
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

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20 Chs

new troubles

Jason Butler, the star pitcher at Al's high school.

The guy that had made Al's baseball live a big hell. Al knew he was never the star when it came to playing baseball, but he had skills that should have allowed him to start.

But, that was not the case. Thanks to Jason.

You see, Jason came from a wealthy family, and his dad played a big role in the baseball funding.

Since both he and Dusty grew up together, and Dusty hated Al, there was never any friendship between them.

Seeing Jason, walking over to him and with that smirk. Al stared to get pissed, fist gripped tightly.

Noticing the tense and change in Al's behavior, Jason tried to ease everything down.

" My brother haha! let's calm down, look we're in an unknown world" Jason walked over to Al, and lightly placed his right arm around his neck, as he laughed and joked.

" It's good to see each other; come here I'll introduce you to the girl." Next, he whispered to al.." and maybe if your nice, i might let you play with one of them"

Al exploded and was about to swing at Jason, but Jason was prepared and had already moved away from Al.

This was the same thing, over and over, Jason would always say stuff like this and just to piss Al. AT one time, he said something terrible about Al's mother, which led to a fight between them.

Just then, Becky finally spoke up. " Enough, stop this. Al i Ieard there's a campsite, can we go. I'm tired."

Jason: Bae, don't worry, my boy Al is here, he'll get everything done and ready for us

Paul, who was standing next to Al, had enough. Quickly removing the bag he had during the journey and also removing Richards's bag, he tossed them to Jason.

Paul: Boy! since you have all this time to talk, do us a favor and shut up and carry these bags or stay here.

After that, he turned around and walked towards the camp with everyone following him

Jason: Hey, wait..you can't do this to me!

Noticing that no one was listening to him and ignoring him, he quickly picked up the bags and ran after them.

it was 30 min journey from the outer edge to the back, and during this time, most of the time, Paul, Peter, Richard, and AL would talk about their trip and what they found.

Behind them, the girls were shocked. especially about the dead hogs and how Al felt like they were getting watched.

Slowly Becky walked over to Al.

" Hey, Al, I'm....I'm sorry about what happened back then and everything else."

" And, I know what I'm saying is do to the situation, but I'm really sorry, and if I had known how you felt and with everything, I would have acted beforehand, instead of being a bitch this entire time."

Al was totally surprised by hearing an apology from this girl. She was a prideful girl, and it took a lot for the apology.

Al rubbed his nose and released a small laugh.

Noticing his laugh, a sense of anger could be seen in Becky's eyes.

" What are you laughing for? About my apology.

" No, not, at all. Just surprised that high bitch Becky Blaze actually apologized"

" you... Bastard," not knowing what to do, started to walk faster.

Watching her walk, Al looked at those curves that moved up and down.

Becky Martinez, or Becky Blaze due to her bright red hair, was called the blase beauty. At 5'6, she was head cheerleader, she had a bubble behind, but her talking features were her chest, a glamorous double D.

Soon enough, the group had reached a small village.

" April!" Seeing April appearing out of the entrance, Becky excitedly called out to her before running over and hugging her.

Seeing one of her friends coming over, April happily hugged her, followed by Gina, the second girl.

Finally, Jason was able to catch up with the group.

Seeing April in the group and Elena and Jessica, plus the other girls, his eyes lit up.

Seeing him coming over, April also gave him a hug.

Walking over to Al, Elena, with a smirk on her face," look at her, she gave a better invitation to that. dumbass, then You."

" Really, what happened between you and her"

Al just shook his head as he walked away.

Just as he walked away,

" What! Dusty and a few others are still out in the wild?!" April yelled out as Jason told her about Dusty and the rest.

April quickly turned her attention over to Al and walked over.

" Al...We have to..no, we must go out and look for them! they may be in trouble!"

Just as Al was about to reply, another voice cut in.

Elena, who had been standing next to Al, voiced her issues.

" Are you stupid? we're losing daylight, we can hardly survive with daylight, and you're risking our lives for your boyfriend?"

April: What...I just thought that they might be in danger."

Elena: You? You, though? We're risking our own lives here.

April, a sight came out of her: You're right, I was just being stupid.

Just then, Jason spoke up: I don't think you're being stupid. I think the real issue is that Al doesn't want Dusty here.

Al, who was quietly listening,: why would I care about Dusty being here or not?

Jason Laughed after hearing Al: "come on, man, everyone knows that you loved April in high school. Now, if Dusty isn't here, you have a clear shot at her...."

Turning his attention over to April: " it's simple as that, April."

It had gotten quite at that moment. Actually, Elena was about to speak up, but Al had her be quiet.

Now was the time for him to see where he stood with April, what kind of person she was, or if she still thought of him as a friend.

After a few seconds passed, April turned her attention to Al: " Al, what should we do?"

Looking at her, Al slowly turned around and started to walk towards the campsite.

" Tomorrow, we'll leave and look for them, early morning, but now we need to talk and discuss the plan."

Hearing his answer, April should have been delighted and happy, yet looking at that back that walked away, there was a bit of sadness in her heart.

For being a quick-witted girl, She had caught Al stopping Elena from talking back to Jason and knew that Al was testing her.

And at that point, different kinds of emotions went through her, now looking at that back, which now didn't look as common as before. Her heart started to beat faster.

For Al, he was glad that April didn't ask for them to go die and instead asked for a plan. But at the same time, it may have been due to his relationship with Jessica or his feeling for Elena, the feelings he once had for April were getting buried deeper in his hearth; maybe they'll return, or maybe they won't.

At the back of the group, Stood jason with a smirk...

in a hush voice:

" Hehehe, go out, get yourself fucked hehe, I will enjoy my time here"

Then he turned his attention to April

" Soon, i have you...you'll be my toy!"