
World of Gloria

The boy name Caulier, lives in a world that none of us know. He is a traveller. his purpose of his life hasn't been discovered yet, so he seeks to travel to figure out what he's true purpose in this world of Gloria. What purpose will it be? Will it really be worth it by travelling the entire world...? all of that will be answered by the journey of Caulier...

Everlin_Sorcery · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

A Curse?

Normally.. When someone told me to go outside and stay somewhere else... I wouldn't listen to them.. But Jack... He lost a person that he loves.. And that's my aunt. So of course i have to listen to him... But.. Its been minutes! Why are they taking so long.. i grown tired of waiting....

"Hey, mister? You seem new here..?" ???

- Huh? a kid... Please don't be like the woman as well...

"Ahh, yeah.. I'm new here. Is there something that you need kid?" Caulier

- She probably lost a toy and she need my help to find it.. Yeah probably that..

"Kid.... Did you just called me a kid?! And i didn't lose a toy!" ???

Ahhh.... She isn't a kid.. No way.. She's so small... And her voice sounds like a kid.. hmmm.... Oh no.. is this what people called... A loli?? i have stumbled a loli right in this town....

"Hey you! stop spacing out! And don't call me a loli!" ???

Wait... How did she..... How?

"I can read people's mind you dumbass" ???

- Wait... Really?? let me test it..

"What do you mean test it...?" ???

- Your a loli.. i have stumbled a loli... So tiny.. Your a loli.. A loli...

"AHHHH!! Stop it!! You littl-" ???

- Loli... Hehe

"Ahhh!!" ???

Oof... Oww... She just punched my.. it hurt.. Owww...

"If you don't like it.. Can you turn it off?" caulier

"Turn it off?! i'm not a machine.. I can't just turn it off! i was born with that power... i can't Just.." ???

"Okay... I'm sorry for that.. i won't call you a loli anymore..." Caulier

"You better be..." ???

I won't... See my mind is clear.. I won't say it again... loli...

"Ahhhhhhh!!" ???

"Okay... Thats the last one.. I promised..." Caulier

"Hmmmmm....." ???

- Is she crying?? ohhh i think she's cryi-

"You do know that i can hear you right?" ???

"Oh crap... Forgot that.. Sorry.. Is there like a range for that?? you know like you can only hear someone's mind for like... 10 meters or 14 steps away?" Caulier

"Hmmph your smarter than you look.. Yes it does.. Only for 30 meters.. Thats how far i can read someone's mind..."

"... That's far, that's pretty good.." Caulier

"How can that be good... For me it feels like a curse.." ???

"A curse.. Why?" caulier

At that time.. If someone have this kind of power.. Is hard to live with it..

"Think of opening a door on someone's house without permission.. what do you think the owner of that house would feel?" ???

"Well obviously the owner would be mad, since the person didn't ask  for per...mission.." Caulier

"Now you know... Some people would think this power is the best one... And some people would think that this is a cursed... And i'm one of those person.." ???

"That is... True.. I'm sorry... I didn't.." Caulier

"It's okay.. I understand... With this power.. I don't know my life now... I don't know what i wanna do now.." ???

"there was this time, where i accidentally used it... A friend was gossiping.. She said she was gonna confessed to a boy that she likes.. And when i heard that.. I walked to the boy and said that a friend of mine likes him... After an hour.. When i was about to go home.. My friends blocked my way and told me.. -He rejected me! And wanna know what happened huh?! He said that you walked over him and said that i like him! Your mind reading shit is a curse.. You don't deserved to be my friend! Your nothing but a curse monster that shouldn't exist!- After that they kept beating me until a guard shows up and they ran away and they didn't get caught... Thats where i started hating this power of mine... I just wanted to die.. But only weaklings.. Cowards... Do that.. And i'm not a weakling nor a coward... So i didn't do it... I just walked home and get a medicine so that my body can heal.. My life is a cursed... Like a devil brought me bad luck for life....." ???

"Your power is not a cursed but a gift.. God gave you that power so that you can always discover the truth.. Cause the truth is... Some people here are nothing but liers.. They trick people.. Use them like a tool... You have that power so that you can find their truth and helped our world to be a better life.." Caulier

"Thank you, but as i said.. My purpose is already fading.. I don't need to live any longer" ???

"Then travel with us? Go on a adventure and discover what you need.. All of us don't have purpose and we're travelling to discover it.. And i know that you said that your purpose is already fading.. But that doesn't mean that you'll never will find a new purpose.. So come with us and travel this world so that our true purpose will be discovered soon.." Caulier

"Really..? But what if there will be a day that you will hate me and say that i really am a cursed monster..." ???

"I won't..." Caulier

"You will soon... I can tell.." ???

- I won't, i feel you... You see.... I lost my whole family A few months ago.. And before i met my friend Vanessa... I was with my aunt.. We were travelling this world.. So i can know my purpose.. But i lost her.. By a beast called grim fhior.. The one that killed my family was called fhjolnier.. So there's no need for me to hate you... We're opposite but... We still have a tragic life that we experience..

- I know that with that power of yours... You don't wanna exist.. Because people will only hate you for that... Our life has been unfair to us.. You need to let it go... Don't let people change you who you are.. If they think that your a cursed person then so be it.. That's what they chose... But you.. You have a different life than them.. Those people are looking down on you... So look up.. Look up so that you won't see their face of judge.. This is your life.. Not theirs.. This is your body.. Not theirs... Let it go and turn around and never turn back.... And if you do that.. You'll never feel like a burden to someone... So come with us.. And i'm sure that you will know what you really want to do very soon... I swear to you..

"Really...?" ???

- I promised.. So don't worry about anything.. If someone is calling you a cursed or a monster.. Talk to me and i'll show them the real monster...

"You really are a weird person.. But are you really sure that i'm gonna travel with you two?" ???

"Of course.. I would love to have a new companion to our journey." Caulier

"Really?" ???

"Of course"

We keep repeating it and she walks in closer when i say of course..

"Then..." ???

- Is this... what i think it is...

"You think i was gonna kiss didn't you..? haha i'm not gonna do that.... -i don't know you a lot yet...- "

At her last words.. She whispered so i didn't heard what she said..

"What was the last words" Caulier

"Just a thank you for letting me join you~" ???

"Ohh, no problem.. Hey, what's your name? i don't think we introduce ourselves yet.." Caulier

"Oh right, my name is Rozelyn. Nice to meet you.." Rozelyn


"Rozelyn... Roze..." Caulier

"Huh? well you can call me Roze if you like.. that..." Rozelyn

"Ahh no its okay... You just have a similar name to someone that i used to know.. My name is Caulier, nice to meet you Rozelyn..." Caulier

"You too, Caulier.." Rozelyn



"Hey Caulier!!" Vanessa

"Oh its Vanessa, are you guys done?!" Caulier

"Yeah, lets go ba- who's that girl?" Vanessa

"Ohh her name is Rozelyn.." Caulier

"Rozelyn.. Nice to meet you.." Vanessa

- Her name is similar to... Caulier's... Mother..

"What did you just say... So.. Thats why you called me roze earlier.... I really am gonna be a bother.." Rozelyn

"Wait what.. How did you.." Vanessa

"She can read people's mind.. Don't say anything that can hurt her okay..." Caulier

"I.. Okay.." Vanessa

"I'll explain everything and also.. How did you know that my mother's name is Roze... Me and my aunt didn't tell you My mother's name.." Caulier

"Okay... Well... I'll eplain everything what happened on the tent first..." Vanessa

After that, she explain everything that happened.. Why would my mother have a hologram.. And have it record at the same time when the beast came and... Killed them all.. As if... She knew whats gonna happened.... Now that i come to think of it.. My dad... I don't know much about my dad since he left the family and never came back after that.. I don't know if he's alive or dead... But i have a feeling.... That he has something to do with this... Or he just never came back and decided to be with someone else.. Either way.. I hated him and i still hate him even now...


"Master, the bath is ready." ???

"Okay, thank you for telling me.." ???

The mysterious young man stood up above his chair and walk to the bath..

"Tell me the news today.." ???

"Well there was a dead body that we found in a forest and it was retrieved today.." ???

"A body? How did it died?" ???

"It seems it was killed by a beast.. Looking from its footsteps and the way that the body died.. It seems it was killed by Grim Fhior..." ???

"Oho, interesting.. find the beast and make sure that the body that you found  is burned so that no body, or bones.. Anything will be left..! I don't want that disgusting body in my house... Do you hear me?!" ???

"Yes, master. As you wished.." ???

After that, the mysterious person that was ordered by his master walked outside..

"Grim Fhior... I want that to be on my collection.. Ahhh This is a wonderful day.." ???

Who is he? and why does he want Grim Fhior to be on his collection...?



"So that's it.. Rozelyn is our new companion now." Caulier

"Well.. okay... Fine.. Lets just go back, because we're gonna train" Vanessa

"Train? what do you mean?" Caulier

"As of right now, i can tell that we can't kill a grim fhior or any strong beast right now.. So Jack will be training us so that we can be stronger.. Stronger enough to kill beasts..." Vanessa

"Oh really... Then i guess we have to go back then huh.. You gonna come with us rozelyn?" Caulier

"Yeah, of course.." Rozelyn

"Nice to meet you again, Vanessa.." Rozelyn

She puts her hand to Vanessa as if she wants to shake hands with her..

"Ohh, ahmm.. Nice to meet you too Rozelyn.." Vanessa

They both shake hands.. until...

"Ahmm.. Can you let go of your hand now... Your crushing it...." Vanessa

"Oh, sorry about that.. I was just thinking of something.. Sorry" Rozelyn

Ohhh boy... This is gonna be a rough journey for the three of us....