
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 13: Slaves in the Kaiju of Lizards Territory.

Kitaro: " Well, this place is definitely a Kaiju sanctuary "

Ryko: Hey slave, this is to big for you to see but there are other kinds of yours over there.

Kitaro: Let's go check. [ 😉😁]

Ryko: Ryko Happy, Me not always happy, but Ryko Happy.

Kitaro: Hey you.

Human 11: Hey [ Shivers and starving. ]

What I heard you are getting out?

Kitaro: [ Whispers ] Im here to save you just follow me.

Human 11: Really [🥺😢😭😭🥹]

Kitaro: [ Puts him in his inventory.]

Kimaru: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. What a wonderful nap. NOW WHERE IS MY FOOD.

Raiju: Master but the food is going to be slower than usual. The arena fight, the man literally evaporated all of them. They just dissappeared.

Kimaru: Im 56 feet tall and HUNGRY, you think I would BE SCARED of a human evaporating everyone. HAHAHAHAHA. What a day. I am ready for a battle. Tell everyone to evacuate to the safe zone in about 15 minutes I will go on a frenzy and kill and eat everyone.

Raiju: But master please we still need to catch some food for you.

Kimaru: Make that 10 minutes.


Kitaro: [ Sees everyone running and yelling master is going on a rampage.] What is that? What is going on.

Ryko: Oh no Kimaru is going on a rampage we have to escape we have to gooooo, NOW. Everything including Raiju and monsters will be eaten we have to goo.

Kitaro: Wait all the humans are gathering up into one spot I can sense it.

Ryko: We have to go we only have 15 minutes.

Kitaro: Okay. [ Goes to the group of humans and places them into his inventory he explains the situation quickly and tells them. Kitaro is going around saving humans as much as possible. Currently he has 78 people 3 bird monsters 1 beast and 1 rex rhyno.

Kimaru: [ A loud roar ] ROOOOAAAARRRRRRRR!!

[ Uses Mana Sense, Mana Sight, Enrage, Steel Armor. ] [ Kimaru starts running around he senses every living thing around him. His eyes starts turning red, his teeth sharpen, his claws gets harden, his body gets bigger with muscle mass, and he can sense living things from a radius of 500 feet.]


Kitaro: Not yet, not until we save the rex rhyno daughter.

Ryko: Look she is over there.

Daughter Rex Rhyno: I'll never let you get me. I'll kill you all once I escape. " DADDY PLEASE SAVE ME."

Kitaro: [ Rex Rhyno Tongue ] Hey I am here to save you. I came by your fathers request.

Daughter Rex Rhyno: Really father is here.

Kitaro: [Brings Ryko and Daughter Rex Rhyno into inventory. Teleports to Dungeon 1]

Okay I am back. We are safe.

[ Everyone gets out of the Inventory, Rhyno Rex and Daughter talked and made there reunion. ]

Everyone: We are free. THANKS TO KITARO.

Kitaro: First everyone come follow me to Forragrove Town. People will be happy to come back. [ They walked to the town.]

Mayor: What is going on who are you guys.

Everyone: We were the people that was enslaved by the Kaiju's Giant Lizards.

Mayor: Okay everyone just stay calm and follow me to the central town square.

????: Hey Sir Rickstone remember me [🥹🥹😭😭😭😭]

Mayor ( Rickstone): Is that you, Pablo?

Pablo: Yesss its me, mayor I am finally home.

Rickstone: My friend what happened. [🤧🤧🥹🥹😭😭🥲🥲😁]

Pablo: A man name Kitaro saved us from a Kaiju Lizard.

Rickstone: Where is he at?

Kitaro: Yeah Mayor?

Rickstone: I want to thank you for all of your help. You didn't just saved my best friend, but you saved tons of people. All of these people's lives are going to be back and safe.

Son : Dad is that you? [🥹🥹😭😭]

Dad 2: Yeah it's me daddy. I am back home Kitaro Saved me.[🥹🥹🥹]

Mom : Honey you're back home. [🥹🥹]

Dad 2: I miss you Monica.

Monica: I missed you Thompson. YOU ARE REALLY BACK. [😭😭😭😭😭😭]

Kitaro: [ Everyone started crying and seeing eachother. Everyone thanked Kitaro. During this time Kosami was still waiting in the forest at the Red Willow Tree.

Merry: [Mind] Want me to text Kosami we are at the town and tell her to come back with your tames.

Kitaro: [Mind] Yes please do so.

Kosami: [ Happy everyone made it out and walks back home to see the missing people and get information. Also passes out free food to everyone.]

Everyone: Thanks Kitaro, you saved all of us. WE ARE IN YOUR DEBT.

Kitaro: Don't worry. " Where is Kosami when I need her. "

Minato: Are you Kitaro?

Kitaro: Yeah I am Kitaro. Have we met before? I'm sure I've seen you.

Minato: I am Kosami's boss. I also am the owner of the Truth for the people guild. We do news and send out papers and information of only the truth.

Kitaro: Yes Kosami talked about you.

Minato: Haha good to hear? Where is Kosami?

Kitaro: She should be coming any moment now.

Kosami: Hey Minato, I was helping out and I got some news for you. [ Fills in all of the details.]

Minato: This is breaking discovery. We also have to tell the other neighboring towns and places about our discovery.

Kitaro: Sorry to say this at a bad time but the Lizard Kaiju will start a war soon.

Minato: Are you serious how did you get this information?

Kitaro: I was at the Land of Lizard Kaiju.

Minato: So the Kaiju King said it himself. Oh noo. We have to contact the Dragon Vanguard. Immediately, or we will be destroyed. Can you be more specific what month, when?

Kitaro: Wait let me summon him out.

[ Summons Ryko]

Everyone: [Screams] it's a Raiju, RUNNNN.

Minato: What did you really tame this thing. INCREDIBLE. Kosami really was telling the truth.

Kosami: [ Enters coversation after helping the hungry people] What I would never lie to you Boss. Pfft. Whatever.

Minato: I was joking haha. I just wanted to clarify with Kitaro.

Kitaro: Now that I saved them what now?

Minato: I'll contact Mayor Rickstone, and tell him about all of this. You guys don't worry, we have warriors strong enough to battle them.

Ryko: I can tell you what month.

Minato: It can speak human language. What a unique monster.

Kitaro: I taught him with magic.

Minato: " That is really fascinating " Are you some sort of a genius? Not a lot of people can instantly teach a creature a language.

Kitaro: Maybe.

Ryko: So the month is going to be the 10th month.

Minato: That is good. We have plenty of time. Kitaro are you looking for a class to learn more combat techniques?

Kitaro: Yes I am.

Minato: Good thing because there is a school opening up around this time. Join them and enter the the combat class. You will learn how to use all magic or physical weapons in battle. It is quite good.

Kitaro: What is it called?

Kosami: It's a good school I want to go so badly, the only reason why I couldnt go is because I failled the entrance exam. So I just stopped trying.

Kitaro: How long wil the school be?

Kosami: It is 6 months. It shows you basic and advanced techniques in combat. It is such a useful class but it only has a total of 100 students. So only 100 students can pass and the better the student the higher chance they will learn more powerful stuff.

Kosami: Who is the owner or leader of this. It is Minato's wife.


Ryko: Can I go back into your inventory, it's much more fun talking to the other monsters. I keep getting stared weirdly.

Kitaro: Sorry about that. [ Put Ryko back into inventroy.] SO MINATO IS MARRIED WHAT THE HECK.

Minato: Haha what is so surprising?

Kitaro: I don't, it doesn't seem to unrealistic because you are an attractive man, but why is your wife the owner of the Combat school.

Minato: It is called Great Combat Academy. My wife owns this because she is Frey Von Dragon. And my full name is Minato Dragon Vanguard.

Kitaro: What... so she married into your name.

Minato: No I married into her name. She is the actual descendants of Belmyr.

Kitaro: Is she stronger than you?

Minato: Well she wasn't, now she is. She is a high rank obsidian class.

Kitaro: What an S rank hero. How strong were you?

Minato: When I was an adventurer I was close to getting Omni Rank.

Kitaro: ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!! [🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩]

Minato: Hahahahahaha, Im just joking. I am the lowest of the Crystaldian Rank. I stopped becoming an adventurer because I injured my mana fighting the Demon King Tazer. He permanently destroyed my mana pool. It is incredibly hard to cure it. So now I just help people by spreading the truth around. My wife accepted it, and still loves me for me. She comes here every new years and starts her school for 6 months and leaves after the 7th month. It's cause she still has to help her younger sister in growing to be an adult.

Kitaro: You look young yourself, so how old are you?

Minato: I'm 27.


Minato: Hahahaha 🤣😂🤣😂. But what?

Kosami: I never knew that you were a strong adventurer. Wait I've been here for 3 years. Almost about to be 4. You were 23 when I joined you? What?

Minato: Haaha Kosami so the answer is yess when I was 21 when I was an Crystaldian Rank and I fought the Demon King Tazer and lost my mana pool. After that I because a news reporter for truth. I started this guild. Now this guild is what it is. You are the best member we have, so I kept you with me as my persoal worker.

Kosami: Thank you boss. That really means a lot.

Minato: Your birtbday is coming up. What are you planning to do? Go to the festival with Stacy again?

Kitaro: Can I join.

Kosami: [ Looks at him ] Sure " He really asked me out didn't he? " Only in one condition. Flip this coin and if it is heads you will give me 10% of the profits to your dungeon. If it is tails You can take me out to the date for the festival, free of charge of course I'll pay it all.

Kitaro: Okay but if it lands on the edge of the coin, Will you bring me to meet your parents later, of course you can say no?

Kosami: Haha that will never happen. [ Flips a coin, every second the coin spins completely. It lands on the ground and the coin is fully standing on its side. ]

Kitaro: So I'll pay for your festival but you have to greet me to your parents.

Kosami: What?? HOW DID YOU CHEAT.

Kitaro: I am just lucky, ahahha.

Minato: Oh looks like my wife is coming I got a text from her. I'll see you later. Take care and thanks for telling me information about the Kaiju and the Fantasia Forragrove Forest.

Kitaro: Bye.

Kosami: Goodbye.

Kitaro: So Kosami, would you like to join me for school?

Kosami: I would love to but I don't know if I am good enough.

Kitaro: Trust me you are strong enough. Let's go back to the Adventurers Guild.

Kosami: Alright, but I have to interview some people saved from the Kaiju, Kimaru.

Kitaro: Okay, see you later. [ Walks to the Adventurers Guild.]

Duke: [ Claps his hands.]

Vanessa: [ Claps his hands.]

Everyone: [ Cheers for Kitaro.]

????: Hey. Kitaro. Welcome back to the Guild. Congratulations on finding the missing people and more. Our town has been so relieved. Mr. Rickstone told me to give you a higher rank. So I came here to give you this rank personally. Rank A, Diamond Rank. Here is your badge and promise you would protect the people.

Kitaro: Um sure, but who are you?

????: My son hasn't told you anything about me hahahaha. I am Kibato the owner of the Adventurers guild. Kibato Dragon.

Kitaro: Kibato Dragon? Are you also a great descendants of Belmyr Dragon Vanguard?

Kibato Dragon: Im not blood relate but the name of dragon is the family of Dragon Vanguard or Von Dragon. The name Dragon alone just states we are in their family and we are also the keepers of the Adventurers Guild. The stronger one's go to be Adventurers while finding love and power. The weaker ones are taught to be helpful and that's how our family became Adventurers Guild Keepers. We still own this guild building.

Kitaro: So there are 3 types of dragon. Von Dragon for the females, Dragon Vanguard for the males, and finally the weaker ones are those of just Dragon for a last or middle name. They also make sure the Adventurers Guild is in good condition.

Kibato: Wait [Hands a new rank A] Welcome you are now a Diamond Rank.

Everyone: [Claps]

Duke: I can't believe it. You become a Diamond Rank in a couple of weaks.

Vanessa: You are very strong. Stacy and I were talking about you a lot hahaha.

Other people: Kitaro you saved a best friend of mines thanks.

Kitaro: [ That day everyone partied and the day ended with good cheer and everyone tried Kitaros recipe made by Sarah. Sarah that day made tons of money and is securing a special room for me at all times.]