
World of Gloria

The boy name Caulier, lives in a world that none of us know. He is a traveller. his purpose of his life hasn't been discovered yet, so he seeks to travel to figure out what he's true purpose in this world of Gloria. What purpose will it be? Will it really be worth it by travelling the entire world...? all of that will be answered by the journey of Caulier...

Everlin_Sorcery · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

The Conduir Abyss

We've been training for days now.. And I can tell that we're getting stronger day by day.. But i don't know if i can kill a beast.

On that day, i keep worrying about my strength.. I noticed the changes of my body. Its definitely much more stronger than before.. And yet... Why do i still feel that i'm weak.. Ahh... Maybe thats it.. I'm so weak that i can't even safe my aunt from that beast.... Maybe that image is still on my head..

"Hellooooo?" Vanessa

I have to train harder now... I have to..

"Hellooooo, Caulieeeer???" Vanessa

I just have to... Or i'll lose my friends too...

"Hello?!! Caulier!? You spacing out or something?!" Vanessa

I guess there's no choice now huh...

"You...! Wait for me!" Vanessa

I heard sound from above like metal and water... I looked at the top and ice and water fell down on me..

"What was that for?!" Caulier

"You won't listen to me, i've been calling you!" Vanessa

"Ohh... Sorry.. I was just thinking about something.." Caulier

"Huh? what were you thinking about?" Vanessa

Aftee that.. I told her everything.. She felt sad when she heard it... That i am nothing but a weak person..

"Your not weak at all... You change Rozelyn, she thought that her power is a cursed.. But now she believe that her power is a gift and it has a good reason why she was given that power.. You also change me too... I used to think of killing you because.. I can use you as a bait for the beast.." Vanessa

"Say what now?!" Caulier

"Its all in the past..... What i'm saying is your not weak.. Your very strong... Your will is strong.. And you have a power that draws people to you.. I can tell.. Rozelyn and i don't have purpose too.. She wanted to die because she doesn't care anything anymore.. But you change her.. Instead of wanting to die.. She wanted to live and travel with you and me.. Your strong not weak... Your not dumb.. Your smart.. So don't give up on us, from what i can say... Your our leader now.. And we're both thankful that we met you.. Now lets go train okay..." Vanessa

"Okay.." Caulier

"Alright, let's go.." Vanessa

"Oh and vanessa?" Caulier

"Hmm? What is it?" Vanessa

"Thank you for everything that you said.. I feel better now." Caulier

"Thats good to know, hehe.. Lets go now" Vanessa

We both walked outside and started to train..

Jack wants to train us by expanding our minds and our strength.. And wielding the swords is getting easy now..

Vanessa's sword is a four tiger sword.. And mine is The black Divine sword... The names perfect cause the sword is pure black and the holder is like a divine itself.. Rozelyn said that the sword suits me... Vanessa and Jack agreed to what she said.. It does fits me...

"Alright, are the two of you ready?"

"Yes!" Vanessa and Caulier

"Then begin!" Jack

As jack said that, we both unsheated our sword and sprint at each other.. From what the sword going to. Its gonna aim to my left shoulder, i have to block it.. I put my sword through my left shoulder so that it can block Vanessa's sword.. And i was correct, she was aiming at my left shoulder..

"Oho, he predicted it." Jack

"What do you mean?" Rozelyn

"He was able to predict her next move by looking at her steps and her sword.. He's improving day by day... You really gave me a good pupil huh, Neily...." Jack

"Wow, thats cool.. He really is amazing.." Rozelyn

"He sure is.." Jack

"I got you!" Vanessa

She aims her sword right at my chest.. I used my sword to swing her sword away from her.. After her sword flew away i tripped her with my feet and she fall down.. I aim my sword through her and stopped..

"Looks like i win." Caulier

"Yeah, you did.. Again haha" Vanessa

I put my hand so that she can reach it.. I pull her up and it looks like the winner today is me...

"Alright, you two go rest now. Its Rozelyn's turn." Jack

"Ohhh... I wanna see her practice.." Vanessa

"Yeah, we wanna watch Rozelyn.. Plus we're not badly hurt.." Caulier

"Okay, fine... You two sit over there.." Jack

"Yes, Mr. Jack!" Vanessa

We both sat on the chair and watch Rozelyn practice.. You might not believe this... But Neily is already strong.. And she's a girl..

"Alright, you know what to do.. close your eyes and let your spirit flow like a water fall... You need your ki to be similar to a Rank A.. Okay" Jack

- kI(Noun) (sometimes called ch'i,) A term indicating intrinsic energy; usually associated with martial art - karate, judo, aikido, etc- practitioners who consider ki important to performing at the highest level. ki(Noun) A form of psychic energy.

- Rank is a level for those who have ki. Right now Caulier and Vanessa has already reach Rank A.. While Rozelyn is Rank B.. her mind reader can't be considered as a ki..

Rozelyn closes her eyes and started medidating.. Right now she is imagining a waterfall flowing through the mountain... I uses my senses.. Her ki is evolving to Rank A... But something is stopping it.. If she figure out what it is she can make her ki into a rank A..

- You can do it, Rozelyn...

Rozelyn stopped.. As if she heard something.. She smiled and kept going... Her ki is rising... Its like she found what stopping her..

"Oho, looks like you finally did it. Rozelyn." Jack

"Hehe, it seems i did it.." Rozelyn

"But you stopped for a second.. Did you heard something with your power?" Jack

"No... I just figured it out.. And i just kept going.." Rozelyn

"Ohh, well you did.. You can rest now.. Including you two over there.." Jack

" *Gulp* " Caulier

"Lets go vanessa...." Caulier

"Yeah... I think your right.. Lets go.." Vanessa

After that we rest at our bed.. And slept..

I was sleeping and when i open my eyes.. Everything was black..

"Where am i...?" Caulier

I've been walking through this room.. And i can't find a way out...

"It's been a long time.. Caulier..." ???

"Who's there?!" Caulier

I heard a voice.. But i can't see the person because of this black room...

"You don't remember the one who give birth do you... How mean of you~" ???

No.. It can't be.... No.. That's impossible...

"Mom?! Is that you?!!"

No... There's no way.. The way she talks is way different....

"Unfortunately i'm not your mom nor your dad.." ???

"What?! Then who are you?!! And why did you say 'the one that gave birth to you' if your not my mom nor my dad!" Caulier

"I am what you call a spirit.. And the thing is... I was sealed by your dad to your mom.. And thanks to that.. I was sealed to your mom for days... I thought to myself that i need to get out of your mom's body.. So i figured.. what i needed to do.. And that is to create you.." Spirit

"No... That doesn't make any sense.. I'm dreaming....!" Caulier

"Try pinching your cheek to find out.. Or try punching yourself.. Your not dreaming.. Your in a world called Conduir Abyss.." Spirit

"Conduir Abyss..?" Caulier

"Yes, that is right.. only you or me can go in this world... You said that your weak right?" Spirit

"How did you know that?" Caulier

"Easy, I've been watching over you since you were a kid.. I can give you my power if you want.." Spirit

"I don't need your power! I can get stronger without your power..!" Caulier

"Ohoho.. You think you can get stronger without me?! You couldn't even protect your family neither your aunt! Your useless without me!" Spirit

"Get out in my mind!!" Caulier

"Tsk.. Fine.. But there will be a day where you will need me.. Probably when your friends is gonna die.." Spirit

"I won't let that happen!" Caulier

"Hmph! Acting like a brave kid! How interesting! We shall see each other soon.. And thats when you'll need my help!" Spirit

After that.. I woke up... The others were still asleep so i walked out...

"What was that... That spirit has been watching me... It created me....thats.... Creepy... and confusing... But i don't need that spirit's help.. I can get stronger without that spirit.." Caulier

"Why did my dad sealed that spirit... I knew that he was involved with something... But why did he sealed that spirit to my mom..? That's just... Messed up.." Caulier

When i said that... That was the day that i regret my choices at that time....


5 Years Ago

"Dad, can you tell me another story again?" Caulier

"Again? oh well.. Okay.. After that.. Its time for bed okay?" Dad

"Okay, dad.." Caulier

"Once upon a time, there was a princess called Valki the IV. She was sitting on the chair with the king and queen.. Talking about what the future will be. The prince from another kingdom visit Valki's castle. They were friends, they always play at the garden. But it was time for the prince to go home.. The princess was sad and stayed at her bedroom for hours..." Jack

"Why was the princess sad?" Caulier

"Well, thats because she like him. When she's with him. She's always so energetic but when he's gone.. She's always sad.. Until that day.. hmm?" Jack

"Zzzzzzz...." Caulier

"Looks like he fell asleep.. Good night Caulier... Rest little sheep cause it is time to sleep.. In the morning you may be happy with blissed.. Or in the morning you may awoke from a dark room.. but don't worry... Your mom and i  will protect you.." Dad

"You know... Your still bad at singing hahah.." Roze

"Hehe.. I know.. Lets go to bed too.. Everyone is sleeping now too.." Dad

"Yeah.. We got more things to do tomorrow too.." Roze


3 Years Ago

"Ron! Why did you kill that person!!" Roze

"He was gonna kill us!" Ron

"Kill us?! he didn't have any weapons... You just killed an innocent man!" Roze

"Innocent! he wasn't innocent!" Ron

"I can't do this anymore.... Goodbye.. Ron.. Don't come looking for us ever again..." Roze

"No... Please.. Don't leave me... I'll change i promise!" Ron

"Those who killed an innocent man! Those who tried to kidnap a girl will never change!!" Roze

After that Roze picked me up and my brother and sister followed as well... That was the day my dad has done a sin that can never be forgiven or forget.... Its been years and i haven't seen him.. Even after my family died from a beast...

5 months ago

"Take my child with you! Please take care of him and go!!" Roze


"Mom, nooooooo!!!" Caulier

The present...

"Huh... Why am i crying.." Caulier

And in that moment.. I didn't knew that Rozelyn was awake and was behind me..

"Caulier...." Rozelyn

When i heard her i came near her..

"You read my mind didn't you.... I'm sorry that you have to see that.." Caulier

After i said it.. She hugged me tight and said:

"You don't have to say sorry.. We're here for you whenever you feel sad... You can cry in front of me.." Rozelyn

In that moment, i couldn't control myself... And i kept crying and crying..

"Urghh.. mm-mmmm.. hmm... I can't believe... That i'm the only family left.. And everyone is all dead..." Caulier

"Its gonna be okay now... Don't worry.." Rozelyn

"Really...?" Caulier

"Yeah... Everything is gonna be okay.. Lets go back to bed now okay..?" Rozelyn

"Okay..." Caulier

After that.. I felt better and Rozelyn guide me to my bed and she returned to her bed and we both fell asleep...
