
World Of Isle

PS- Review Read to explore the world full of mysterious island. On each isalnd there is a way to access the dungeon. People go thier and level up becoming adventurer, pirate or navy. Their are many cirminal organization hiding in the dark. Each of these organization have only one goal. It's to conquer 36 Main Island. According to legend anyone who conquers it will be given the opportunity ask any one wish. The pratagonist is reincarnated into the world of Isle, with a god level talent EXTRACT+1. It can help him extract the attributes and skill points from the dead monster killed by himself. It can also level up two level any equipment worn by him. Accompanying him is a small white dragon. The dungeon is all a mysterious place. It has 100 floors. Each floor is guarded by a guardian monster. After defeating it you can teleport to next floor. Overall this a combination of chaotic world, with dungeon style settings. If you like reading the book please give a quick review. Thank you Have a good day.

Shame_less007 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs


Draco walked towards Blood Rabbit. A minute later it was lying on the ground. There were several cuts on its body and looking at Draco's miserable conditions I couldn't help but say," are you sure you are not sadistic".

Draco said," Jack let's talk later, and let's test that person now".

I said," okay then let's go".

Then I carried Draco on my back while a few Bloody Rabbits were chasing behind us.

We went in the direction Wade traveled.

A few minutes later I saw Wade and shouted," Run away Wade".

Wade looked behind and saw the duo return. But Bloody Rabbit was chasing behind them. So he took out a potion and said," here give this potion to your Dragon it will heal its injury".

I thanked him and tried to act as normal as I could.

After that, I used to inspect functions and saw that it was indeed a medium health potion. Then I asked Draco to drink the health potion.

Wade was currently besieged by the Bloody Rabbit. So I walked and helped him kill these rabbits.

Then Wade asked," how did you guys get injured so much?".

I replied," we headed deep inside the lair and met the Bloody Rabbit boss".

Wade then said," it's good that you rushed out, or else you might be unlucky like most of the adventurers".

I nodded my head and then said," yes well my name is Jack, and my partner/brother's name is Draco".

Wade said," so Jack what are you going to do now?".

I said," I will go and challenge the Bloody Rabbit lair once again".

Ward almost fell after listening to Jack's words and then he said," don't you care about your life".

I began to think about the reason so that I could excuse myself from his nagging, so I said," I care but it feels so exciting to escape alive from those monsters".

Wade then shook his head and then said," well I am going to hunt in the periphery. So do you want to join me".

I shook my head and then I asked," have you joined any party".

Wade shook his head and said," yep I had but I was kicked out later as those people found another alchemist".

My eyes widened and then I couldn't help but say," aren't an alchemist rare talents sought by all".

Wade shook his head and said," no way. Have you heard about the talent that is passed down from parent to children".

I shook my head and then Wade explained," well our ancestor did a quest given by the main island guardian. After completing the quest he got the reward. So most of my family members have a very good chance of awakening the alchemist profession. In which common grade is not sought by most of the people but green and the blue potion is sought by most of the people".

I nodded my head and then I said," since you have not in any party then join us and you will be our member as long as you don't wanna leave".

Wade thought for a while and then he replied," okay but I need to see a contract".

I had a puzzled expression and said," Contract! What contract?".

Wade almost fell after seeing the reaction of another party. He was like a fool in his eyes and then he said," Don't you know how to make a contract then how would you form a party".

I asked him with an innocent look," can you tell me what a contract is?".

Wade replied," contracts are terms and conditions when joining a party and also compensation given by the members if they want to leave the party. Also, it's a way that you can trust your teammates. After signing the contract, no one would attack you, or if they did so then they will be erased from this world".

Then I asked," what is other people's control or has someone from our members volunteered to let themselves be controlled by the enemy. Will the contract take action at that time".

Wade replied," that way you need to form a contract with no loopholes", saying so he looked at Jack and saw him scratching his head. Seeing this he sighed and said," Okay look at the contract given by the elites. After that, you can decide to join or not".

I nodded my head and then I sent a message to Dad asking him to send a copy of the contract.

Drake who was eating food almost choked himself and then said to Amy," did you tell Jack about the contract?".

Amy shook her head and then she asked," Drake what about you?".

Drake also shook his head and he hurriedly sent a copy of the contract of his party.

I got the contract and then I began to read it. Then I changed to a few places where I could and then I read thrice and made everything was right.

Then I added the terms and conditions to the party option and also I added the contract which was signed by me.

Draco also got the contract and he didn't even look at its terms and conditions but he signed it directly.

Then I said," Wade see the contract, you can sign it".

Wade took the contract and began to read its terms and conditions. After reading it he looked at Jack with a suspicious expression and said," didn't you tell me you don't know about contracts. How do I see as you know better than me about it?".

I smiled and said," it's my dad's party contract".

Wade said," oh. Okay, the terms and conditions are good just when leaving the party you must give 100 times compensation, and also only you can kick out if the team members misbehave. There is also a condition to not bully weak people unless you are provoked first by them. It fits my liking. So I will join your group".

I said," okay then".

Draco said," then shall we go and hunt those Bloody Rabbits. I still need to get my revenge".

I said," of course let's go".