
World of Warships

The world has descended into a parallel universe, where one can forge their own unique battle armor. In the boundless ocean, with endless resources and terrifying sea creatures, including colossal deep-sea monsters, everyone must continuously upgrade their battleships in order to survive. The battleships and talents are all randomly assigned. However, from the start, Ye Xuan awakens an SSS-level talent called 'ARC System'. "Fusing with vine shells and evolving into a hive mothership?" "Fusing with machinery and granting the battleship an imperial engine?" "No..." Countless battleships fill the sky, and among them, the motherships directly fuse with stars as their energy source—"I want them all!" While others are still struggling to survive, Ye Xuan's battleship has already taken off, equipped with star-destroying cannons, earth-shattering celestial bombs, and requiems for the souls.

dota · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Chapter 8 Ability superposition, battleship evolution!

While merging, Ye Fei looked at the battleship curiously.

The battleship is now integrated with the shark whale, and it looks very powerful and domineering. At the same time, Ye Fei can also detect some abnormalities.

That is:

The belly of the battleship seemed to be a mess.

With a thought, Ye Fei made the battleship open its mouth, and he walked to the bottom of the battleship.

At this time, his warship has been divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer is the deck, which is the layout of an ordinary battleship, and the lower layer is the digestive system, with intestines and fangs.

I don't know if I don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it.

I saw that there were scorched black marks everywhere, and some places were even carbonized. When I pinched it hard, the carbonized intestines shattered all over the place.

For a while, Ye Fei understood why the fusion with the shark and whale had no effect. The other party was severely injured internally, and his attributes had already changed.

The opponent couldn't run before, and it was because of this reason that he suffered internal injuries!

"What is this swallowing? Could it be the swallowing of magma?"

Ye Fei muttered, and asked the battleship to try to vomit, to spit out all the food he had eaten before.

Just then, a wonderful voice sounded:

[Ding! Fusion parasitic fish success! The battleship gains an additional ability - devour plankton (E-level)]

[Already obtained a similar ability from barnacles to absorb floating substances (F-level)]

[The two abilities are superimposed on each other and are improved, and the battleship has evolved a new ability-calcium armor! (Grade D)]

[Calcium armor: It can form a solid shell of calcium carbonate-like substances by absorbing calcium, magnesium and other elements in the ocean. ]


"It's okay!"

Ye Fei was startled.

Bones and shells are all calcium carbonate-like substances, not only light in weight, but also high in strength!

As long as there is sea water, Ye Fei can continue to manufacture similar shell armor, which is simply too cool!

Between different talents, there is actually a wonderful reaction, which evolves into a more powerful ability!

Fusion, so fun~

Doesn't this mean that more types of magical abilities can be obtained in the future?

Although the talents of each captain are different, the paths of warship upgrades and development will also be completely different.

But it's as easy as Ye Fei, absolutely unique!

Ye Fei only obtained an E-level ability, plus an F-level ability. The combination of the two most ordinary abilities evolved into a D-level ability!

D-level is already able to enter the room. In the entire sea area, there are not many D-level talents!

Properly turning waste into treasure!

The fusion ability gave him infinite possibilities! The road to becoming stronger is different from everyone!

More convenient, faster, and simpler!

"I have a huge advantage in improving my ability!"

In Ye Fei's tone, he was very excited.



At this moment, the battleship vomited out a large amount of unknown substances.

Most of them have become thick and mushy and charred.


Ye Fei quickly covered his nose. The taste of this thing that has been brewing in the large intestine for nine days is simply indescribable.

Suddenly, a half-melted human corpse was spit out and rolled onto the reef.


Ye Fei was startled, but then he calmed down again. This is already a different world. It's normal for monsters to eat people.

Judging by the way it digests, the other party should not be eaten for too long.

I don't know if they can still be integrated?

Ye Fei suppressed his nausea and looked over, only to see a faint light from the corpse.

And this light is still rapidly weakening.

Obviously, if Ye Fei slowed down, the other party would not be able to be fused.


The next moment, the battleship emitted a bright light.

[Ding! The fusion is successful, and the battleship acquires the ability—Magnetic Storm Nova (Class D)]

[Warship's 'firepower' attribute +8, and the battleship's ability to resist electric current attacks increased by 100%]

[Congratulations! Your warship's comprehensive evaluation has reached the limit of 2 stars! ]


The firepower instantly increased so much!

It just exploded!

And it also increased the ability to resist electric shock.

Immune to partial electric damage!

This corpse is too powerful!

Ye Fei was very pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, he also understood who caused such serious damage to the shark whale.

At that time, the shark and whale must have swallowed people and boats into their stomachs. Who would have thought that the other party had the ability to release electric currents, and a strong electric shock in the stomach directly severely injured the shark and whale.

"This person seems to have shown off his abilities on the communication channel before."

Ye Fei also recalled.

Although the level of this ability is not high, it is too special, so Ye Fei noticed it at the time.

Release a circle of electricity around the battleship. This ability is really cool in the sea.

Immediately, Ye Fei threw the fishing rod aside. How can fishing be as fun as electric fish!

Check out the properties:

[Captain]: Ye Fei

[Battleship]: biological battleship

[Displacement]: 8 tons (the battleship is 8 meters long and 2.5 meters wide)

[Defense]: 6 (calcium armor, electric shock immunity +100%)

[Tube damage]: 5 (flesh growth)

[Firepower]: 10 (precision shooting, magnetic storm nova)

[Power]: 4 (none)

[Talent]: Infinite Fusion

[Crew]: 3 (talents: underwater vision (Grade F), underwater sonar (Grade E), breaking the waves (Grade E))

[Warship upgrade requirements]: 1000 units of wood, 100 points of energy (50/100)

[Overall evaluation]: 2-star extreme battleship

"Just the data on paper has reached the limit of two stars!"

Ye Fei couldn't help smiling.

It can be said that this wave of gains is too great.

Before, he thought it would be a small loss, but he didn't expect that there are many unexpected benefits in this shark whale.

At the same time, Ye Fei was surprised to find that some changes had occurred on the attribute panel.

He quickly "surfed the Internet" to browse the screen and rummaged through the chat records.

I really found many examples for him.

It seems that according to different personal worldviews, the attribute panel will gradually show different presentation methods, and the tone and language will also change accordingly.

[Your world view determines the world you see]

Think about it, too. The attribute panel itself is used to understand oneself, so it will constantly make adaptive adjustments according to the captain's world view.

"It seems that I'm on the side of materialism."

Here, Ye Fei has changed in skill description and distribution.

The skills of battleships are all classified under the four attributes of defense, damage control, firepower and power.

Now, three of the four major attributes of his battleship have developed corresponding skills, only the 'power' has not yet.

But his motivation is blessed by the talent of the crew, which no one else has.

"Not bad, not bad. It would be perfect if we hunted down another shark whale."

Ye Fei is still very eager for the ability of shark whales.

It's not that they can't get it. They're making a fuss.

It's because he has basically fused all the animals that can be fused in this sea area. If he wants to go further, he must venture out and explore the island.

However, landing on the island is very dangerous!

You know, some monsters on the island can fly!

No matter how fast the boat goes, it won't be able to run away.

But if he can drill into the water, the danger of exploring the island will be greatly reduced.

And he can also sneak over from the bottom of the water and observe closely.

In short, there are many benefits.

With that in mind, Ye Fei used the tide to drive the battleship into the sea again.

"Eh... this is it?"

As soon as Ye Fei entered the sea, he found a message from someone on the communication channel: "Which big brother can help me, I found a shark whale! Adult body!"

Someone openly asked everyone to go to the coordinate point to gather, where the sea monsters are being "organized" to siege.

Ye Fei looked at the location described by the other party. It was near a small island with an oblique angle of 75 degrees to the north of the sun... It was unfortunate that it was near him.

This time, Ye Fei didn't hide, but directly raised his sails and rushed to the battlefield.

As he approached the battlefield, he also saw the situation clearly:

There are three warships that are struggling to besiege a shark whale.

Not far away, there is another fleet of ten warships joining the battle group.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei showed joy.

He will soon have a relatively complete shark whale that can be fused.


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