
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 3: The Town of Forragrove

Story Teller: He has made it to the start of his journey only time awaits him. Lessons and purpose, what will he do in this world. How will he grow and become stronger. Believe It or not..... believe or not?🤭🤭🤔🤔🤔

Kitaro: [ Walks to a villager.] Hey there, I am a bit new here can you tell me where the Adventurers Guild is at?

Villager: Yes, it is down to the town square, then to your left. You will see a big sign called Adventurers Guild. By the way are you an adventurer? You look like one but somewhat of a novice. You don't have any gear and you traveled from the south. Nothing is in the Fantasia Forragrove Forest for miles it would have taken 2 weeks from Dreydal Village. Where are you from?

Kitaro: You see I am actually an orphan I have been wondering around learning skills to survive. I have a Governors ID Bracelet, but I want to become an adventurer, so I came to the closest place and here it was. It only took me 5 hours to get here.

Villager: I hope you find your way and have a good day. " Woah he must be telling the truth, that sucks he was an orphan well he will be a good adventurer if he lived in that forest. It's known to have deadly creatures at night time but emptiness during the bright sunny day. At night that forest becomes a D level forest but during the day it is a G level forest. Let's hope he knowns. "

Kitaro: [ Walks to the Adventurers Guild ] " Ahhh what a cool place, people have such nice armor. " Hey, is this the Adventurers Guild?

Adventurers Guild Keeper ( Keepers are known as front desk workers ): Hello welcome in, what will your visit be for today?

Kitaro: I want to trade in my ID Bracelet for an Official Adventurers ID Bracelet. I also want to sign up to be an Adventurer.

Keeper: Wonderful, let me get you some paper work. By the way since you are new here, my name is Duke. I run the shifts during busy hours or when a keeper is out. My pops is the owner of this place. My sister works the night shift here. If you want to know the schedule, this place is open 5 days a week for 24 hours. I work here during days the other keepers are busy. I am an adventurer and a gold rank at that.

Kitaro: Thanks for the this. I finished the paper work. [ Paper work is just basic details about Kitaro, name, birth, parents, goals and dreams, body weight, height, and etcetera. ]

Duke: Okay now I would need you to stick your hand out and touch this Magical Reader. After I would need a few blood samples and your Id Bracelet if you dont have one it is fine as well.

Kitaro: I have one here you go.

Duke: Excellent you'll receive an additional 40 coins and everything should be paid for. Just wait here and I'll retrieve your rank and Id Bracelet.

Kitaro: Alright.

Duke: [ Scans everything completely. Gathers the wood rank, ID Bracelet, and 40 bronze coins.] Here you go Kitaro.

Kitaro: Yes, thanks very much. Also, where is the quest board I would like to start quests immediately.

Duke: Woah there are you sure It is becoming late and most of the dangerous creature come out around this time. I will have to swap out all of the morning quests to night quests.

Kitaro: Oh trust me I will be fine.

Duke: Well alright then. I just need to swap the quest out and I'll be heading out as well.

Venessa: Hey brother how was work today?

Duke: Ahh you made it. It went well. I just finished this guys Id bracelet and I will be heading out soon. Is father okay?

Venessa: Yeah he is. Well you better get going and thanks again Big bro.

Duke: No problem. Just call me when you need help. Byeeeee. [ Completes his quest swaps and leave.]

Vanessa: Bye.

Kitaro: [ Looks around the quest board] " All of them are mostly D rank quest and a few E and F ranks. Only this one is G rank ill take it. "

Vanessa: Hello, you were the one my brother was helping out. How can I help you. Also why would you take a quest during the night. It's 6 pm. Most of the dangerous monsters come out during this time.

Kitaro: I have my own reasonings.

Vanessa: Okay this quest you will be gathering Tango Leafs and handing in 2 bunches in. The reward is 20 bronze coins how is that.

Kitaro: Haha lucky me I actually already have that.

Vanessa: Haha so that's why you wanted the quest, you already have them. You do know Tango Leafs die pretty fast that's why once you get them you have to make them into something 5 hours later. Tango Leafs are similar to lettuce, but they grow on trees and are a bit sour which is tasty to some. They have 5 hours of being good. If you let it age for more than one 4 hour 30 minutes, it becomes more of a mushy drink that tastes sour.

Kitaro: Oh, I forgot I have things to sell.

[ Grabs Salad Barsue, Berry Spread, and Agile Tango Leaf. ] How much do you think this would cost?

Vanessa: Woah that smells delicious what is that.

Kitaro: It is called Salad Barsue it is Tango Leaves mixed with Hue Berries and crushed Jingle Nuts. With a sucey spread from Kettle berries very sweet and soft with a bit of a tangy sour taste for flavor. The jingle nuts set the tone for texture and crunch. With the final product the Agile Tango Leaf for a bowl. It can be eaten just as is. I can sell you my recipe for a low cost of 1 silver coin.

Vanessa: Woah so yummy. Let me think about it I would have to ask someone in the kitchen. [ Yells to Sarah the head Cheif ] Hey come over here we have a person trying to sell a recipe dish and it is tasty. Do you want to try it?

Sarah: What? Haha why does an adventurer have skills for the kitchen. I will test the food out. [ Eats the salad ]

WOAH A BURST OF FLAVORS SO GOOD. It is like a healthy desert. What did you do and what did you put in? [😍😍😍😍😃😄😄😮😮😮🤤🤤🤤] 

Kitaro: I'll sell you the recipes for 2 silver coins.


Kitaro: Well you did ask for somone elses opinion and ate the food here didn't you. [ Laughs ] Hehehehehe.

Sarah: We will accept. What is the recipe?

Kitaro: [ Hands the recipe to Sarah. ]

Sarah: " What, it's 5 ingredients. He basically sold us 2 recipes. "

< Tango Leaves, Jingle Nuts, Agile Tango Leaf, Hue Berries, and Kettle Berries. > [ Berry spread is kettle berries with a few hue berries crushed up and stirred into a paste like spread. Salad Barsue is tango leafs and hue berries with crushed jingle nuts with a spread cover of berry spread inside a huge leaf called an Agile Tango Leaf. ]

Sarah: Thanks for making a deal with us. If you need anything or food let me know, I'll make something for you. " Agile Tango Leaf are a bit like tango leaves but bigger, tougher, and they last longer. But he used it as a bowl. [???????] Then he made stuff out of tango leaves that are flimsy, and the flavor gets aged really fast. But somehow it is in a perfect leaf state making the whole thing like a Jello salad pudding. Woah this guy has talents. "

Kitaro: Ahahahha, yeah sure.

Vanessa: Okay here is your money. 2 silver coins and 20 bronze coins for the quest.

Kitaro: I am curious when is the curfews of the village?

Vanessa: Oh well we don't have a curfew exactly, but mostly most stores close at 9 pm and reopens at 9 am. The governor building stays open 24/7 every day. They only have the first month off of every month.

Kitaro: What does the governor do exactly?

Vanessa: That's a weird question, I don't think you know how cities work.

Kitaro: Sorry I'm out of town and I am an orphan.

Vanessa: Oh im sorry about that.

The governor basically taxes the stores and makes sure every business has a permit. Or you can get a selling permit for a day to sell goods in the central market. You do have to pay a 30% permit fee of your goods profit. You do have to give and additional 3.5% of your total income to pay those taxes. I say it is worth because this place is booming in stores and buys. Not many places have this type of system to allow complete strangers to sell goods with a day permit. I would say this place is a good place to live in. Governors also keep track of financial problems with the mayor. They also deal with judicial courts.

Kitaro: So, who owns this town?

Vanessa: The mayor of course, well he does what he can to help his town. You should come to the event upcoming next month. It would be fun. This is when all business must shut down and enjoy a huge festival. Businesses aren't shutting down they are just all in the celebration selling or buying, this attracts new customers all of the time and it is once every month. 

Kitaro: So last question how is the ranking system ranked?

Vanessa: It is quite simple; wood is the lowest < bronze < iron < silver < gold < platinum < diamond < obsidian < crystaldian < and finally Omni Rank.

You can also think of it like this, wood = G. Bronze = F. Iron = E. Silver = D. GOLD = C. Platinum = B. Diamond = A. Obsidian = S. Crystaldian = SS. OmniRank = SSS. It is like that. Not to hard to remember. There is a new thing going around for minus and plus. It hasn't been incorporated in this town, but it is a way to determine if they are new or in the process of ranking up. So, if a person is A-, they just recently gotten to Diamond rank. A+ is a person who is experienced in diamond rank.

Vanessa: By the way do you have a place to stay it is getting late it's 7 pm right now.

Kitaro: I am actually planing on buying armor and weapons for tomorrow. But yes I do need a place to stay.

Vanessa: Excellent there is an Inn next door, owned by the head chef, talk to her about a room. She would love to have you.

Kitaro: Alrighty, will do. [ Talks to Sarah about the inn and asked to get a room.]

Sarah: Sure, thing just go the next door this building is connected through the kitchen, I'll notify them about your room and payment.

Kitaro: So how much would the room cost.

Sarah: 10 bronze coins a night which gives you 1 free meal or would you like a cheaper room but the no free meals.

Kitaro: I'm fine with any. 

Sarah: Okay just head to the Inn and well give you the key. How long will you be staying? 3 nights. So total would be 33 bronze coins. Alright see you later.

Kitaro: [ Goes to the inn and collects his key and pays for the room. After he travels to the weapon and armory shop. ]

Item Keepers: Hello there what can I help you with?

Kitaro: I am looking for a weapon to buy and some armor to get.

Item Keeper: Ahh well you see a regular broad sword is 50 bronze coins. A bronze shield is 80 coins a full set of armor is 1 silver coin. Total is 2 silver and 30 bronze coins.

Kitaro: Well that is a bit expensive.

Item Keeper: Well if you want cheap stuff look over there most of them are 5 bronze coin. They are dull and throw away items. If you want you can also get spells and abilities. This is also a general good store.

Kitaro: Do you have any appraisal skills?

Item Keeper: I actually have many, people don't really use them. They rather buy weapons and items to help them fight but never a way to help them succeed.

Kitaro: Hahaha you sound like you have experience in adventuring.

Item Keeper: I was a platinum adventurer but that was a long time ago. Now I want to buy and sell items. One day I will have the best weapons collection. Do you want to see?

Kitaro: What really? HAHAHA sure. Is it like a museum?

Item Keeper: I actually own a museum and place all fakes and replicates there. But this is the real deal, I don't see you as a threat so just come and look. NO TOUCHING THOUGH, IT'S MINE ALRIGHT.

Kitaro: No way, what is that collection. You have almost around 30 plus swords, 20 plus shields, and 10 sets of full armor. Are those special? What makes them special or rare?

Item Keeper: They give special affects when wearing them. The affects are legendary tiers. So that is why I keep them with me in my shop and home. No one is dumb enough to even test me.