
World of Horrors: Final Lap

Follow Y/N Saki, A poor guy who reincarnates as his modded character/self-insert Mark Saki within the World of Horror. To make matters worse apparently the game is using all mod characters/mystery's/events and more! How will poor Y/N survive the cluster f*ck they placed themself in...

Ray_Tanielu · Derivasi dari game
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Crap...

"Urgh...god where am I?" 'I seriously need to stop blacking out in front of my computer when playing games. For all I know I might accidently delete something important on my computer, and honestly that would make me cry a lot more then losing my headset...wait...why those my back feel so comfy?'

Y/n Saki soon opened his eye's to find himself lying on something very soft. He turned his head to the right to see a room he's clearly never been in his entire life. He pushes himself up and starts to slowly realize the situation...I say slowly because Y/n is not your average guy. He's read way too many fanfics and is quite quick on the uptake.

'...f*ck..f*ck...F***************************************************CK!' He quickly pushes himself off his bed and runs around the apartment trying to find the mirror. He opens door after door seeing backgrounds he remembers belonging to a certain game he just completed yesterday. 

'Please don't be real! I'd rather accept I reincarnated in some anime but NOT THIS WORLD! ANYTHING BUT THAT!' Y/n finally finds the bathroom and opens it up in a panic. He runs towards the mirror and with a brief look...he already hated his situation. 

"F*ck" was all poor Y/n had to say to himself. He knew deep down this is his world now, so pulling up his imaginary big boy pants upwards. He slowly walked out of the bathroom and straight into the main room. He looked around trying to find the room that will hold the current mysteries that plague the town. 

"There's the room, just gotta look inside an-OH F*CK ME!" As he looks inside he looks at the bulletin board...bombarded by 34 mystery's all separated from each other.

'I already hate everything' He says to himself, he walks up to one of the folders and looked at the title. 


[Created by Haru's Stuff (gubbey)]

"Wait Mods included???" with a surprise he took a look at the other folders to find other mods are also included.

[Traumatizing Tale of Televised Torture]

[Created by Haru's Stuff (gubbey)]


[Made By anv]


[Created by Skunk Rocker]

"Wow even the mods are included...great" in Y/n honest opinion, he was quite nervous over the situation. You see if these mystery's are available...then what about the characters? Custom events? Enemies? Or even perhaps...Gods?

{Thinking about all these possibilities has put a strain on your mind}

{-1 Reasoning} 

"Oh great a system that comes along as well, wonderful. Thank you who ever sent me here. I totally wanted a system alongside this cluster f*ck of a world" y/n slowly laughed to himself. He felt a bit better knowing he's at least got a system to suffer with. 

{Your sarcastic attitude has rewarded you with a very brief respite}

{+1 Reasoning}

"Hah..." 'Alright, I already know what you systems are, so please let's skip the formalities and go straight to my stats please. I need to know what my stats are. 

{Profile: Mark Saki/馬克·薩基}

{Occupation: Paragon Detective}

{An upstanding man of society, far more social then his younger brother Y/n saki. After learning his young brother's disappearance all investigations he has made have lead him to Shiokawa. Will this be the final investigation?} 

-Strength: 7

-Dexterity: 7

-Perception: 7

-Charisma: 7

-Knowledge: 7

-Luck: 15

{Mark Saki begins the story with a unique clipboard, as long as it's held or in inventory, all effects that increase doom are reduced, while effects that reduce doom are increased}

[Maki Saki also possess RIGHTEOUS which will restore 2 points of either Stamina or Reason dependent on the event/situation}

{Available perks}

1. Bonds we made along the way: If you manage to max a rapport with a character, instantly possess all their perks. 

"Man why did I make my OC so cringy...really? The Paragon detective? man I need help on these naming conversions cause holy crap my ability to name thing's are disastrous. Well at least the stats I added are still there" He sighed a bit before putting away the screen that showed his stats...somehow

'All right, let's just get on with it. No need to panic or sh*t myself to oblivion...wow my jokes are tasteless' He looked around the folders and wondered what would be the best start? 

"Hmmmmm" 'what to pick...what to pick indeed...' 

After looking around the folders. He decided to pick this case. 

[Eerie Episode of Evolving Eels]

{Description: Empty}

"Empty? Oh yeah, If I remember correctly, The main character bumped into Kana leading to the description being made. I guess I'll have to go outside and bump into her to get the description and finally get this investigation going" 

Y/n soon opened his door and started walking around the apartment building. He was quite surprised on how well he knew the layout but probably assumed it came with the package of reincarnating. 

'I wonder when this will start'

{While walking around your apartment, someone suddenly bumps into you...}


"What the?"

'Oh I guess it's starting right now'

???: Did you know...

{You turn around. It's your friend living in the same apartment complex, Kana}

Kana: That weird dude is back - you know, the one who studies fish?

"Yeah, but might we continue talking once we're inside my room at least?"

{Kana grins for some reason and you feel as if she somehow misunderstood something but you frankly don't give a sh*t}

{You open the door while letting Kana go in first}

"Ladies first" 

Kana: Awwww how nice of you~

"Tch, don't make me get the spray bottle again"

'Wait I just realized I'm...nope, don't question the fact I'm speaking despite the fact I'm not actual speaking. That makes sense right?'

{Kana simply rolls her eye's before entering your kitchen. A while later they return with 2 cans of Soda}

Kana: Aren't you curious, what weird fish did he bring this time?

{Kana soon grins again}

"Fine, Only because I'm currently cold on the case I'm investigating. Plus I need a little distraction" 


And that's all folks! Took me way too long to figure out how to make this fanfic happen. I hope you enjoy this chapter and later ones as well. Now if your wondering, yes I will credit the people behind these mods since I'm not a f*cking ass clown. Either way I hope you enjoy but if your the creator behind this mod and want it down. I'll remove it and will put in a substitute or out right remove the chapter and rewrite.