
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasi
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20 Chs


In the Dark Night.

A group of people can be seen running through the forest, with fear-stricken faces.

" Hurry, Hurry, we're almost out of the forest," Said the girl in the lead. She had black straight hair that ran to her hip. Her face was covered with blood, mud, and sweat, but it still shined its brightness in the dark night.

Behind her was another woman, but she looked older, and if one looked closely, they would see her carry a small child as they ran.

Still in the lead, the girl with the black hair turned around to look behind, " Hurry it up, don't look back we're almost out!"

The group of 8 ran without looking back.

Finally, Joy had appeared in front of them, they had finally reached the clearing and in front of them was open land.

But that Joy only lasted for a second, as a few seconds later, they heard a screaming sound behind them.

" Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Hearing the sound, the girl in the lead gripped her hands tighter and continued to go on. There was nothing that they could do.

About 10 yards from where they were, one good see a body laying there. Blood dripping all over, next to that body, stupid 2 raptors, one suddenly opens its Jaws and starts to eat, while the other looks at the direction where the group ran off to. Suddenly, that Raptor ran after the group with a loud roar.

" Rahhhhhh!"

Back to the group.

Right when the group heard the roll, they quickly picked up the pase.

Hands tightly gripped, the girl in the lead could only look forward. " Why can't you leave us alone."

Will still running, the girl that was carrying the child looked up ahead and notices flames.

" Sister April, look up ahead there's fire" while pointing to that area.

Looking at the direction that woman had pointed to, Hope had returned to her face.

Without a second thought, she yelled out, " Help! Help! Help!"

The entire group joined in as well, each yelling, " Help, Help, help!"

Just as they had started to yell, a hollowing roar rang behind them.

The Raptor had caught up to them, roughly about 5 yards away.

In the camp site.

The group of 6 were currently sitting around a campfire while enjoying their roasted meat.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, talking, laughing.

Just then, they also heard the cry for help.

Al, who had just taken a bit of meat, quickly got up.

Next, he told the girls to hide, then he and Paul went towards the sounds with a spear in hand and torches in the other.

Sounds and Cries of help still continued as the group got closer and closer to Al and Paul, who were getting closed to the boundary where the mysterious energy provided them a barrier.

Seeing two lines of torches appearing, April could help but cry! Help was on the way. For the past 2 weeks, all they did was suffer and suffer.

" Hey, there's a raptor behind us; please be ready! ' She yelled out as she got closer and closer.

Al shuddered when he heard that voice; even with everything going, he knew who that voice belonged to; it belongs to April.

Al quickly yelled out, " Hurry up and runs towards us as fast as you can; it'll be a lot safer!" The duo picked up their pace and ran towards them.

Soon enough, April and the group were able to see who was carrying the torches. After hearing Al yelling back to her, a look of happiness had appeared in her eyes, and now finally seeing him, she finally releases a breath of air.

Soon enough, the group had stepped into the boundary, but just as the woman with the child was near. She had rolled her ankle, the young child rolled off her while she tried to get up on her.

Just then, the Raptor had already arrived next to her; with a quick leap, and fangs opened, it had leaped towards her.

Seeing this, everyone in the group cried out, including April, who had tears coming out.


Just then, a Spear ripped thru the air and had struck the Raptor right into one of its legs. Causing the Raptors to lose it's balance and fall to the side.

After throwing the Al, he quickly rushed over to the girl and child; quickly picking up the child and the girl, he brought them over to the boundary line.

Everyone else still was star struck by this.

Slowly, the Raptor had gotten up, it looked at AL, and then gradually, with a spear in its leg, limped back into the forest.

Everyone was still bewildered, with just happened. Just then, a sound of crying from the child broke up the tense air.

Turning his sight to the small child who was in his lap, after he had fallen into the boundary, the child was still a baby, about a year or two old.

The woman, who was still bewildered, quickly got up and rushed over to the crying baby, where Al handed her over.

Once the baby had stopped crying, the woman turned to AL with tears in her eyes. " Thank You! Thank You! for saving my daughter and myself. Thank You!"

Picking her up and comforting her, Al looked at the group. Beside's April and the woman and child, there were four other members. Two extra girls, one Al knew, and two boys, a fatty, and the other was another middle-aged man.

Al and Paul brought the group back to the campsite.

At the site, the group cleaned up with the extra water and were given leftover clothes and blankets to sit on. The baby was fed fish soup that Jessica had quickly heated.

" Oh my god, Thank You. I'm delighted we ran into you guys," April slightly said, as she recalled what her group went through and how they were saved."

" We could all consider it faith or even luck. This world is dangerous," Spoke Elena. Who, for some reason, was sitting next to Al.

Either due to the Rivalry between them or something else, Elena was acting quite close to Al. It was something April had noticed when she first came into the camp.

She was actually surprised, Yes she and Al were best friends, but they slowly drifted apart. She was already dating someone and had rejected Al before.

But for some reason, the Al in front her looked different. Maybe because they hadn't spoken in two years or something, but he looked different than the boy she once knew.

Slowly the groups had gotten comfortable. Al had learned from them that they had gone to the willow mountains.

Maggy, the mother of the baby, had taken her daughter to enjoy the outdoors, and the next thing they knew, they were trapped here.

Al shifted his Gaze onto the woman that was sitting across him. She had blonde hair that ran to her shoulder, she wasn't as beautiful as Elena, Jessica, or April, but she had a special aura around her.

She was about 25; he also learned that she was a single mother. Her daughter's name was Julia, and she just turned two a few days ago.

Noticing his Gaze, Maggy met his Gaze with a smile, With a slight blush, he changed his gaze to Julia.

Julia, it could have been that she was a child still, became the group's highlight; everyone, especially the girls, wanted to hold her.

Jessica had gotten attached to her as well. Maybe it was that she in her 30s and wanted kids, but she had a doting expression on her face.

Al had also noticed this, and his heath started racing..

" Does she also want a child? Does she want mine? Nope, we can't talk about this now...but could she have gotten pregnant?.... Come one, it's not safe to reproduce yet!"

Maybe it was because Al had saved her from the claws of death, or perhaps he had saved her mother. But the little girl looked at him with a smile, and using her small and cute, fingers she positions them towards Al so that he could pick her up and hold her.

Jessica, who had noticed, stared to laugh as she handed the baby girl over to him.

Al holding the baby, started to roll her back and forth until she fell asleep.

Elena, who was on the side, gently elbowed Al and said, " Hmm, seem like Julia has full trust in you; she probably thinks of you as her father now."

The group started to laugh when they heard this; Al had an Awkward expression, while on the side, Maggy had blushed and had her head down.

Slowly the group got more accustomed to each other.

Al and his group had learned that the Group of April was a total of 14 people; only about 2 weeks ago did the night mare started.

They had actually landed on the other side of this island. To Al's surprise, the other side of this Island was connected to the ocean.

They had decided to build a camp on that side of the island as it seemed safe, but two weeks in, a pack of raptors appeared and terrorized them. In one night, the group of 14 went down to 11 people. Slowly the number was now at 7.

This included April, Maggy, and Julia.

While the other fours were, Sarah a brunette that was one of Cindy friend, Dianne who was a member of the 3rd school, Peter who went to the same school as Elena and Richard, who was the middle age worked.

After listening to their story, a major concern appeared on Al's face. Directing his attention to them,

" How many raptors were in the pack?"

At that point, Peter, who had been quiet, finally talked, " there were four, two have been following us, while the 2 were tracking back and forth."

Hearing what he said, the concern on Al face became deeper, to the point where everyone noticed it.

Noticing the tense Air, Jessica finally broke the air by asking Al. " What wrong, Al."

"it's just that hearing how the Raptors have been tracking them, they're a solid chance that these raptors are also outside waiting and ready to hunt us."

Everyone had gotten quiet at this moment; noticing this, Al released a laugh " There's no point in crying about this; let's hit the beds, and we'll take about it tomorrow morning. Why don't you girls get my and girl rooms to rest, and then Peter and Richard can get pauls to room for the time being, and Paul and I will stay outside near the campfire.

The group quickly agreed and separated.

Jessica, Elena, Lisa, Maggy, and Julia went and stayed in Al's room. In contrast, April, Cindy, and the other two girls went to the other room. While Peter and Richard went to the other room.

Leaving Paul and Al on the campfire, Neither one could sleep tho. They weren't the only ones. Most of the girls couldn't sleep either.

But slowly, they started to fall asleep, especially April's group.

" Hey Al, are you worried," Paul asked while looking at the dark sky.

" Yup, we were the predators, and now we're the Prey. We need to figure out how to solve this issue!"

" I agreed, but I'm glad that you're with us Al, you got brains to get through this, and I will help.'

Slowly the night passed, and the morning was soon here.