
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 11: Forest of Mystery

Kitaro: Let's get going Kosami. It's time. [😁]

Kosami: Okay It looks like your dungeons is having a few customers already. ChattaNews users are saying it is legit and they gotten tons of money, like 1 silver after clearing 8 floors. When they left they didn't even need to buy the badge because it was easy to clear the 8 floors.

Kitaro: Has anyone completed it?

Kosami: Let me check...

OH right here, hahahaha. [😂😂😊] A warrior and 4 mages entered and beaten the Fairy boss.

Kitaro: Damn it. Well okay, Kosami let's get going.

Kosami: I miss read the words. The Empress Fray Beat them.

Kitaro: Haha. Yes I knew I can trust Empress Fray.

Kosami: [ Leaves Forragrove Town and enters Fantasia Forragrove Forest near the Red Willow Tree. ]

Kitaro: Woah that is a huge red willow tree. [🙄😵‍💫]

Kosami: Yeah, tell me about it. [🙄😵]

Kitaro: So what is the time right now?

Kosami: It is 550 pm. We just made it in time. Let's go walk around the tree and see what happens.

Kitaro: [ Times goes on and 5:55 P.M. ]

Nothing seems to be happeneing.

[ A slow breeze starts to swirl around them.]

Kosami: The weather it feels off.

Kitaro: Yeah you're right. [😧] LOOK!!

[ A swirl gets stronger and slowly a portal appears]

Kosami: What, it is real.

Kitaro: Want to jump inside?

Kosami: No are you stupid.

Kitaro: Don't worry we will survive.

Kosami: Noooo we can't it is a Raiju.

Kitaro: What is a Raiju?

Kosami: It is a Boss minion of one of a Kaiju. They are huge giant monsters, towering 30 to 200 feet. They are dangerous. Raiju's are just a bit weaker some Raijus match the strength of thier leader. We have to go.

Kitaro: Wait let me see. (Appraisal)

[ Raiju being appraised.]

Level = 2

Health = 500

Mana = 5

Stamina = 100

Damage = 100

Magic = 10

Range = 5

Intelligence = 8

Dexterity = 1

Agility = 20

Luck = 0

Charisma = 0

Faith = 0

Life Energy = 5

Kosami: Look at that damage 100 with 100 stamina we can't win that at all.

Kitaro: Look at my stats. I gain passive exp from people for entering and losing in my dungeon. I just gained a few levels and skills.

Kitaro Level = 20

Health = 60

Mana = 30

Stamina = 45

Damage = 20

Magic = 20

Range = 10

Intelligence = 24

Dexterity = 7

Agility = 30

Luck = 12

Charisma = 20

Faith = 3

Life Energy = 4

Kitaro: I gained some stats from cooking and making items. Extra in Intelligence, Stamina, Health, and Mana. I didn't know beating a fairy boss increases my mana?

Kosami: I never knew either. I did hear that going to different dungeons and beating the dungeon boss or dungeon owner gives you some permanent stats.

Kitaro: The Raiju it senses us. [😨😱]

Kosami: [😱😱😱😱😱😳🥺] We are going to die.

Kitaro: Wait it isn't us. The Raiju is looking at, [ Whispers] the monsters behind us.

Kosami: [😦😧😨😱💀💀💀] Itttttttttt iits ah ah a. It's a Houndra.

Kitaro: It looks like a Dog with scales like a lizard, the ears of a dog and the tail of a reptile.

Kosami: This is a female. Good thing the male isn't here. The male houndra's have wings to glide, and are super fast compared to the females.

Kitaro: There is lion on your 7 o'clock.

Kosami: Once this portal appeared, all of the monsters started to be spawned.

Kitaro: The Raiju is exiting the portal.

Kosami: [💀💀💀] We are going to die.

Kitaro: Wait, I have a plan. Let them fight it out and we just watch.

Houndra: [ Walks up and sits infront of the portal. ]

Giant Lion: [Stands infront of the portal.]

Kitaro: What is happening?

Kosami: This is quite weird?

Raiju: [ Exits the portal and attacks the Giant Lion, the battle begins.]

Houndra: [ Uses her swift and powerful claws and scratches with a heavy slash.]

Raiju:[ Backs up and dodges the move. After he breaths fire towards both of them. ]

Houndra: [ Dodges and runs around the target.]

Giant Lion: [ Goes and jump in the sky and pounces on the Raiju.]

Raiju: [ Takes a bit of damage. Then he calls upon his allies. The Raiju being a minion boss but able to summon his own minions means this monster was strong.]

Kosami: [ Opens up monster encyclopedia. ] This is a Raiju and the variant is Lizard breather. They are able to produce miniature versions of themselves. To attack their opponents. The minions are called Reptilian Mites of the Lizard Breather kind]

Kitaro: So cool. [🤩🤩🤩] How are they able to do that?.

Kosami: Look all of them look tired.

Kitaro: This is my only chance to tame them all.

Kosami: [😡😡😡😵😵😵] Are you stupid don't do something reckless.

Kitaro: [Goes out and uses taming magic on all of the beast. It has little to not affect. ] Damn it. They see me now.

Kosami: [Goes invisible.] " If I just record all of this I can get data and show proof that it really is real the portal at the Red Willow Tree at 555 PM. "

Kitaro: [Appraisal all of them, gained some information. Kitaro uses imps and the imps casted fire balls.] " These spirit imps and spirit rats are a nice summon. I just wish I can tame these big guys. "

Kosami: " This idiot he is only making them angry. "

Kitaro: [ He focuses on taming one at a time. It works the taming process slowly begins. ]

Kitaro:[ Slowly tames the Great Lion. The great lion becomes fully tamed.]

Great Lion: Rawrr raarrrhgh rawwr rawrg aghahrr.

Kitaro: What?

Merry: [Mind] Would you like me to translate all of the creatures in front of me?

Kitaro: [ Mind ] Yess.

Merry: [ Translate complete.]

Great Lion: Please master help out my friend.

Houndra: Ugh he is just a human how did he tame you?


Kitaro: [ Speaks in the monster language] You think I am just a human?


Kitaro: [ Tames the Houndra]

Kitaro: [Heals both of his tames ]

Houndra: Thanks Boss.

Great Lion: Thanks Master.

Kitaro: " I couldn't tame all of them at once but I can tame them one at a time hahahaha. "

Kitaro: Guys back away Ill handle this.

The 2 Tamed: Okay master.

Raiju: [ Jumps onto him and uses a flame attack. ]

Kitaro: [ Dodges and cast poison mist ]

Raiju: How did you know my weakness?.

Kitaro: I can read your stats and see your weakness.

Raiju: How strong are you? You can speak monster tounge and can tame 2 powerful beast.

Kitaro: [ Tames the Raiju]

Raiju: [ Gets tamed ] What is going on. I Got tamed... What how?

Kitaro: Because you see me as a person with potential to be greater than your master.

Raiju: " He is telling the truth. My master is strong but he is at his max power. He can't get any stronger. But this guy my master can get very strong. His aura is like a complete black void. I couldn't notice it because I thought it was the portal mana disturbance."



Kitaro: Hey Kosami I tamed them all.

Kosami: I saw and I recorded everything during the fight and the taming. Who in the world are you. If someone found out about you and your skills they will most likely try to find all about you and take your skills and spells knowledge.

Kitaro: Well you are right someone told me about this already. I don't think you would steal from me.

Kosami: So the monsters are they okay?

Kitaro: Yes and we have to question them. [ Teaches human language to his tames]

Houndra: Hello.

Great Lion: Hello.

Raiju(Lizard form): Hello.

Kosami: What they can talk. [🤯🤯🤯🤯🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍😍]

Kosami: I have questions. Where does this portal go to?

Raiju: It leads to my home from the different part of the world.

Kosami: How big is the world?

Raiju: It is 1,000,000,000 miles around earth.

Kosami: The circumference of this earth is 1,000,000,000 miles long, Incredible.

Kitaro: "That's 25,000 times bigger than my earth. My earth is already hard to travel but this place? It's going to be impossible to go to the dark plains. It literally might take me 20 or more years to complete. So that is why god sent me to the past when he is about to get imprisoned. It was for me to get powerful within 20 to 40 years. "

Kosami: So why was the portal here?

Raiju: It is so my old master can claim the world as his own.

Kosami: Wait so why did the Houndra and Giant Lion battled with you.

Houndra: This is my is home. The portal came here 20 years ago always at 555 pm.

Raiju: Wait its 555 pm when I come here. In my place it is 6 Am when I come here.

Kosami: We have 3 suns. 1 large sun and 2 mini suns orbiting the earth. Then we have earth orbiting the large sun at the North Land Equator. While the 2 mini suns run at the West and East Land Equator. The South Land Equator is where the dark plains or some may call the demon plains exists. The time zone should be different.

Kitaro: [ 😁😄😃😀🙂😐🫥🙄🤯🤯🤯🤯] Wait we have 3 suns? [🤯💀💀💀] I didn't even noticed.

Kosami: Haha you lived here for 22 years and didn't see 3 bright lights in the sky during the day. Ahahahha you got to be kidding me.

Kitaro: Sorry, I just didn't care to try to remember.

Kosami: Wait. So the portal was for your old master to claim the world?

Raiju: Yes.

Kosami: So the lion and houndra was here because it's their territory.

Houndra: Yes.

Kosami: So where did all of the people go?

Houndra: We ate them.

Great Lion: They are tasty because all of the juicy meat and fat they have. Delicious.

Kosami: [💀💀💀🤢🤮🤮] So they really are dead.

Raiju: Not all, I am a boss minion that can summon minions, but I'm not a monster. We did force them to work for us for food. The portal is still open we can go there and take them back if you wish?

Kosami: How many are there?

Raiju: Like 10 from this place.

Kitaro: We have to save them. Let's go.

Kosami: Wait lets go tomorrow. I feel to worn-out.

Kitaro: This is our only chance or we would lose the opportunity to get information. What if the portal doesn't appear.

Kosami: Sorry but if my theory is right it will always open at 555 pm over here.

Raiju: No we open the portal over here. We just do it at 600 am because That's when the master wakes ups always to order us to work.

Kosami: Wait, what if you can open it up at a specific time.

Raiju: We can't the boss does that. And if I don't return by today he won't make another portal until he gets his army set up for here.

Kosami: You guys can go and handle it. I will come and set up a safe place for your return. " I don't want to go, I don't want to die, please oh god please don't let me go"

Kitaro: Okay fine, just make sure you bring lots of food and water 555 sharp. If we don't come here we are probably at my dungeon.

Raiju: At 600 am sharp we will come as normal. Master you have to be a slave for a bit is that okay?

Kitaro: Okay. Let's do this, I want to tame an army while I am there.

Kosami: " Yesssss my prayer has been answered. " [ 😇😇😇] I will be here on time with food and water.

Kitaro: Before I go I have to name you guys. Great Lion you will be named. Maycre - ( pronounced as May-Ker = Maker.)

Maycre: Maycre, what a wonderful name.

Kitaro: Houndra your name will be Sapphire.

Sapphire: Sounds elegant as a beautiful houndra as I am.

Kitaro: Raiju you are named Ryko.

Ryko: Haha sounds like a fighters name.

Kitaro: Sapphire, Ryko, and Maycre. You all will be my tamed. Who wants to stay? And who wants to go?

Sapphire: I want to go.

Ryko: I would like to go as well.

Maycre: I would want to go.

Kitaro: Okay lets all go. GOOD BYE KOSAMI.

Kosami: Wait what if another monsters comes, I need protection.

Kitaro: Damn it your right. Sapphire and Maycre stay here and help her with everything she asks. If she ask for information tell her to pay up 10 bronze coin per question.

Maycre: Okay master.

Sapphire: I will stay with her to protect her at all times.

Kitaro: Thanks. We will get going now bye. [ Ryko and Kitaro enters the portal. ]

Sapphire: Want to see me turn into a small creature.

Kosami: Sure.

Sapphire: Turns into a small creature.

Kosami: [🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰😍😍😍😍🥹🥹🥹] So adorable.

Maycre: " I can do that too " She is my friend let me join.