
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 24: Kitaro's Dungeon For Training?

Frey: Hey everyone, we are officially done with the affinity scans. I hope you like what you have. If you don't, work towards leveling up your attributes and affinities. Now that is all said we will be going to Kitaro's Dungeon. We have made a booking appointment for the rest of the day.

Kitaro: To let everyone know you won't die in the dungeon, you will be teleported outside of the dungeon if you do. So go hard as you like.

Loki: How does dying work in your dungeon?

Kitaro: You will be teleported outside if you are solo. If you are in a group you will be unconscious and sent to the boss room until all of the party entries are gone one until they revive you at the boss room. Just touch them and it will automatically revive them. It's like waking them up.

Loki: Is there friendly fire?

Kitaro: Yess, but for this training friendly fire is turned off.

Frey: Wow, Kitaro will there be a place I can be to watch the inside?

Kitaro: Yeah in the managing room there are cameras you can see them in the dungeon. I will show the students this so don't worry if they didn't go inside they will be able to see them and use that as experience until it is their turn.

Frey: You have everything under control. Good thing I put you as a student teacher.

Kosami: " I'll continue to get information from every student. While doing so I'll even collect data on the dungeon. "

Frey: Is everyone ready? Also bring food to eat.

Kitaro: Actually we have food o er there. So bring your money, if you don't have money bring in what you slain in the dungeon, so you can sell that for money and but food.

Students: Yesss.

Frey: The strong 11 students will enter the dungeon first. Kitaro, Loki, Siphora, Katrine, Wolfstein, Lucille, Volkenhiem, Helda, Jason, Kawaki, and Kenny will enter first. Everyone else will sit back and watch then we will have teams of 10 go in with the 11 strong students.

Kitaro: The total amount of people that can enter is around 1 to 10. Also all of my tames are in the dungeon so you should definitely join as a 10 man.

Loki: Hehe, you might be strong, but I will destroy your dungeon with ease.

Frey: Okay let's get going. [ They travel to Kitaro's Dungeon. ]

Kitaro: Okay I will go solo and show you how to clear it. After that you should have a understanding of how to finish the dungeon. Beware the monsters and my tames are strong so watch carefully. I also said if they are weak don't attack unless they attack first. So you would know how to escape different situations from knowing the enemies stats and power.

Katrine: if you can clear it solo, I can do it too.

Frey: Katrine you can't, but you can happily try after Kitaro shows us.

Katrine: Alright.

Kitaro: I'll get going. Hey Kekukeka, open the gate for me please.

Keku: Sure, but are you sure your class mates can beat them. Your tames are very powerful.

Kitaro: [ Whispers ] It's to show them fear and power differences. It also sees who is really wanting to be an adventurer. It is a way for people to see and witness how something should be looked at.

Keku: [ Whispers] Ahh, I see. You are trying to teach them a lesson so if the real things comes up you would know what they would do.

Kitaro: Thanks Keku. WISH ME LUCK TEACHER.

Frey: I wish you bad luck. Byeeeee.

So everyone look at this screen it will show Kitaro and how he clears out every floor.


[ Kitaro rushes in there dashing through all of the monsters because the monsters were terrified of him.]

Loki: What he is just running why isn't he fighting.

Frey: No yhe monsters are to scared to fight him.

Loki: What really?.

Siphora: Yeah look at their faces its like they know, they would instantly die if they got to close.

Kitaro: [ Kitaro went to floor 2. Raiju mites started appearing and attacking Kitaro. The mites are poweful and dealt some damage but it was barely any to begin with. Kitaro slays all of the monsters on floor 2. ]

Loki: Incredible, he took out all of them so fast.

Wolfstein: I can't wait to go in.

Katrine: Me toooo. This looks so fun.

Helda: They are vegetables.... why are they vegetable monsters.

Frey: You noticed that now. Hahahahha.

Helda: I wasn't focusing because I thought Kitaro was going ro just run through it all because he does own the dungeon.

Katrine: Really? I thought they were messing around.

Kosami: No I seen it my self. A while ago when the dungeon wasn't as strong as now I would able to beat it with ease. Now it's challenging. It is simialr to a B Rank dungeon. But since a lot if the strong monsters are nuetral many people can pass it. Unless they want a challenge they can attack the strong monsters.

Loki: Wow that is neat. Kosami how long have you known Kitaro?

Kosami: Like 3 months, but it feels like forever.

Katrine: Oh yeah what are you going to write in ChattaNews.

Kosami: Just wait. I don't want to spoil it.

Loki: Hahaha, yeah Katrine let her post it her self, I think it is better like that as well.

Wolfstein: Guys Kitaro is at Floor 6.


Wolfstein: He just slain all of the monsters in floor 3, 4, 5, and 6. He is entering Floor 7.

Kitaro: [ Enters floor 7. He starts fighting his tames on the side of the wall. ]

Lionel: Hey master, I've been waiting for you.

Kitaro: Where is Maycre, and Sapphire?

Maycre: We are here master.

Sapphire: You want to pass go right ahead.

Kitaro: Sorry but I'll be putting you guys down.

Lionel: You probably will but I'll try to stall you as much as I can.

Loki: What that's his tame a Great lion, a Beast Lion, and a female Houndra.

Frey: Not just that he even tamed a Rex Rhyno and his daughter.

Loki: [🤯🤯🤯]

Katrine: He is yhe strongest out of the students. Why does he need this class?

Frey: It's for the books he wants to read.

Loki: Umm, are the books valuable?

Frey: No its the books we are all reading. He is just studying it even harder to figure out ways to make Wordless casting more powerful.

Kenny: Wordless casting is definitely faster then word casting or paper casting.

Kosami: What's the difference between the 3 types of casting.

Kenny: DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS, but wordless casting is casting using the imagination. I imagine a fire in my hand and a fire appears. Seeee. Then I can use it just like normal. Can I get a paper or magical note paper.

Kosami: [ Gives Kenny magical note paper. ]

Kenny: Paper caster is using the paper to start the magic and it will cast with the paper. So I will write down fire, when I throw the paper it won't activate unless I put mana into it or take mana out of it. You can say it is like a trap or can be used for combat if you have tons of these. The best thing to use these for are when you run out of mana and you already stored lots of these paper casting spells in your arsenal. It is useful for setting up traps or carrying mana. Also the most important part of paper casting, or written casting some might call it. Written casting can be altered the way you write it down. So lets say this.

[ example of different written casting fire. ( Fire) (FiRe)(FIRE)(fire)(fIre)(fiRe)(firE) etc... ] These fire amulets or written castings can change the appearance or direction to which the area will land. [ Kenny throws the different written casting fire spells and they were all different. ]

Kosami: Woah that was amazing. Tell me more about it.

Kenny: The final one is Word casting. It is normal casting, but in reality it is speaking into existence. Simialr to imagining into existence, word cadting is just saying it and the mana and spell will fomr the spoken spell. The longer the phrase the stronger then spell. See this. [ Says 3 different fire ball spells. (fire ball) (fire ball come forth)(I summon the fire ball that will burm down my enemies) Those 3 different word made the fire ball different being more stronger or weaker. ]

Kosami: WOAH.

Frey: That was pretty interesting. It isn't inbthe text books because no one really wants to get to deep into typea of casting. Because people sometimes cant even cast or have enough mana to cast. So it really just depends on the person and what they want to study.

Kosami: So why is wordless casting so difficult.

Kenny: It is because it is using mental magic and mana. People with high Intelligence will be able to use it with ease and be better with it. Or you can practice like me and use it with ease.

Kosami: How long have you been practicing?

Kenny: Ever since I was young. I just wanted to become an adventurer and wanted to experience something easy before I be one. Well this is definitely challenging.

Katrine: Woahh that was amazing Kitaro just beat all of his tames and just cleared the dungeons. That was so amazing.


Loki: You missed it, [🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂] That fight was amazing and breath taking I didn't expect Kitaro to be so strong. Well he blew my expectations.

Loki: Frey I am ready and I want to go inside the Dungeon.

Kitaro: [ Exits dungeon] Hey everyone I finished the dungeon in 10 minutes 36 seconds. I took a while because I wanted you all to watch thier battle moves and styles.

Katrine: Can I go solo?

Kitaro: Just to let you know you will lose if you try to do it alone.

Katrine: It's fine, I got it.

Kitaro: Haha you heard her Kekukeka, let her in.

Keku: [ Opens the door]

Katrine: [ Goes in, attacks the monsters, she gets hit by a broccoli, and a leak. Katrine gets up and gets ready to cast her spells and slash with her sword. She clears floor 1. She enters and fights Raiju mites, the raiju mites were more weaker compared to Kitaro's run through. Katrine thinks she is steong because of how weak the mites are. She cleared floor 2 and enters floor 3 ]

Katrine: Haha this is so easy I need a challenge.

[ Veggy Guard comes out and attacks. Katrine remebers the moves the the veggy guard and attacks him in his weak spot but that barely does damage.]

Katrine: " He is strong what the heck. "

Come at me you Veggy Guard.

Veggy Guard: [ Run towards her and smacks her on the ground. The size of 4 feet and hitting Katrine to the ground. ]

Katrine: [ Gets injured and finds a better weak spot the eyes. She aims towards the eyes and kills, veggy guard. She clears floor 3. Katrine enters floor 4 and stronger Mites come and attack her she couldn't beat them and she started to run away. These lizard like mites from the Raiju are running around and attack her. The mites are 1 feet long dealing damage to Katrine. Katrine using her magic spell and destroys everyone off her. ]

Katrine: [ Breaths intensely. ] I don't think I can go on. They are to strong. Floor 4 is my limit.

[ Katrine quits and exits the dungeon.]

Loki: Hahahahaha, time for my turn.

[ Loki enters the dungeon. He cleared floor 1 with ease. Floor 2 was easy as well. Going to floor 3 and he defeated the veggy guards. He struggles on floor 4 but passes. Floor 5 Veggy General is there. ]

Loki: Veggy General how is your day. Because I will make it worst for you.

Veggy general l: Im doing good. Better now master is watching us.

Loki: Pftt. [ Loki, goes in and attacks he uses his invis and attacks veggy general. Loki lowering veggy generals hp and veggy general can't do anything about it because he can't see him nor hear him. Veggy general jumps in the air and slams down creating a mini shake. He does that multiple times dealing damage to Loki. Loki uses his special move he created a while he was waiting outside. (Water voretex: Is a vortex of water being sucked into a tiny space. It is water being condensed to the absolute max.) Water vortex hits Veggy general and destroys him. ]

Loki: I did it. Floor 6 is next.

[ Enters Floor 6.]