
World First Ant King

When There is Ant There Is Colony And If there Is A Colony There Is a Queen, There Is A Queen But No King?... you gotta be kidding me. then today the very first ant king shall be born. cover isn't mine.. if you are the one who create the cover and want me to remove it please message me. btw this is my first novel that i am writing and i hope you guys enjoy it, and don't blame me for grammar issues and also for my writing skills. if you don't like the first chapter then my bad, i guess my writing style was bad, but hey give the other chapter a try. ill try to update this novel 1chapter per day but ill usually update it 1 to 5days per chapter because am quite busy constantly studying. so i hope you guys enjoy reading it and that all other tags:empire building,ant, ant mc, monster society,strategy,Gods,GameLikeSystem

JershonTheWriter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


previously in World First Ant King

konoe digging skill has reach a new level and he can dig faster with the new feature it give.



*huff* *huff*

Konoe was breathing heavily even though he was just digging for the tunnel after he was finish with the entrance

after who know how long cuz apparently the author forgot to write if its morning afternoon and evening in the whole novel and still didn't even notice it until now, konoe was done digging the tunnel almost, halfway who knows.

*Huff* *Huff* *haaaa*

konoe lets out a sigh of relief fewww

then konoe speak

-damm this ant body even though i have a body in shape of a human form, i still can't dig all of this, heck i don't even know how to use my other arm

konoe was grumpy and angry cuz everything was taking a long time even just to finish the one line.

konoe let out a long sigh


what am i gonna do this is just taking forever to finish

suddenly a system window pop up

Its alright master you can do it

am always cheering for you

konoe seeing that the system is always there for him feel happy and having more motivation to continue

konoe continues digging the tunnel. the tunnel should be long to konoe logical ant knowledge to build a colony, because in some cases, some ants where konoe was still human and was playing monster rally, the ants made their tunnel 2 times long or 3 times long so when an enemy attack they can prepare easily and also add some traps that ants and other enemy of the colony will totally find annoying to deal with.

here a example.

entrance(anthill) / \

tunnel one line | |

second line | |

third line | |

chamber ( )

to konoe knowledge which he got from attacking earth ant colony when he was still human and playing monster rally, he needed to make the entrance long, 3 times long so the enemy would take long and the ants to prepare more easily,

after planning and thinking, konoe decided to follow the basic of ant building.

konoe built his the entrance first

(in which he finished in the previous chapter), then he continues on to the first line of the tunnel.

/(btw konoe only made the hole not the anthill)\

and while konoe was digging the tunnel in which was only finish halfway, something else was happening.


In a cave where many monster reside but one true definition of a monster was deep inside the cave.

it had black scale, red eyes and smoke coming out of its breath.

it was a dragon, a dragon in which many human legends and myths have.

this dragon was laying inside its chamber deep inside the cave, sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden it wake up from its peaceful nap.

the dragon was sniffing

*sniff* *sniff*

then it lift it head up

then it sniff once again to clarify if what the dragon was sniffing was real.

then the dragon finally spoke.

-hmmm hmmm

the dragon was somehow happy for some unknown reason

-the World Is finally changing huh

the dragon mumble to itself even though there was no one around.

-welp i gotta greet this new neighbor we have in this continent, after all a monarch should also greet it neighbouring monarch.

the dragon was preparing to fly but before it does that, it change it form into a humanoid.

black skin as that of midnight, red eyes like dripping blood, black hair like the midnight sky, lips red like roses, abs. ehem you got what i mean right.

the dragon perfectly made it humanoid body similar to human but too much radiance of sexy and handsomeness was coming out from the dragon humanoid form.

/(sorry for the exaggeration readers)\.

after the dragon was finally finish with its transformation of its body.

wings come out from its black skin, the wings were similar to the dragon black skin.

the wings were colored black yet it had spike all over it and some sort of huge bone poking out in perfect synergy with the wings.

/(if you didn't understand neither did i)\.

the dragon now flapping its wing like it was preparing to charge.

after one strong hard flap the dragon was no longer inside the cave.

the dragon was now flying and flapping it wings inside the tunnel which he was almost near the cave exit.

the dragon flap it wings hard one more time for an ultra jump.

an after image was created where the dragon was and now the after image was gone, the dragon was flying toward a giant tree.


back to konoe POV

konoe was done digging the first line of the entrance yet it was tiring for konoe and now konoe was hungry.


hunger and craving for food was nearing konoe but death was also nearing konoe for when hungry reach 100 konoe will lose HP.

while konoe stomach was going grrrr ggrrr.

all of a sudden a huge shockwave or earthquake was happening.

konoe who was laying down his butt was now shaking, moving left to right, then suddenly a huge wave of air barrage konoe making him fall down.

then all of a sudden a voice can be heard.

the voice was in deep tone yet it sounded cute and sexy and playfully at the same time.

-Ops my bad didn't meant to let you fall down there.

while konoe was still laying down because of the sudden barrage of strong wave of air current.

konoe lift itself to see who is this person who made the strong wave of air.

but to konoe surprise it was a human, literally a human.

white skin like snow, red eyes shining like rubies, and a overly top-to-the-notch handsomely face.

yet while konoe was seing this he had a though inside its small yet intelligent ant brain.

-why is there a human inside a place full of monster?

that was konoe question inside its mind.

konoe knowing there a human, he made alot of theory,speculations, and possibilities.

First the continent of monster must be being discovered by humans at the current moment in which his theory of other continent existing is confirmed.

Second this human was maybe just lucky to have survived from a shipwreck and it debris floated the human to the monster of continent luck and bad luck happening at the same time.

third is the monster of continent is already human occupied land, but not all of it, only in area where the sea is so landing and export and import is more easy, like what the europeans did when they traveled all around the world.

while konoe was thinking, the dragon who in which casted a magic of illusion on itself to be seen as a human in front of konoe and was also using mind reading magic to read konoe mind.

the dragon was impress to konoe vast imagination and intelligence but the dragon was also disappointed, because konoe guard was down while he was thinking and take too much time to think in which is a bad idea specially when you are in battle.

but the dragon didn't warned or do anything to konoe but instead it acted like a human, shivering and cowering in fear.

though the acting was late somehow konoe believed it.

the dragon who is now acting like a human was shivering in fear in front of konoe, then it say.

-am sorry am sorry i felt down from running away from the monster please don't kill me.

though konoe was small because of its size, the human was actually acting in fear even to a small creature.

konoe pitied the poor human, konoe though that this human must have lived a normal commoner live living inside wall that protect them from monster and not knowing the fear of monster.

konoe then speak but everything konoe was trying to speak was just some rat squeaking.

then all of a sudden a system window pop up.


System Message feature has now been unlock.

(Continue in next chapter)

just 1k+ word for now guys am sorry for the slow upload of chapter school is bullying me with modules and many school related stuff to do.

JershonTheWritercreators' thoughts