
World Hopping Mage Killer

From the power of his world's god, Venator can hop from world to world, offering to kill magic users for gods in exchange for their power. With every new world, a new battle and a new power to gain. And even more magic users to fight with different magic at their disposal. Enjoy! The image cover is not mine, if you own the image, let me know and i will remove it it.

Razedealer · Fantasi
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47 Chs

A Task to Fulfill

Stepping through the portal he arrived outside the wall of the capital, his path was now set to the west. Venator set off, walking on the told path. Now with a deal formed and a reward to be handed, Venator began his new task. Kill another magic user.

"The power reaches all the way here?" He wondered, staring where his portal once stood on.

The route was mostly empty and uneventful, a simple long walk just like before. Venator kept moving, focused now with the task at hand.

As he kept moving forward, farther and farther until the capital was but a small silhouette on the horizon, he saw it in the distance, a single pillar of smoke slowly starting to rise up to the clouds. But even from the sight, he still couldn't see where the smoke pillar emanated from.

Venator began running, running to the source of the smoke. In a minute, he arrived arrived at the top of a hill, staring down from it. The camp stood below from where he was, a massive pile burned inside it as the smoke bellowed upwards. Wooden walls surrounded it while small figures moved ar ound the fire.

As he stared at the camp, he felt a familiar feeling, something pressing against his back.

"Wandered far from the comforts of your capital?" A voice behind him mocked.

"You subservient dogs will soon submit under our empire."

Without speaking, Venator, his sword hidden under the cloak unsheathed it quick, turning around and slashing the oppressor in a single strike, from top to bottom a single cut was all it took. It was a person donning basic clothing, armed with a bow, a quiver with a few arrows, and a dagger. He fell on the ground with his arrows clattering around him.

"Must be more nearby, if they know I'm here, at least killing them won't be a chase." Venator cleaned off the blood, sheathing his sword after. He started running towards the camp, his hand on his sword's sheathe.

On the approach, a few soldiers began running towards Venator, swords and shields ready.

He didn't stop however, gripping the handle of his curved blade. As they ran closer, he began slowly unsheathing it.

Soldiers in mixes of armor and weapons rushed out, charging at Venator, ready to fight and kill.

Venator unsheathed his blade, as the first soldier raised up his sword to attack, Venator slashed across the soldier's neck. Quickly killing him. The others looked in shock, but quickly turned back to him. Venator looked at them, thinking of who next to kill. Locking eyes in a soldier with a spear, he ran towards him.

In fear, the soldier raised up his spear in an attempt to block. But it was too late, Venator's sword crashed through the spear, breaking it in half. As he looked at the soldier, a blade slammed into Venator's back, leaving a long cut through the cloak and tunic into the flesh. Venator turned around quickly, a soldier in metal readied another attack. Venator kicked the soldier back, his hand spawned an orb of red. In a second, fire spewed out, consuming the soldier in a bright flame. He began writhing in pain as he frantically rolled around, slowly stopping.

"Now, where's that user." Venator, clenching his blade while he glared at the remaining soldiers. The fight was quick with soldiers starting to run as their numbers began dwindling fast, bodies began lining the path behind Venator as his fight continued.

Soon the entire unit sent out was on the ground.

As he looked back, he went back to running, no longer sheathing his sword.

From the entrance, more soldiers began coming out.

"Let's see if I can burn this place." He thought to himself.

Nearing the base, he threw fire at the walls. Soon the flames violently spread from section to section. Shouts began as the fire went on. Venator entered inside the camp as fire burned around him, bits of the wall fell around him.

A large group of soldiers stood around, with fire he began burning the soldiers. Fire quickly consumed the entire unit as they started dispersing, Venator stepped inside calmly with the soldiers being taken care off. But while the walls slowly broke apart and tents began burning, large streaks of ice started covering the walls, extinguishing the flames as the walls soon became enveloped in a ice. A robed figure stood near to one of the walls as it stared at a charred wooden wall, torn and burned, now enveloped inside ice. He stared at Venator while the camp continued burning. What remaining soldiers were left joined the figure. Readying their spears and swords to face Venator.

"This is gonna take a while." He sighed deeply.

Venator ran towards them, sword in hand, focusing mainly on the user, preparing his sword for a strike at the user.

As he got close, a pillar of ice rapidly formed, meeting the blade just as it neared the figure. Venator recoiled back, the sword chipped a small portion off the pillar.

The user moved back behind the remaining soldiers, the soldiers began compressing with each other, forming a makeshift wall of swords in front of the user. Venator looked in disgust.

"At least die fighting with your soldiers than behind them." He sneered.

In annoyance, he threw fire at the wall, soldiers began running aflame, quickly cut down by Venator with his sword, striking them down.

He stared at the user, the red orb in his hand became blue with flames burning above it. Disgust and hatred filled his mind with the user in his sights.

Now it was only Venator and the ice user remaining. Venator ran head on towards the figure, slashing and throwing orbs of blue flame while the cloaked user repeatedly avoided each attack, forming pillars to moving around hastily around the battlefield, waiting for Venator to wear out.

Venator though, showed little signs of stopping while continuing his barrage of attacks. The cloaked user though started slowing down.

In a brief second with his arms up for another strike, a block of ice slammed into Venator, throwing him on the ground. As he tried getting up, he saw the user running away from the camp, abandoning it and the fight.

In anger, Venator threw a final orb of blue fire towards the retreating user, far larger than the ones before. The user turned around in terror, his hands extended out. A wall of ice began forming out of the ground.

In mere seconds, the flame smashed into the wall. The user was thrown through the charred wall by the orb of fire. The wall still lay standing, now broken through with a hole in it.

Venator stepped outside, his eyes quickly met the user. Heavily wounded, slowly crawling away with burn marks around his body, chunks of his clothing burned away.

He quickly approached the user. With a hand, he grabbed the figure by the hood. The user was barely conscious, Venator lined the blade across his throat, the task was nearly done.

Before he could kill him, an arrow struck into his back, the user dropped back on the ground with Venator stumbling forward, grabbing the arrow in his back, tearing it off.

Behind him, a single soldier stood with a bow in hand. He stared at Venator with fear. His legs began stepping back.

"Still a soldier left?" Venator ran fast towards the soldier, beginning to retreat. The blade went through his chest, quickly killing the lone fighter, Venator retracted the blade to head back to the user.

While he turned, a shard of ice slammed into his shoulder, knocking back,

The user was now standing, trying to limp away despite his heavy wounds.

Venator kicked him to the ground, with his sword, he pierced through the user's chest. His eyes closed as he took his final breath.

"Good fight you put up I'll give you that." Venator spoke to the dead user.

The shard in his shoulder shattered to bits, behind him, more ice began breaking, the pillars and wall that once stood were now pieces of ice on the ground.

The deal has been completed, Venator began walking back the path he took, wounded from the battle, leaving the camp and the dead user.

Venator arrived after some time back to the kingdom, upon arriving closer to the gate, it was empty. Venator quickly entered through before anyone could notice him. Less people walked on the road with stalls beginning to close as the day nearly came to an end. He walked faster through the road, trying his best to cover his weapon and wounds to avoid suspicion.

Behind him, soldiers were walking out to the gate, standing around it once more as it began closing shut.

"Just in time then." He laughed. Venator soon arrived at the church, now empty and devoid of life.

With his book in hand, he formed a portal outside the church, stepping through it to meet the god.

The god's cathedral stood in front of him beyond the portal, the god awaited in front, staring at Venator as he arrived.

"From the cathedral and now from the very field where you slain the magic user. Perhaps you do stay on your word." The god said, already next to him.

"As with the weapon he yielded, i shall bestow that power to you. Our deal has been ended. I commend you for your actions and staying true to your words." The god continued. It extended out it's hand, a ball of ice hovered on it. As Venator grabbed it, an immense feeling of cold hit his hand, he clenched it in pain as the feeling of the frost worsened, feeling as it slowly went to his wrists. In a minute, the pain subsided. Leaving Venator with a new weapon.

"I thank you for your gift, and for your mercy to allow me to speak earlier. But I must now leave to continue my journey, may you and your people prosper well." Venator, with few words spoken, took out his book, wasting no time as a portal finished forming, he left the god's realm and the world of it's people. This time, to another world.

Awaiting him on his arrival, a forested road, the sun above mostly obscured by thick trees. The atmosphere though was fair and accompanied by a sense of comfort.

Venator looked around for a few seconds, seeing the trees that surrounded the road he stood on.

"The god here is probably a nature one. Just need to find a town or a shrine first."

Venator grabbed his shoulder, feeling the pain from it. With wounds and tattered clothes, Venator walked on, continuing his journey. To meet a new god, and to fight more foes.