

In a dark cold room with a faint smell of damp floating in the air.

A young man was wrapped in several sheets while sitting on a large armchair in front of several LED screens that showed that he was playing the most popular game of recent times.

The Fortnite.

"Fuck, I'm in second place, Damn!"

Liu Zhang cursed loudly, while clenching his teeth in frustration.

He was Liu Zhang, a young man of 18 years, who was currently living only in a somewhat decayed apartment in the metropolitan area of Shanghái.

While he was concentrating on handling his 2d character in the game, suddenly from the streets several noises began to sound.

"Tsh!" Snapping his lips, Liu Zhang looked at the clock that stood to the side.

'It's only 05: 39Hs. Who the damn is making so much noise now? '

Annoyed, Liu Zhang got up from his armchair and went to the window.

Slightly running the curtain to look out, he notices that the wide street opposite was empty and with the weak fog of the morning covering it.

'Is not there anyone?' He asked himself somewhat bewildered.

He was sure that he had heard something very like screams from the streets, so why is there nobody?

'Have I imagined it?' Liu Zhang wondered, but shook his head when he saw that from the other side of the street, several people from their windows, also ran weakly the curtains of their windows and looked towards the nebulous streets. showing that he was not the only one who had heard the screams.

"Hey friend, did you hear it too?"


Liu Zhang was surprised to see that from the window of the apartment above him appeared a young man of apparently the same age. but the young man was wearing a lightly faded pajamas, was hair disheveled while smoking a cigar, demonstrating the appearance of that he had just woken up.

He knew this guy although they had never talked to each other. He was Yen Huang, his neighbor who lived right in the apartment above.

"Y-yes, I heard it too," Liu Zhang replied, with a somewhat nervous tone since he is not used to talking to people. since he moved to his apartment, he had become a NEET that rarely left the door to the outside of his apartment.

Noticing Liu Zhang's nervous tone, Yen Huan smiled while making a joke;

"Come on, friend, do not be afraid of me, I don't bite, haha"

Liu Zhang under his head, and squeezed his fists secretly he cursed internally;

'Fuck, Fuck you!'

The joke that Yen Huang made, for many may seem a normal and even friendly joke, but for Liu Zhang, who suffers from low self-esteem for having become a NEET, that joke was very offensive as it affected his self-esteem.

Turning around, Liu Zhang did not bother to bid farewell to Yen Huang and re-entered his room.

Yen Huang was somewhat surprised; 'Will I have offended him?'

He asked himself when he saw Liu Zhang enter his room again. But he immediately shook his head, casting his worries aside; "If I offended him or not, I do not care, after all, this guy is just an idiotic NEET"

Returning again to sit on his armchair, Liu Zhang continued playing his game for a while. But then, the dream began to attack him.

"This happens to me because I do not sleep all night ..." Liu Zhang murmured as he turned off the game console and leaned on his bed, falling asleep instantly.

In his immersed dream.

His consciousness swam in the darkness, while strange screams seemed to sound very far away.

Some screams seemed to be asking for help.

Other screams seemed to scream in pain.

And other noises seemed to be of several cars fleeing at great speeds, braking suddenly or even seemed to collide with each other.

'What are all those noises?'

He wondered, as he slowly seemed to return from his immersed dream.



Liu Zhang was suddenly pulled out of his sleep due to the sudden sound of a gunshot.

Alarmed and in confusion, Liu Zhang did not know what was happening.

There were noises of chaos everywhere!

"What is happening!?"

Approaching hurriedly towards the window, Liu Zhang observed an amazing sight.

The city was in complete chaos!

He could see the streets full of crazed cars fleeing at great speed without any worry for running over passers-by.

People also ran and fled in a hurry from some that he did not know.

And in the distance, in the most distant buildings, which seemed to be so high that you had to look up to see it for complete.

Those buildings that Liu Zhang had always admired, now were in chaos with smoke coming out of its windows, distant shooting that seemed to come from those buildings and even Liu Zhang could see small silhouettes that seemed to be thrown from the broken windows of the buildings.

'Are they people throwing themselves from the windows?' Liu Zhang asked himself with fear in his eyes at the abnormal situation.

'What happened while I was asleep?'

'Did the end of the world come without me noticing?'