
World Of Isle

PS- Review Read to explore the world full of mysterious island. On each isalnd there is a way to access the dungeon. People go thier and level up becoming adventurer, pirate or navy. Their are many cirminal organization hiding in the dark. Each of these organization have only one goal. It's to conquer 36 Main Island. According to legend anyone who conquers it will be given the opportunity ask any one wish. The pratagonist is reincarnated into the world of Isle, with a god level talent EXTRACT+1. It can help him extract the attributes and skill points from the dead monster killed by himself. It can also level up two level any equipment worn by him. Accompanying him is a small white dragon. The dungeon is all a mysterious place. It has 100 floors. Each floor is guarded by a guardian monster. After defeating it you can teleport to next floor. Overall this a combination of chaotic world, with dungeon style settings. If you like reading the book please give a quick review. Thank you Have a good day.

Shame_less007 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Five years later

Drake and Amy were stunned after listening to Jack's words as they have never learned the term breeding. They also noticed something unusual about their son. Like he used to talk something strange sometimes and also their son acts more mature than other children. They didn't mind it as they thought their son might awaken a mage or wizard-related profession.

So Drake asked," Jack what do you mean by the breeder?".

I looked at my dad and mom and replied," dad breeder is someone who breeds animals and birds".

Drake asked," so what do you need to become a breeder".

I replied," I need three pairs of Blue chickens. Three males and three females. Also I need a carpenter to make a place for those birds to stay so that those birds might not run away".

Drake said," okay anything more".

I said," nope nothing more".

Drake said," hmm it's not bad. Okay I will ask Mr. Paul to craft you a living place for those birds tomorrow".

I said," thanks dad".

Drake said," okay I will give you a copy of the navigation techniques".

I was excited and then said," dad so I will learn about it from today onwards".

Drake said," okay", saying so he walked inside the hut and took out an old notebook. Then he gave it to his son saying with a serious expression," Son never tell anyone about the notebook. Also, you can only open the notebook inside the hut not outside. You will learn sailor skills from here but you will never take a navigation job".

I looked at my father's serious expression and then said seriously," don't worry dad I will never tell anyone about the notebook".

Saying so I walked inside the hut and began to read it. The pages were made of unknown materials that I could hardly identify it. The letters were a common language of Aaric that was spoken by all races. So I began to read them. The pages were numerous that I couldn't count but one thing was for sure I had got a photographic memory. Once I read about it I would never forget it.

So for four hours, I was absorbing the knowledge at a rapid speed. The astonishing thing was that till now I have covered only a little over thirty pages. I began to suspect that this book has space within that makes the book write more information inside it.

So I thought about it for a while and then ignored it and then began to reorganize what I had learned in the book.

There were four zones on this planet.

East Region, West region, North region, and South region.

The least pirates are in the East zone as it is strictly influenced by the navy. But certain islands are inhabited by a strange beast.

The west region is known for its best cooks. Although many cooks later migrate to other places as the competition is too tough.

The central region is the place where strong people reside. It's a chaotic zone.

The North region and South regions are covered with snow. There are many unique ingredients and food found in this region. Most of the alchemists are present in this region.

There is also a legendary island located in the sky and deep down in the water.

I couldn't help but think of the past life of the anime one piece. Didn't I come to that place? But it can't be right the world setting is completely different in this world.

The next day.

Drake brought Mr. Paul and asked him to build a chicken pen. I guided him with all the knowledge I remembered.

Then I went to the market and bought blue chicks. After that, I put them inside the pen and then learned more about what kind of food they like to eat.

Later I fed the chicks and then I went home and began to learn more about the sailor profession. There were various things mentioned about wind belts, ocean currents, and weather changes.

Also important parts of the ship and how to tie sails. Use of mast, lower sails, etc were all recorded in detail.

I kept on absorbing the knowledge.

During that time mom made food. I learned various types of cooking and more about spices. Types of mushrooms to eat and not to eat.

This went on for a year. The chicks had grown up and laid eggs.

I waited for the eggs to hatch and then next year I might sell those chickens.

At the beginning of the next year, I sold blue chickens with my dad to a butcher shop for 2 gold coins earning my first income.

That day I killed a blue chicken and then cooked it. Later we had a feast on my first earning.

This went on and during the next year the chicken pen had already been upgraded to a large one and I continued to sell the blue chicken to a trading company at a higher rate.

I gained a little fame after selling the blue chickens.

Three years later.

Now there was ten thousand chicken inside the pen. Two workers were hired for gold coins per month to work inside the pen.

I was satisfied with my work.

Now I had 400 gold coins in my pocket for personal use. It was enough for me to pay the tuition. So I decided to sell excess chicken to earn income.

The summer came and I was ten. The East Ocean Trade Company came to my house to pick up the chicken as usual. Seeing them I greeted them and then said," sir I want to sell all the chicken to your company. How much would you buy it for?".

Albert looked at the young man who had already started earning enough income that would make common people live their life leisurely. So he said," Mr. Jack, I will buy all your chicken at 10 silvers".

I replied," it looks like other people are enjoying the blue chicken on another island".

Albert laughed and said," of course, I earn six times the profit Jack. It's all thanks to you".

I nodded my head and said," okay I will sell seven thousand chickens to you. Keeping myself with the remaining three thousand".