
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Timothy delved into every dark detail of the apocalyptic visions that haunted his dreams, from crumbling buildings to cries of terror and anguish. He described the scenes vividly, desperately hoping that some clue within them might reveal how to prevent the coming catastrophe.

Ryan listened intently, his brow creasing with concern as Timothy spoke of the widespread destruction and suffering he had witnessed night after night. Emily, Percy, Mad and Alya stood by solemnly, allowing Timothy to unburden himself fully.

When at last Timothy fell silent, emotionally drained from reliving the traumatic dreams, Ryan began pacing as he sorted through all that he had heard.

"Your visions align closely with prophecy," Ryan said gravely.

"For ages, seers among my people foretold 'a time of fire and ruin' when the 'world would be shattered asunder.' I had hoped these portents would not come to pass in my lifetime...but it seems fate has willed otherwise."

He turned to face the others, his expression grim.

"If left unchecked, the events Timothy has foreseen could bring about the end of civilization as we know it. The lives of millions hang in the balance."

Percy's face had gone pale, but her voice was steady as she responded.

"Then we must find a way to avert this. But what could cause such widespread destruction?"

"It must be connected to the magic contained within this book,"

Emily hypothesized. "Its power seems linked to Timothy's visions."

"Is there anything more you can tell us about the source of your dreams?"

Emily asked Timothy gently. "Any details, no matter how small, could prove vital."

Timothy closed his eyes, concentrating deeply as he sifted through half-remembered snippets of imagery and sensation.

"There is...a presence,"

he said slowly.

"An ominous shadow lurking somewhere beyond the veil of destruction. I can feel its malevolence...like a dark seed planted within my mind." He shook his head in frustration. "But that is all I have been able to grasp so far."

Mad, who had been silently brooding this entire time, finally stepped forward to speak.

"Dark seeds...if left to take root, they can spread like a plague. But if extracted while still young, their power can be harnessed for good."

The others looked at him quizzically until understanding dawned on Emily's face.

"Of course!

Timothy, your gift may allow us to draw out the cause of these visions while it is still vulnerable."

"With all of us combining our abilities, we may be able to guide Timothy's consciousness directly into the source," she continued excitedly.

"We can discover the root of this catastrophe before it gains full strength!"

Percy nodded eagerly.

"If we can peer beyond the veil, we may be able to identify the cause and prevent it from ever coming to pass!"

Ryan smiled and gripped Timothy's shoulder firmly.

"You possess a rare gift. With proper training and focus, you could master your visions and unlock their secrets."

Timothy drew a shaky breath, frightened by the burden fate had placed upon him but resolved to do whatever it took to stop the calamity he had foreseen.

"I'm ready to try," he said quietly. "Just tell me what I must do."

Emily immediately began gathering artifacts and supplies. "We will need to prepare you mentally and guide your thoughts once you enter the trance state. But I believe we can-"

A thunderous explosion in the distance cut her off, the tower walls shuddering violently beneath their feet. Cries of alarm could be heard faintly through the open window.

Ryan rushed to look outside, his face blanching at what he saw.

"By the gods...we're too late!"

The city around the tower was in utter chaos. Buildings burned as magical lightning rained down from above, reducing them to rubble. Terrified citizens ran screaming through the streets, desperately seeking shelter from the fiery magenta sky.

"It's just as I saw in my dreams!" Timothy cried. "The calamity has already begun!"