
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: Goblins were killed Revenge must be filled.

Kitaro: [ Follows the tracks of the lizardmen and goblin monsters. It soon leads him to a rundown shack.]

Merry: [ Mind ] Becareful I sense a powerful creature. It is in that shack. It seems to have 7 entities in there. The best thing we can do is run away.

Kitaro: [Mind] NOOO I have a plan. Look there is only one exist if we can summon poison rats to bite them and use poisonous mist we can kill them without them even knowing. We can use the rats on the medium strong and the poison mist on everyone. It should take out a few monsters out.

Merry:[Mind] Okay lets use Poisonous rats. But wouldn't that be venomous Rats?. Since they are biting?

Kitaro: No because they will eat them hopefully. Wait if they bite then they are venomous...[Mind] ACTUALLY WHO CARES [ Summon Poisonous Rats. Rats, move ahead to the shack, Mana sight and Mana Look is being activated. Poisonous Mist is slowly being leaked from the rat. ]

Merry: Would you like to hear the monsters speak.

Kitaro: Yess why didn't you say sooner.

Merry: I have no clue. [ Translate.]

Monster 1: We have to destroy every human in the world. We can't let none of them survive.

Monster 2: Hehehe listen we just killed those goblins and humans. The goblins were helping out the humans. Now the humans think that Goblins killed their kind hahahahahaha.

Kitaro: You heard that Merry.

Merry: This is some juicy stuff. Ill make sure to record everything.

Monster 3 ( Goblin ): We have to wait before we can attack again. Humans are dumb creatures. They only attack what they don't fear.

Monster 1: Yeah humans are dumb we have to take them out.

Monster 4: No, we are supposed to capture bodies and offer them to our masters remember.

Monster 5: [ Smells a rat, is hungry and eats it.] Tasty.

Monster 6: Guys you guys lets stop this nonsense and get to the real goal.

Kitaro: [ Summons another rat and this times activates poison mist rapidly] [ The rat scurries off and spreads the poison mist. ]

Monster 5. [ Drops dead. ]


ALL Monsters: [ Rushes out of the shack. All of them coughing.]

Kitaro: [ Appraisal to all of the 6 monsters. ]

Merry: Listen up you have no mana left and they are all at low hp it was because of the first rat leaking poison mist. The second one did the same and started to attack them while they started running ourside. The 6 monsters are 3 goblin monsters, 1 wolf monster, 1 lizard monster, and the worst of the worst a giant troll monster. Monster 7 still had 90% Hp. We appraised all of them. It didnt get to much information. We just got that most of the monsters are 50% or less Hp.

Kitaro: It just means we have to hurry and fight them.

[ Kitaro rushes in aims the 3 goblins and kills them with ease. He targets the lizard monster and kills him since he had the lowest health out of the 3 still standing. Kitaro gets hit by the Troll. Kitaro gets blown back. He has 1 sword left with the high durable of 4/19. He aims the wolf, the wolf dodges. The wolf starts to cough blood and gets dizzy. Kitaro stabs the wolf by the throat and kills the wolf. The troll comes around and swings his huge 30 pound club. The rat that was attacking them, was hiding, but it got back out and saw Kitaro fighting the Troll. Kitaro felt the life of the rat and he asked him to run and bite around the troll. He is to big to catch the rat. The rat slowly poisoned the Troll. Kitaro dodging as fast as he can. Kitaro sees the trolls health slowly depleting. He tries to get the trolls attention off the rat. Kitaro throws rocks at the troll. He starts throwing random things that are heavy at the troll. The troll's life fully gets depleted.

Troll: [The troll dies and saids.] Look at what you have done. You stopped our plan to revive one of our masters. Now you will be hunted down by the evils that surrounds you. Good luck.

Rat: [ Hops and cheers we did it]

Kitaro: You are one strong fellow rat.

Merry: You gained new skills and levels want to see them?

Kitaro: No need to ask just show me them through VSB.

Merry: < Appraisal level up to 5, Mana Look level up to 3, Mana Sight level up to 3, gained 9 levels, Summon level up to 2, Mist level up to 2. > [ Showing stats nows. ] Showing stats now.

Level = 10

Health = 50

Mana = 10

Stamina = 40

Damage = 10

Magic = 6

Range = 1

Intelligence = 14

Dexterity = 4

Agility = 10

Luck = 9

Charisma = 15

Faith = 2

Life Energy = 2

Kitaro: Woah I got stronger. Let's pick up the monsters, items, and whatever we find.

Merry: Just a heads up you are not looking to great either. That one hit cause you to break 4 ribs and it almosted caused internal bleeding. You could have died. Becareful I said.

Kitaro: Well it's all over now.

Merry: You collected a 30 pound giant wooden club, 3 dead goblin bodies, 1 wolf, 2 lizard men bodies and 1 troll body. You gained goblin armor, a hatchet, a bone spike hammer, and a dagger. < Learned Mana Sense.> [ Due to this, Appraisal got stronger through synergist. Mana sense increase appraisals power and growth. Magical Readers all will boost each other. That is why learning all magical readers are good and having magical reading tools are good as well. ]

Kitaro: Lets try to get a heal spell. I need that so badly.

Merry: Indeed you do.

Kitaro: Lets go back to Keku and share the information. [ Heads to Keku Cave.]

Keku: Woah you guys are back that was fast, you took 4 hours.

Kitaro: We completed it and it was them that killed your family. [ Shows voice recording to the Keku. ]

Keku: No I did the wrong thing and attacked humans because they attacked me I injured them and now I can't do anything about it.

Kitaro: No you are wrong. I can show them this and what we see. We can change your fate.

Keku: Thanks master. My buddy lives in Forragrove Town. He's a banker in the banks there. He is also a goblin but a good one. I am sure if there was a quest for destroying goblins. Sending this video and recording will be able to solve that.

Kitaro: Hahaha. I will be strong, I promise you that. We will head back to the Town and I'll clear this quest with a smile on my face. [ Enters Forragrove Town. Heads back to the Adventurers guild.]

Stacy: Hey there how can I help you.

Kitaro: I wanted to turn in the goblin defeating quest.

Stacy: [ Stared with a mean and uncomfortable look. ] Well okay just give them to me and you'll get your reward.

Kitaro: Wait I also have to say this. I did my investigation and it wasn't the goblins that killed humans 2 weeks ago. But a group of monsters that killed them. They did have 3 goblin monsters but it wasn't the goblins in the east from here.

Donald: So Kekukeka is still alive?

Kitaro: Yeah. I tamed him. Well in a sense he is in my group of friends now.

Donald: Oh thank god. I heard someone killed his family and they said many rumors about a human killing his family so he tried to get revenge or something and things went wrong.

Kitaro: Woah I just noticed your a goblin. Are you a banker?

Donald: Hahahaha that's me. Im donald the goblin banker. I own a bank near the governor guild.

Kitaro: Yeah I am about to show the Guild keeper the recording of the fight and the talk.

Donald: Seriously, let me listen.

Kitaro: [ Shows the proof. A gasp of relief calmed their minds. Stacy and Donald happy as can be.]

Stacy: My name is Stacy I work here for a few days a week. When I saw the goblin hunting quest picked I was mad. I knew Kekukeka. He wouldn't hurt others for no reason. So all of this was a misunderstanding. THAT IS SO WONDERFULLLL.

Kitaro: how much for all of the dead monster bodies.

Stacy: [ Calculates the prices.] Wait a minute you are still wooden ranked. That doesnt make sense. How many quests did you do.

Kitaro: I did um, 2 quests.

Stacy: What that doesn't make sense. You are strong, I read your energy. It's powerful. Let me fix that up for you and I'll get you your coins. [ Gets upgraded rank. Puts in all of the information. Calculates prices for all of the items dropped. Gives it to Kitaro. ] Okay here is your new rank. Silver Rank and 2 gold coins for all the trouble, cost, and quest.

Donald: Hey come to my house today around 8 pm I'll make dinner with my family and we want to thank you.

Kitaro: Will doo. [ Times comes and He goes to donalds house at 8 pm.]

Donald: Welcome in. Keku is coming to our house at 8:20 pm. I want to talk to you. I heard he was speaking goblin language and you understood him. Is that true?

Kitaro: Oh yeah. I can translate other languages to understand it.

Donald: [ Speaks Goblin Tongue] so how good is your knowledge.

Kitaro: [ Speaks Goblin Tongue] Average, I don't really know anything. Magic is doing all of the work for me.

Donald: Ahh so there is an item that translate it for you. So that everyone can understand anyone.

Kitaro: Yeah you are right. I also like the light green color of your skin.

Donald: Thanks.

Keku: [ Knock 🚪, Knock 🚪, Knock 🚪] Hello, Donald you here?

Donald: Oh whats up Keku.

Keku: I was angry, the humans would've been killed my me. I made a mistake and almost killed them. [ 🥺🥺😢😢🤕🤕 ]

Donald: It's okay he found the real killers. Kitaro even killed all of them.

Keku: I am greatful for Master. Also Donald, Kitaro tamed me. HAHAHA. I actually thinks its funny too.

Donald: What why? Is there a benefit to this?

Kitaro: Actually there is. I can teach him ny skills and learn his skills.

Donald: I haven't had or used my skills in a long time. I will give you everything I know. My magic knowledge and my crafting knowledge.

Kitaro: [ Tames Donald and recieve donalds knowledge. It was a sucesss. ] Woah this skill is what I wanted for so long. Healing, fire ball, rock grenade, meditate, and summon imps. Nice I have imps in my collection.

Merry: [ Mind ] looks like VSB is at level 20 and you unlocked space. You may enter this world of your own inventory. Gain 3000 total pounds of space.

Kitaro: [ mind] Okay thanks I am eating and relaxing with them so please reframe from speaking right now. I am sorry.

Kitaro: [ Had a party and was fun drinking and relaxing. ] [ Kitaro goes to the inn partially drunk and sleeps that away. Next morning.]

Kitaro: It's time to head out to travel some more. [ Goes quest hunting at the Adventurers Guild. Enter another quest. Clear this dungeon. This dungeon has a total of 10 floors. Only one group can enter. ]

I am glad I can do this dungeon on my own. Lets gooooooo.

[ Starts Dungeon Raiding.]