
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 17: Carp Castle, Carp Town where Belmyr was Born.

Kitaro: [ Rushing to Carp town and he makes it in 4 hours of running.]

Kitaro: Ahhh finally made it. CARP TOWN.

Soldier: Hey show me your ID Bracelet.

Kitaro: [ Shows ID Bracelet]

Soldier: Okay enjoy your stay, make sure you visit the Turtle Spirit he loves guests.

Kitaro: Actually can you show me the way to Belmyr Statue and a picture of him?

Soldier: Oh you can also see it with the Turtle Spirit.

Kitaro: Wait why do you want me to see the turtle spirit?

Soldiers: Because tourists wants to see Belmyr and that turtle spirit is one of Belmyrs companion. Also he ordered us to kindly of course say it. You don't have to go there just enjoy your time..... and don't forget to go to turtle spirit. DAMN IT I REALLY TRIED HARD NOT TO SAY IT.

Kitaro: Ehat? Hahahahaha, whats going on.

Soldier: It's because we have a contract, if I am a guard during post outs and guard fronts I have to say and please visit Turtle spirit or I will get hungry faster.

Kitaro: Why make the contract?

Soldier: Because, items he sells me are At a 90% discount. I need those repairs and item discounts.

Kitaro: Hahaha 😆 , Well good bye.

Soldier: Thanks, and good bye. MAKE SURE YOU VISIT TURTLE SPIRIT.

Kitaro: [ Goes to turtle spirit building. ]

Turtle Spirit: Hello welcome in. Im the small turtle spirit that was companion of Belmyr.

Kitaro: Nice to meet you. What does Belmyr look like?

Turtle Spirit: [ Points to that direction and it is a picture and a statue of Belmyr.]

Kitaro: [ Eyes opened up, his body trembling, the air filled with emptiness. ] What he is Belmyr.

Turtle Spirit: Yes he is. " Something is a bit off on this man. " [ Appraisal Kitaro ]

Kitaro Level = 100

Health = 400

Mana = 300

Stamina = 200

Damage = 100

Magic = 120

Range = 100

Intelligence = 60

Dexterity = 20

Agility = 100

Luck = 30

Charisma = 37

Faith = 6

Life Energy = 10

Turtle Spirit: Master is that you?

Kitaro: Hmmm. Can I ask you something ? Have you heard of the name Matodori Bukido?

Turtle Spirit: It can't be.... [ Silence in the air.]

Kitaro: Is Belmyr an other worlder?

Turtle Spirit: [ Eyes opened up, his soul left his body, even though he is the soul of himself.] WHO ARE YOU, CAN YOU WRITE YOUR FULL NAME ON THIS BOOK FOR ME PLEASE?

Kitaro: Okay? [ Writes down Kitaro Bukido. A light shines from a gem on the book. ]


Kitaro: You were my fathers companion? Haha, how did my father come here?

Turtle Spirit: Please call me Gojima, Master.

Kitaro: Gojima? So the stories are true you were the Kaiju Turtle.

Gojima: Yes that was 499 years ago. Master why did you take so long to come here, your father told me stories of his world and his son. He told me about you. I need your help. Please save my body.

Kitaro: Okay I will. Also how did the book glow?

Gojima: This is a special kind of book. The book was made to shine when a person name he placed on here writes their names in the book. This book is a magical reader and is a way for me to get names of every visitor. Pretty cool right. I have 1,138,943 names. Hahahaha

Kitaro: That is amazing, So Gojima, I heard of a son of Vladamyr Dragon Vanguard.

Gojima: He became the first vampire and went into hiding because the sun burns him.

Kitaro: Why did he become one?

Gojima: It was because he was corrupted by an evil entity, One of the Demon God's. Right now he is in his sane mind and is trying to hide himself from the world. Please Master save master Vladamyr and me.

Kitaro: Okay. I will.

Gojima: Thanks, also please look at his note book.

Kitaro: [ Reads the book. ]

The Daries of Belmyr:

Hello this is the daries of me, Belmyr. I am not sure what to write so just read along if you find this book. It will be about my adventures and stories of my past life, with my wonderful child. Yes I am from another world, I don't belong here. I first entered here because I was sleeping and woke up here. A Goddes named Chelsy walked along the worlds rim and saw a man(me) with a humbled heart and he died, knowing he died summoned him to another world as her champion. That was me Matodori Bukido. I was in a baby form in a random village not known, no birth certificate and no family. I was brought to an orphanage and they named me Belmyr Dragon Vanguard because, I had the spirit of the dragon they could tell because how the baby looked so serious and felt great mana from him. Years later I grew up learning skills and spells and I picks up the sword. Matodori was a kendo master in his past life, I knew fencing and other sword sports. One day I will die and hopefully if my son from the other world comes then he will have a guide to do so. This book will tell him all of my skills and weapons and experience. Hopefully he will learn and grow to be the strongest warrior ever.

Kitaro: [ He reads the whole book in 9 hours. ] Woah. That was a lot to take in.

Gojima: You finished huh. I can tell you are already getting stronger.

Kitaro: Okay but first lets sleep. [ The next day]

Gojima: Hello everyone welcome into the store. Sorry I closed the shop yesterday it was an important meeting.

Customers: Don't worry, you are the towns protector and shop keeper. It is perfectly fine.

Kitaro: So you are an owner of a shop?

Gojima: Yes the money goes to keeping the place neat and also for the poor people. We all help each other. We are all heros and villians.

Kitaro: This book gave me knowledge to how mana works, it showed me a completely new fighting style called life energy fighting. The monks, and shaolin masters would use this fighting energy to fight off evil spirits. Since mana barely works on Strong spirits.

Gojima: Oh yes, that energy is great for your basic stats as well. Getting high life energy stats can increase your other stats as well. Leveling up this stat requires you to understand life and for your peace of mind to be in a completely calm state. That is what I believe. Some say just by using life energy everyday and others say the fastest way to get life energy is to take it.

Kitaro: So what do you sell?

Gojima: I sell antiques and items Belmyr told me to sell. It's just junk items. Oh yeah he also told me to give you these items. [ Gives him the Greyls Light Blade, Gravis Dark Blade, Heart of eye's Gem, and Ring of Mystery.]

Kitaro: What are these items?

Gojima: Haha, are you serious right now? Go check the Weapon encyclopedia. You'll find out for sure.

Kitaro: Alright. [ Checks the Encyclopedia.] So that's what it was.

Gojima: [Stares at Kitaro pulling out the sword waiting anxiously]

Kitaro: [ Pulls out Greyls light blade] Woah sharp.


Kitaro: Yes, it feels like the 2 blades are calling me?

Gojima: DON'T. That blade is Gravis it will corrupt ones heart and then holding the Greyls Light Blade will make you vanish.

Kitaro: [ Has already pulled it out and holding both at the same time]

Gojima: IMPOSSIBLE WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU. This is impossible even Vladamyr tried doing this and it burned his hand. If Vladamyr tries weilding both he would of died by the first couple of swings.

Kitaro: Is Vladamyr dead?

Gojima: Haven't you heard a thing he is a vampire now, because of a curse he gotten which corrupted his heart. When Belmyr killed the Demon God Dialga, Belmyr died from the curse of Dialga. Vladamyr was the only one to figure out how to stop the spread. So he combined his body with the curse causing his heart to corrupt, he still has a human side to him because that's what the personality was built upon, but he still is evil and will kill. That's why the moment Vladamyr became conscious on what he was doing he threw Gravis to me and told me to never let anyone grab it for if they do the person will suffer a curse of corruption.

Kitaro: Gravis isn't a cursed weapon, it has the demon god dialgas heart for power, and a gem of growth. The truth is that this weapon can only corrupt the ones with ill intentions. My father he does have a dark history but he holds them back for the sake of his family. I am not sure about my brother.

Gojima: So tell me what is your father like in the other world?

Kitaro: He was a regular human being. He was a military Commander one of the high ranks in the military. He was in war and saw countless battles and killings. After the war ended he told me stories about them. Years later he died from unknown reasons. Maybe during that time he got reincarnated here, his heart was a good one but he had many sad experiences. The sword was probably using them to corrupt his heart.

Gojima: That makes sense now.

Kitaro: What hapens if I combine the 2 swords?

Gojima: That's never been done before, it possibly wont even work.

Kitaro: I have a weird feeling it will. The 2 energies have similar essences. They do battle each other but also they are the same.

Gojima: Well that doesn't concern me, it is your swords master, I will stay by your side now. But first I will sell all of the items at a cheap price and get rid of this house.

Kitaro: Why?

Gojima: Master said once you meet my child from the other world give him all of my items, and whatever he doesn't want sell it and use it to help him for his journey. Make sure you follow him for ever. He will be your new master when I perish.

Kitaro: Haha that does sound like father. He is such a kind heart. [ Looks around the place and picks up a few armors and rings. ]

Gojima: Opens up the shop and sells everything, he is letting the whole area know, even the house. The place was sold for 60 gold and the items was for 100 gold coins. Intotal Gojima(Turtle Spirit) gained 160 gold coins and gave it to Kitaro.

Kitaro: [ A day later Kosami, Frey, and the Soldiers made it to Carp Castle.]

Soldiers: As I live and breath. You really made it here. I can't believe it. Can we get your autograph?

Kitaro: Um sure. [ Gives 2 autographs to them]

Kosami: So that's the Turtle Spirit?

Gojima: Not anymore. [ He notfies everyone and states he is called Gojima, and that Kitaro is his new master.]

Everyone: They were all shocked but was excited sbout entering Belmyrs house and seeing the stuff he had. [ The important stuff about being another worlder was thrown and burnt away. ]

Frey: Hey Gojima right? Or turtle spirit when is the meeting?

Gojima: Hello Frey You made it 6 days and 18 hours early. It is in the large castle up there. How was the travel?

Frey: [😳😲😯😲😍😍😍😊😊] You're so adorable, SOOOOOOOO CUTE. I WISH I COULD HUG YOU AND CUDDLE YOU.

Gojima: [Looks at Frey at a naughty way] I can become physical.

Frey: Really please do it.

Gojima: [ Turns physical and becomes squishy and soft] Here you go.

Frey: [ Grabs Gojima and hugs him like A teddy bear.]

Kosami, Soldiers, Kitaro: PERVERT. [🤔🤔😠😠]

Soldiers: " I'm a bit jealous. "

Gojima: What? Now that I have a master I can act dumb.

Soldiers: Master?

Kitaro: Yeah, I'm his new master.


Gojima: It's a secret.

Frey: So where can I stay?

Gojima: Soldiers send her to her room in the castle.

Soldiers: Yes Gojima.

Kitaro: A castle that is cool.

Soldiers: The king is super nice, just make sure you don't step in his garden.

[ They all go to the Castle and the rest of the days passed the 10 kings with their trusted guards and son's or daughter's or wife's. ]