digesting it within himself before responding uncertainly,

"I'm not sure how much more my mind can handle if these keep happening night after night."

Percy pats Timothy comfortingly on the back reassuringly

"Don't worry Timmy bear" Percy uses her brother's old childhood nickname which brings about feelings of fondness towards each other

"I'm here for you no matter what happens."

As tears prick at Timothy's eyes from hearing such kind words from someone who truly cares for him, he can't help but feel a small glimmer of hope that everything will be alright as long as they stick together.