
World's Strongest Duke Regresses To Conquer The World!!

Adrian Blaze, who had received the title of god of war, was betrayed by his own race. Betrayed by his own friend and the world, he was on his last breath when his two weapons, the trident of destruction Demios and the divine sword Yuriel starts revolving around him as he dies. But when he opened his eyes he had regressed to his 12 year old self. "hahaha" Adrian laughed as a devious smile appeared on his face "O you great 7 empires, who betrayed me and collaborated with the demons. The world shall see what happens when the world's strongest warrior turns into your foe" Adrian walked towards the wooden door and opened it as his word resounded "Lets begin my revenge!!" Now witness the journey of the betrayed hero who shall conquer the world and Go against even the gods if it means achieving his goals. Author's Note------------- if you decide to read this then please don't drop before chapter 34 as I am also improving my writing and it can be a bit slow paced in the start but please cut me a slack. now if you have any suggestions about anything you want to see ahead in the novel you can comment. I will make sure to read them. now the schedule will be - 2 chapter releases on every sunday and i will release bonus chapters according to the support from the viewers. i will update here or in the chapter's beginning if there is any news to pass on. have a good time. ^..^

HaoridKen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
109 Chs

New Weapon

-----After Two Hours----

After entering Antinia City, Adrian was moving through the streets of the market in search of a weapon.

"Considering the fact that I will be provided with a weapon when I join the knights of count Nadino, I don't really need it urgently but after I leave the knights, I will have to return it and being without a weapon in a city is too dangerous therefore it would be better for me to take a weapon before going to retrieve Deimos from the ruins."

Adrian was looking for a Trident since he had used it in his previous life and was more proficient with it.

Although it would be somewhat difficult to handle with his young body but he could always try to find a smaller trident suitable for him.

Although he also had the divine sword and could wield a sword as a weapon, he always preferred using a trident to fight using aura.

He had obtained his sword after his twenties and hadn't practiced with it as much as he had with his trident.

Additionally, he began using magic after acquiring his sword, which diminished his need to use it.

"What should I do? The trident isn't a popular weapon at this point of time.

It only gained fame when I used Demios in battle and earned the title of the God of War.

After that, many people started using tridents as their primary weapon because they thought it was cool and powerful.

But right now, if I use a trident, I'll likely face criticism and advice to switch to a sword," Adrian pondered.

Adrian strolled through the town, exploring various weapon shops, but none had a trident suitable for him.

Most of them were poorly crafted, as skilled blacksmiths primarily focused on making swords, which sold more readily and for higher prices.

Disheartened, Adrian left the last weapon shop in town.

However, as he departed, his eyes were drawn to a bident, somewhat smaller than the usual ones.

It measured 170cm, with an obsidian-black shaft and crimson-red prongs or tines.

A dragon's head adorned it, clamping onto the lower end of the tines to provide stability.

A red cloth hung from the dragon head's end, and the bottom of the shaft tapered to a sharp point.

Upon seeing it, he couldn't help but think it resembled Demios. As he inspected the bident further, he couldn't discern the metal it was crafted from.

As he reached out to touch it, a voice interrupted him.

"Don't touch it, kid. It's not something you can control." Adrian recognized the voice as that of the shop owner he had spoken with earlier and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Don't take offense, kid. I'm not belittling you. It's just that since it arrived in my shop, no one has been able to control it.

Many mercenaries and knights found it fascinating and wanted to buy it, but after they touched it, they either fell unconscious or were sent flying.

It seems to have a will of its own and won't be used by anyone it deems unworthy.

That's why I tucked it away in that corner where no one would notice it.

Still, somehow, people like you occasionally take an interest in it," the shop owner explained.

"Hmm, it does seem quite similar to Demios. It also wouldn't allow anyone else but me to touch it. Many people before me experienced situations like he described," Adrian thought to himself.

"Can I try, then? I believe I can make it accept me."

"Kid, I'm telling you from experience. All those who tried before you said the same thing, that they could control it.

I was concerned for you because of your youth. But if you're determined, go ahead and try," the shop owner said.

With the shop owner's approval, Adrian cautiously approached the bident, extending his right hand slowly.

He wasn't entirely confident about controlling it, but he couldn't find any other weapon that felt more suitable for him.

"Let's see if it's destined for me, or if I'll have to settle for a spear or something," Adrian thought as he reached for the bident.

After a moment of silence in the shop, Adrian cautiously touched the shaft of the bident.

As soon as his hand made contact, he sensed a strange energy invading his body.

Although he maintained an upright stance outwardly, he felt as though all of his secrets were laid bare for someone to see.

It was as if an unseen presence was examining him. 

After a brief moment, the invading force retreated from his body, and he found himself unexpectedly kneeling on one knee.

He glanced down at the bident in his hand, which had ceased shaking and now rested comfortably in his grip. 

Upon noticing the shop owner's bewildered and shocked expression, Adrian realized that the process had concluded, and he had successfully gained control of the bident.

"How? All previous times there would be a more violent reaction than mere shaking. Oh well it seems like it has accepted you so you can buy it if you want"

"Obviously I want to buy it, so what's the price?" Adrian asked 

"A 100 gold!!" the owner replied

"What!! 100 Gold, with that much money a normal family of four could live for five years lavishly" Adian expressed his shock.

"Kid you also know that's not any ordinary weapon, if it was not rejecting people by making them faint upon touching them, I wouldn't even think of selling it at such a low price.

You also know how hard it is to see a weapon with its own will."

"Oh please, you think you can fool me, do you even know what material it is made of?"

"Ahh…, No Actually it was found under a rubble of ruins and I bought it from the person who found it since he couldn't use it, but who would have thought no one except you would be able to control it"

"that's what I am saying you don't even know its material and is of unknown origins hence you should lower the instead of trying to rip a kid off of his money"

"Hmm your words hold some truth, therefore, I would lower the price to 90 gold and that the final offer takes it or leave it your choice.

Although I wouldn't be able to sell it for quite some time but after seeing you control it, I think there can be other people who can be capable of using it."

"Alright I will buy it, but can you give me some time to pay you"

"Oh, how much time are you asking for"

"I will pay you within a year"

"Alright let me make a contract, tell me all your details and we complete other formalities"

After completing the whole process, Adrian left the shop with his new weapon.

After leaving the shop he left directly for the recruitment in Nadino knights.

Looking at the map and after asking for some direction he reached his destination – 


Adrian found himself standing in front of a massive wooden door with a signboard above it that read 'THE NARDINO KNIGHTS' in bold blue letters. Two guards stood watch at the entrance.

As he approached, the guards called out, "Stop there! State your purpose for coming here."

"I have come to take the test to join the Nardino Knights," Adrian replied politely.

After scrutinizing Adrian and finding nothing suspicious, one of the guards said to the other, "Go and inform the captain; let him decide whether he wants to let this guy take the test or not."

After a short wait, the guard returned and whispered something to his companion.

Nodding as though he understood, the guard said to Adrian, "You may enter inside," and opened the gate. 

A man approached from within, appearing to be a member of the Nardino Knights, sweat glistening on his body as if he had just completed a rigorous training session. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties.

Upon reaching Adrian, the man turned to the guard and asked, "Is he the guy who wanted to take the test?"

"Yes, sir," the guards replied with salutes.

"Follow me, kid. I'll take you to where the test is held," the man said.


(A/N) - thanks for reading. ^..^)