
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 19: Prologue: Catch Up Time.

Story Teller: Hello everyone so lets get you back to what hapened. From the beginning..... Kitaro Bukido died in his old world by jumping and saving a female cop by body blocking the shot. After he meets True God and gets reincarnated into another world called freedom. After he learns his moves and abilities. He then enters Forragrove Town to become and adventurer. During his adventures he tames a dungeon meets new people and tames so much creatures. Later he saves people from a kaiju and even fights kaijus. Finally he enters Carp Castle to do a meeting. He meets Gojima the Turtle spirit and was once known as the King of All Kaiju's. Kitaro Bukido fight Sakriel Dragon Vanguard the King of Jupiters Coast. Kitaro won of course. Now everyone is at Carp Castle celebrating the meeting up and joining forces for the war on the 10th month. Now back to the story.

Kitaro: [ Everyone is celebrating, everyone is having a good time. Gojima is drinking Spirit Shine. A strong drink made by Markus, taste good and gives a kick for every shot. Everyone was wasted and Sakriel said all of his hidden secrets. That sometimes when he goes to bed and can't sleep, he reads his favorite book called the stories of Belmyr. Markus secret was that when he was a child he was trained to be an assassin. Luke secret was that he would say a serious meeting is going to happen just so he can get his peace and alone time. The other kings and queens started saying everything. Kosami, however was a sneaky one. She made sure everyone was drunk so they could spill secrets. It worked and she got a whole story to say but she won't say it unless the time was right. 😈😈😈😈😈]

Kosami: Kitaro what is your secret?

Kitaro: Shh shhuuush dd don't te te tt tell no nooooo one abouutt dis. I am actually the son of Belmyr. And belmyr was from another world. HEHEHE don't tell anyone.

Kosami: [😳🤯🤯😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵]

" WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Kitaro: Oh crap I just said a secret I wasn't supoosed to say.

Gojima: Hey Kosami, Please don't let anyone know about this secret.

Merry: [ Mind ] Hey Kosami I am merry a friend and skill from Kitaro. He is telling the truth and he is the real son of Belmyr. Vladamyr is Kitaros half brother. Belmyr Dragon Vanguard old name was Matodori Bukido from his old world. Now you know what will you do?

Kosami: [Mind] How... what.... Kitaro and Belmyr are family... Someone is speaking in my head?

Merry: [ Mind] Listen me and Gojima already know Kitaro truth. But now people are looking at Kitaro because of his power we are scared the truth will come out. Since you have been with him the longest we want to let you know.

Kosami: [ Mind] Gojima and Merry who really is Kitaro?

Gojima: [ Mind] He is a normal kid. He trained in the art of sword play as a regular human being. After he was a gamer and became the best gamer ever. [ After that Gojima and Merry filled in all of the questions. ]

Kosami: [Mind] Okay I won't tell anyone but I will let Kitaro know once he is sober tomarrow.

Merry: [Mind] Thanks.

Gojima: [Mind] Thanks.

[Later that day everyone fell alseep in their rooms. The King of Carp Castle had a good time and was speaking to one of the maids.]

King of Carp Castle: Hey maid once you are done with your general tasks and cleaning duties go and find Elvengroot let him know Gojima has found his new master.

Maid: Alright my king, as a battle maid and a high ranking adventurer Rank A class, Marry Grove from Carp Castle will follow your DIRECTIONS WITH NO MISTAKES.

King of Carp Castle: Hahah you don't have to say it like that. Just find Elvengroot. He told me to tell him if Gojima finds a new master, tell him. It must be something crazy mixing up.

Marry: I don't want to intrude on anything but who is Gojima's new master, King Carp.

Carp: He is Kitaro.

Marry: Why did Gojima pick him as master?

Carp: I am not sure but I seen his power and he beat King Sakriel from Jupiter Coast.

Marry: Incredible.

Carp: Well my grand father told me a story about what his father told him about Belmyr. He said that he was from another world. I might be able to believe it, because Kitaro is the spitting imagine of Belmyr.

Marry: Really, if that is the case then would Zeke Zoro Elvengroot be happy?

Carp: He should be, I want him to fix his habits.

Marry the Battle Maid: [ Left to find Zeke Zoro Elvengroot the 500 year old great swordsman Elf.]

[ The Next Day]

Kitaro: Ohh my, my head is swirling.

Kosami: Good morning. I have a question for you?

Kitaro: Spit it at me, what do you want to know?

Kosami: Are you from another world and the son of Brlmyr.

Kitaro: [🤯🤯🤯🤯😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵😵😵😵😵‍💫🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😵‍💫😵‍💫🤒🤯😵🤯😵‍💫😵🤯😵😵‍💫😵🤯😵🤯😵‍💫😵🤯😵😵‍💫😵😵‍💫😵🤯😵😵‍💫😵🤯😵🤯😵‍💫😵🤯😵😵‍💫😵🤯😵😵‍💫🤯🤯🤯🤯☠️☠️💀☠️☠️💀☠️]

Who told you that?

Kosami: Merry and Gojima.

Kitaro: Yes I am.

Kosami: Well why didn't you tell me sooner. You think this information would be bad to even hide it from me.

Kitaro: Because it is dangerous if this goes out people around me will be targeted by the Gods and Demons themselves.

Kosami: Wait are you serious if I know even demons and Gods will chase after me?

Kitaro: Yes because they want me to go to them so the world can be theirs. I am the only one able to stop them. I just have to get strong enough to fight them all.

Kosami: Okay thanks for telling me. [ Later that day she starts to delete information of Kitaro on her notes.]

Kitaro: So what are we doing?

Kosami: We have to go and say goodbyes to people. We also have to go train with Frey for school. There will be an opening entry testing ground in the next couple of days so you will be able to meet the people that are joining.

Kitaro: Okay when do we have to say good bye to the kings.

Kosami: In about 2 hours. They are all awake training and talking.


Kosami: What?? They literally just woke up 5 minutes ago I came to check on you.

Kitaro: Thanks hahaha my bad. Also Thanks Kosami for being by my side.

Kosami: Don't mention it. Haha

Kitaro: [ Goes to the training grounds.]

Markus: Hahahaha, there is the Legendary Kitaro. SO HOW ABOUT FIGHTING ME????

Kitaro: Sure but instead of fighting lets do a competition?

Markus: Go on.

Falco: I'm listening as well.

Kitaro: Okay the challenge is tag.

Markus: Tag? What that is a child's game? THAT IS EXCELLENT!!!!!!!

Falco: So what are the rules?

Kitaro: Hahahahaha. The rules are simple.

1. When you are it, tag someone who is not.

2. Once you tag somone, they can not tag back or chase the same person until 5 minutes are up.

3. You can not leave this nations perimeter, so in this castle and nation walls is your playground. Anything under or above can be played in. Everything and anything touching outside is an instant disqualification.

4. Anything goes except Killing. NO KILLING.

5. For every damaged building or structure will be 1 to 10 gold. So if the person touches the building and it gets destroyed the person that touches the building has to pay 1 gold per item, 10 gold per building. Fixing the building will set the gold back to 1 gold.

6. Getting any Civilians or stranger not playing game injured or hurt is 100 gold. Healing them wil set the gold to 1 gold instead of 100 gold. This will affect everyone in the vicinity. So you better make sure all people are safe that are not playing the game.

7. Nature like boulders, rocks, and skies don't matter anything man made does. This means you can attack them and snare the person that is is on the ground and if it gets destroyed no money payment. If you fix the nature you can fix your own payments equalling zero.

8. Have fun. Winner wins the pot. Entry to play game is 1 gold coin.

Falco: Question if I grab Markus and drag his body along the street road will I pay or will he pay?

Kitaro: It will be the person touching.

Markus: Okay so If I push Falco into a person that is it will be become it?

Kitaro: Yes.

Falco: Seems like a fun game. It uses brains, tricks, tatics and situational awarness.

Markus: It also works on speed, movement, and staying steathy.

Kitaro: Oh I forgot there will be multiple rounds depending on how many people are playing.


Terrick: I am playing.

Baymar: Me too.

Falco: Me, Markus, and Kitaro are playing so that makes 5 right now.

Frey: Wait let me join and my mother. She wants to join also.

Mercedes: This will be fun.

Pam: Hey me tooo.

Misha: I will join because I this could be good training.

Kitaro: Anyone else? Sakriel I'll join this is a childs game, but I realized I can do more to get stronger. Besides my wife is joining so I have to join.

Pam: Hehehe, he is so mad he lost to Kitaro, hahaha. I fell in love with him because he was strict and loving knowing truth, and that makes him a good husband for me.

Sakriel: [🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️😌] Haa well, the strong should stick with the strong. Also looks goes well with strength.

Kitaro: So we have a total of 10 players, me, Markus, Falco, Sakriel, Misha, Pam, Frey, Mercedes, Baymar, and Terrick. We are playing for 4 rounds of 30 minutes, because we don't have enough time. The most people to get caught or is the chaser for a very long time will be eliminated for the next round. Every round 2 people will get eliminated. Until the last 2 people are up. The final will be 2 people fighting and learning what they learned.

Kitaro: So I did brung the game up. I will be it. Here are the rules if you didn't listen. [ Saids the rules, Kitaro closes his eyes and takes a big breath.]

Kitaro: IS EVERYONE READY, I will give everyone a bracelet that shows them the person that is the chaser. Chasers will have a red Bracelet on thier arm.


[ Everyone starts to run and time begins. 2 minutes for the chaser to wait until he can chase. Kitaro counts and counts. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Kitaro starts looking around and sees Pam. Kitato touches her shoulder and Pam is now the chaser. Pam goes and runs she sees Terrick and tries to touch him but that doesn't work. Terrick runs and dodges. Pam senses another person she uses ( Speed boost, accelerated thought process, and stamina regeneration boost.) Pam continues to see that person and touches them. Falco is now the chaser. Falco is trying to find Markus. Markus notices Falco's energy so Markus sends some of his energy to Falco. Falco locks on and rushes to Markus. ]

Falco: Hahaha. Why would you send me your energy.

Markus: Because I know you wouldn't run away when you touch me. So lets battle.

Falco: That's the plan. Hahaha. [Falco shakes hands with Markus]

Markus: Let the battle begin. [ Markus and Falco jumps away from eachother. They are charging up their energy making sure their body and mana is at perfect conditions. Everyone becomes curious and they start slowly coming closer to watch. Kitaro noticed this as well so he did the same snuck in and started to watch the battle of Falco and Markus. Frey creps behind Kitaro.]

Frey: Hey? Is this allowed?

Kitaro: Yes. This is a game of combat tag. If the chaser picks the target and the target doesn't run away they can fight. But the moment the target time is up the other one will be it. Trust me this way is better because the others will go to the other rounds. Meaning the more rounds you last the more experience you can get by watching and being in the fight. Though it is also a bad thing because with the chaser the person with the most chased will be eliminated.

Frey: So the best thing is to try to watch others combat until the final round and hope that you didn't get caught lots of times or is not the chaser.

Kitaro: Correct. I just can't wait for the final round it would be an epic battle.

Markus: Hahaha, falco your a bit tired haha.

Falco: I am trying to not touch and break buildings and the ground is hard. Ive been using my wind magic to rebound as a wall instead.

Markus: Yeah Kitaro is a smart person to ever think of this type of training is such a good thing. Maybe we can do this everytime during meet ups. It could be fun.

Falco: Haha, it has always been fun around you Markus. You bring life to the party.

Markus: Haha.

[ Gets serious. Rushes in and punches Falco with a quick mana punch. The time runs out and Falco becomes the chaser. ]


Markus: Bye. [ Runs away.]

Falco: WAIT YOU BASTARD. AAAAAAHHHH. HAHAHAHA, that guy what a fellow. [ Senses Frey and rushes to her insanely fast. Then pushes her shoulder. ] Sorry, but I don't want to be eliminated.

Frey: Damn. [ Look at Misha and touches her.]

Misha: NOOOOOO. [ Sees Sakriel and tries to touch him. Sakriel dodges and uses his speed to dodge every move. Misha locks onto him and sending out energy waves making things more difficult for Sakriel.]

Sakriel: You are a scary person. [ Sakriel uses his body enchantments. ( Speed Boost, Blood Rush, Reinforcement, Burning Submission Reconfigured.) Sakriel reconfigured his burning Submission so now it doesn't burn or heat up but now it only brings a heavy mana wave crushing his opponents. You could say it is a move called Submission or others could say Gravity field. They all do the same thing but has a different way of using it.]

Misha: What is this? This heavy pressure it feels like I am in Burning Submission but there is no heat.

What is this?

Sakriel: This is called Burning Submission Reconfigured, you can also say Submission. How it works is my mana is putting pressure down. To anyone. What do you think?

Misha: It is powerful you definitely gotten stronger ever since Kitaro beat you.

Sakriel: Tskk. You say that now, okay. [ Rushes in and uses Life energy punches. Misha is pushed into a building breaking items. Misha owes 17 gold. ]

Sakriel: To bad hahahahaha I'll be going. [ Sakriel leaves without a trace on his body.]

Misha: Damn it. Well rules are rules. Ahahahhaha. [ Slowly charges her mana field to expand to sense everyone in the field. She senses Mercedes. ]